Survivors discovered their true power

It's just me or the gens are flying like hell in every single match? Survivors don't heal anymore and just hold M1 on gens separatadely to get the BPS from the envelopes. They don't care if they're gonna die for that, they just need to push the gens ASAP.
And I can't even play survivor cause I get hit from 6 meters alway.
Because gens are all a survivor has right now, they can't really do anything else.
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The number of Prove Thyself gamers increases significantly during events like these, and with the relative rarity of the event toolboxes in the blood web, I think a lot of players are desperate to get as many points as quickly as possible in an effort to spawn as many event items as possible.
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Just slap on NOED. They wanna ignore everything and just slam gens, punish them
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Survivors could literally gen rush every match if they like to. Now they are doing it cuz of the points. As long they are not interested in doing bones it is hard to prevent them from riding ur gens :D
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It' pretty funny because you are half true.
When I play killer, even something like Legion, you can be certain that every god damn surivor will heal all the time, but when I play survivor, even with a medic Claudette with We'll make it, Herbalism and a empathy, NOT A SINGLE survivor will let me heal them, prefering staying stuck on the gen.
I got titled pretty hard the other day when I lost a game with that Claudette set up to a Clown, just because NOBODY wanted to let me heal them. It was insane!
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Considering that hits are completely broken I'd say they're already being punished. That's probably half the reason they're trying to slam gens.
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I think it's more like a lot of survivors that were in red rank fell out of red rank due to emblem bugs and the hits. This leaves the good survivors in red ranks, while those that used to be in red ranks fell to where they probably should be in terms of overall skill. However, they're still better at doing gens than the survivors at those ranks (that's how they got into red ranks).
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Remember when we had a good combo to slowdown gens?
Something that gave survivors an incentive to do something else than gens.
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I mean that's good. You'll learn the game faster that way, if you are winning because they are not doing that then I mean you're matches are too easy.
You have to get them off gens by any means necessary. Ruin, pop, corrupt, mobile killers, slugging, whatever it takes.
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But the truth to the majority of the killer roster is that if survivors simply stick to gens and are half decent at looping, you can't do nothing about it. It's not a matter of skill.
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Exactly. The only killer I'm having fun playing right now is Freddy with DH and Undying. Survivors are so adamant sticking to gens that I'm getting DH value every game
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Probably because they just want to leave the matches as soon as possible... which is why queue times are much faster than normal for Survivor. The matches are going quicker and less people want to play
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I noticed that too, my killer queues used to be instant, now they're taking 5-10 minutes. Meanwhile my survivor queue it's exactly the opposite used to take a while now it's instant.
The only good thing about this patch is that I need to study and DbD was too much of a distraction, now I don't even want to play cause it is frustrating on both sides
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Built to last, streetwise, prove thyself, a commodious plus speed and a bnp/an engineers with double charges will just blast through gens like mad
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@Tsulan ah, could you imagine the rage If old ruin could be paired with undying? That'd be absolutely perfect right now.
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Complaining about gen rush on 4.5.0 is just something else...
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Thank you for your thoughtful input, very wise
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This content has been removed.
My input is: play survivor with this horrible patch then come back and try to elaborate why complaining about genrush in this patch is just petty
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I suggest that you read the post and not only the title before replying. I said in the post that playing survivor is horrible right now.
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Then if you know already that playing survivor right now is impossible and you either genrush like there's no tomorrow or you dc because no matter what you do you'll get hit, why you ask that question? Are survivors supposed to both lose and get frustrated to hits?
This is literally the easiest patch a killer could ever ask. Enjoy till it lasts and don't complain when there's nothing to complain about
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You mean the perk combo that was useless against the teams that you needed it against, yet amazing against the solo queue players that are going to struggle against it? (Just like old Ruin?) Yeah, no, that stuff kinda needed to be changed. There's still other great slowdown perks in the game, like Sloppy+Thana, Corrupt+Pop, Surge has been seeing more value recently, and Ruin+Surveillance with another Hex Perk is still strong.
My point is, there's still a ton of gen slowdown in the game right now. Ruin+Undying wasn't the end all, be all of slowdown perk combos.
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Ok buddy, yeah you're right. People shouldn't speak what they want cause you don't like it.
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you just contradicted yourself without realizing it me thinks.
but if they're doing that then try noed, devour, or see if ruin/undying is good against some of them if they stay lazy as long as you shoot hem off those gens and don't expect it to do the work for you
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I tried ruin + Undying for some matches, but the moment survivors realize that there's ruin in play they just become aware of their surrounding and end up spotting the totens on the way to another gens. It's too much of a gamble.
On the other side, I'm having a blast with DH + Undying, getting value every match.
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Yeah, when people complained about the Undying Ruin, i always thought, that the old Ruin would have ruined their day/week/month.
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All gen slowdown perks (no exceptions) are weak af. Imagine them being as strong as survivor perks.
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Hm I wonder if it is because survivors are being hit from 10 meters away and the emblems are broken so you 99% of the time will just depip, and the only thing worth doing right now as survivor is getting the extra bloodpoints.... I wonder.
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"good survivors at red ranks", you say the ones who aren't playing so they stayed at reds? You can escape and still double depip. It has nothing to do with skill right now, but with luck in a broken system.
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In my experience, most survivors will want to finish a gen their on before getting healed, especially if Ruin or Pop are in play. But once the gen is done, they're fine with getting healed. It's mostly a tactical choice to avoid gen regression, or even losing that gen entirely if the Killer decides to stick close and keep people from finishing it.
If they don't want to get healed after that, it may be partly who the Killer is, the team is really far behind on gens v. hooks, or something else. Not saying that decision is always correct, but especially with even M1 hits connecting through obstacles, healing does seem more like a waste of time right now.
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What do you want then? Getting hits from coldwind realm to azarovs and 0 gens done?
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U must've had some insane bad luck to depip -2. I've managed to remain in red ranks and the quality of survivors has definitely gone up depending on rank.
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Not that insane bad luck, if you search on the forums you'll find people reporting the same thing
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Then the logic is sound right? If your red rank and playing right now then you probably belong in red ranks. If you happen to not have been playing than started playing you probably won't be in red ranks for long, unless you belong there.
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That's why i run blood echo with many killers.. when they realize i have that perk they start caring about healing otherwise they are severely punished 😂
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No, because you can depip even if you escape, because the unbroken emblem is broken.
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thank you for truly using your brain lmao
game is blatantly one-sided right now, no denying it, and some will still find a reason to complain. big yikes
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I haven't noticed anything different. But yeah, games can go very fast if survivors actually play well and make an effort to optimize objectives. Sad that it's notable when it happens.
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Please don't stoop that low. We aren't animals.
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I'm not usually a gen smasher but if I put on an envelope I want my points. Maybe not the best designed event in terms of gameplay... but "designed" and "event" are exaggerations too ig
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Which means the people who are managing to stay in red ranks in spite of all that are really good.
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Or just have good luck, since the depip is a hit or miss. You sometimes pip without escaping, and sometimes depip when you escape. You will also depip on the loading if someone dcs.
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Most ppl have around average luck. Everyone can be equally effected by desync and the emblem bug. Therefore, most of those that remain in the lower ranks are probably better than those that aren't.
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Just do bones. Easiest way to counter noed
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If you rather work on a 10% gen (ruine or not) rather than getting healed, ESPECIALLY when you see the "We'll make it" perk is active, then you are doing it wrong, VERY wrong. Doubly so if you can see that basically the whole team is already wounded and facing a killer that is as close to be a M1 killer as it gets.
Also it seems that most survivor have forgotten the very basic trick that consist of 99% a gen then let the other working with you on it heal you to THEN finish the gen, this sending the loud notification of your current position to the killer AFTER you are done taking some time to heal rather than before.
The worst part? A LOT of thos people also rather self care (probably to get some BP) rather than let other do the job for them, which is just... mindblowingly bad and show one again how extremely bad the majority of the survivor player base is.
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I play NOED on EVERY killer for this reason... Even Nurse. Slam gens, I got something for ya dawg lol.
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Sadly Noed isn't nearly reliable enough to really counter gen rush at all, they still can just stumble on the totem on their way to the door (SO MANY totems are still just out in the open, it's not even funny at this point) or they'll just rush out the door before you had the time to do anything, and your noed will have at best forced them to leave behind a hooked survivor rather than mount up the usual rescu operation.
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Survivors don't want to interact with the killer at all right now. I've had survivors who don't bother to run away after I hit them, they just stand there and point at the gen.
Why does the killer even exist?
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Why we are here? Just to suffer...
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Because there's literally no point in trying to do anything else. We get hit from a mile away so there's not even a point to healing. Just gen rush and get out as fast as possible.