Chucky in Dead by Daylight (Part 2)

Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

Hello, not long ago I talked about how it could be a hypothetical FOV for Chucky in Dead by Daylight since now it is a slasher icon suitable for this game and something that may be new that we are not used to.

Now I made FOV comparisons of the survivor's camera as he would hypothetically face Chucky in Dead by Daylight. I also calculated Chucky's height and it is at least 70-74 cm, while Victor's is speculated to be 60-70 cm, a bit shorter than Chucky.

FOV Pallets.

This is hypothetical, but lately Blight and The Twins, break the Pallets and Breakable Doors with their Weapons. It can be the same case as with Chucky, he can break a Pallet with his Weapon, or he can break it with kicks, since he retains the strength of Charles Lee Ray and has been seen in movies struggling with the victims of he.

FOV Windows.

The same can happen with Victor, it may be a major disadvantage not being able to see the windows well or where the survivors can go, but I am sure that he could have an FOV identical to that of Blight.

Red Light.

Obviously if it gets to be in Dead by Daylight, it will have advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage of him is that his Red Light is greater than that of the rest of Killers. Its advantages may be very small so that survivors do not realize that it is hanging around, another option would be to have a Low Terror Radius of 16 or 24 meters to sneak up on it but maybe 32 meters. Regarding the photo, imagine that this is how it looked in front of a Pallet and that its Red Light reached the metal bar that is on the floor as an Example.


For Chucky to work, he could carry the survivors by dragging or force them to hang himself, to hang himself permanently, it could be 3 options.

1. The Entity is summoned to the hook to hang the survivor himself.

2. The Hook lowers when Chucky is 4 meters from the hook, hangs it and the hook rises to its original position.

3. The Survivor hangs himself.

What do you think?


  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Would be a 4th straight DLC pass šŸ‘šŸ»

  • LordVoidron
    LordVoidron Member Posts: 152

    the thing with Victor and Charlette is it used the main idea people had for chucky (leaving dolls that reveal survivor locations, which i guess kinda shows that devs listened to the community's killer ideas) its just they also gave victor an attacking ability (which is kinda what makes victor busted). While the devs have no reason to not add chucky due to his height, the problem becomes what the killer power is.

  • I_am_Negan
    I_am_Negan Member Posts: 3,755

    Another version of the twins


  • golubushka08
    golubushka08 Member Posts: 78

    The killer's power should be jumping LOL. I think you should have an ideea for his power too, the rest it's interesting ;)

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    Yes, it is quite complex to give him a power, if in his movie the only thing he has done is to be stealthy, but it would be boring to have another killer stalker, knowing the developers I thought that the power of Pyramid Head would be something similar to Freddy, maybe he thinks in one when I do the continuation.

  • golubushka08
    golubushka08 Member Posts: 78

    It's really great the work you did to show us how it will be. I hope your idea gets to the devs and maybe they will think about it for the next chapters. Me personally I like it.

  • Healthore77992
    Healthore77992 Member Posts: 570

    Chucky is a bit taller than Victor, he could have POV like the Blight, plus on the images you posted (post before this) he can easily see across the window and pallets, and he has a real power to work with, which is also a bonus.

  • Jarol
    Jarol Member Posts: 1,985

    Yes, with pleasure, I have always seen the Child's Play movies and with the power of the dolls around the map it reminded me of the 3 Chuckys in Cult of Chucky, also that jumping on a survivor reminded me when I jump on Andy and Kyle in Child's Play 2, I think that would be a good power.