Wifi/Bad connection players

This is mostly towards people who are playing on wifi/console. I am pretty tired of having my team mates get DC'd mid match because they're trying to play on wifi. On top of that, I am tired of getting incredibly unfair hits against killers(mostly console Killers) using wifi.

Unless someone can think of a better solution, I genuinely believe if your ping goes higher than a certain threshold, you should be kicked off the server(IN THE LOBBY) and forced to Re-queue in order to find a better server for you or until you fix your internet.


  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Sooooo, soft ban half the player base?

    Ping as the killer doesn't have near as much of an effect as ping as a survivor. Bad hits are mainly because of desync and server latency.

    Also, people are being randomly disconnected is because of an issue that has actually persisted on console for quite some time now.

  • TerrorTrooper
    TerrorTrooper Member Posts: 94

    Instead of that, they should bottleneck pc players or what ever term means reducing specs of a high end computer to match fps for other platforms. But kicking out a large player base because of there connection will kill the game very quick. 🤣

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    Unless someone can think of a better solution, I genuinely believe if your ping goes higher than a certain threshold, you should be kicked off the server(IN THE LOBBY) and forced to Re-queue in order to find a better server for you or until you fix your internet.

    Nope. This wouldn’t be fair for players like me when it’s BHVR’s fault. I’ll just copy and paste my comment from another post...


    I have great internet connection as you can see and I play with a wired connection but I always have very high pings (130+ms) and it’s all BHVR’s fault. And it’s not just me but everyone in my region (West Asia). For some reason BHVR thought it would be a good idea to have all the servers in Asia be located in the East. Asia is a huge continent, instead of having a server in West Asia and East Asia like the US has US West and US East servers they decided on East Asia only and have 0 servers in West Asia, not even 1 which is really all we need. 

    That’s why I sometimes get connected to East Asia servers and sometimes Europe, I play with people from Russia, France, Spain, US, Malaysia, Thailand, China, Singapore, Australia, Norway, Sweden. All over the world :)

  • NeonFlowerPower
    NeonFlowerPower Member Posts: 135

    The hits I'm talking about have been happening long before 4.5.0. Some of yall really need to stop assuming things.

    The killer's ping has far more of an effect than a survivor's ping. If a survivor's ping is bad, they will get hit regardless. If a Killer's ping is bad, EVERYONE gets hit regardless. It has always been this way and always will be this way.

    Why is it always the killer mains trying to defend their side so damn hard? Like bruh, we just want fun matches where we don't get ######### over.

    Then you are on the wrong server or something, because my internet is around 20 Mbps download speed and I am always below 100 ping with the rare occasion of being put on a bad server.

  • Yes absolutely, kick everyone from the game because BHVR's servers are messed up 🤣

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    I have about 50% more time on survivor than I do on killer. It's annoying for people who play both sides to see accounts with under 100 posts come on and essentially repost a topic for the 100th time. Bad killer ping is going to take away your hit because of the hit detection software being implemented; bad survivor ping will get you hit because the game detects your character much farther back than you actually are. Bad hits right now are a result of server desync, as I already said. There is no avoiding terrible hit detection until 4.5.2, coming most likely next week or the following week.


  • Skaels
    Skaels Member Posts: 92
    edited February 2021

    First off, people laughing at you and saying :

    don't understand common networking or how online games handle input, buffering and display. The DBD servers matter of course but that doesn't mean suddenly the player connection means nothing. Before you write a half baked comment consider in your mind what a server connection is. Do you just connect to a game via magic and have it sent to you all on DBD's end? No. You connect via the internet highway via nodes, to a remote server hosted by DBD. The connection requires the nodes between you and the server are operational and not dropping packets. The speed of the connection can be changed based on physical location and quality of the lines. The server ran by DBD handles as the relay between all the other PCs connected and does require more effort but if you as a player have a bad connection to the server, this could be anywhere in the path between you and the central server, if there's an issue, you will lag. If you are running wifi, you will have consistency issues and likely be overall slower. The packets with info on what the game state is will cause rubber banding for you, and for everyone else you might run in place or be in a position not indicated by the visual representation of your character. Now for those who play from far away, the distance creates a higher ms response time to the server and slows down the time you update to the DBD servers which redistribute your info to everyone else. In both of these instances it is not "DBDs fault LUL".

    I 100% agree, dodge lobbies if you check their steam profile and it says the wrong continent. It's insane to punish a playerbase because a few people far away from the servers want to play. It's not fair for the people in random countries either btw but you're impacting fewer people this way. This is why Blizz region locked OverWatch on release, it hurts the game.

    Unfortunately wifi isn't going to be caught by a ping system. Normally the problem with wifi is not ping, it is consistency. You will see a wifi/console user with decent ping, suddenly spike to 100+ randomly.

    This is not an easy fix, most games face these problems, especially fighting games. I'm not sure if the game looks for people in your region first, that would be a first step. Once the game starts there's not much you can do. I remember blocking a lot of people back in the day to avoid these situations.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649

    Then you are on the wrong server or something, because my internet is around 20 Mbps download speed and I am always below 100 ping with the rare occasion of being put on a bad server.

    Did you even read my post?? BHVR did not install a server for us in West Asia that's why the game connects me to random servers and that's why me and a lot of others in my position have high pings!! I've posted a screenshot of my internet speed so my internet is not the problem here. My ping only in this game is very high because we don't have a server so blame the devs if we get connected to the "wrong" servers, not the players. They're not giving us a server.

  • NeonFlowerPower
    NeonFlowerPower Member Posts: 135

    Bumping this up because it needs to be addressed badly with console players. They continue to get DC'd mid match and ruining on-going games. They are also constantly going AFK once we load in and not playing the match recently. Please either turn off crossplay or do something about the insane amount of wifi gamers.

    Buddy, this is YOUR problem. You are ruining everyone else's experience for deciding to play on terrible ping like that. You should not be playing this game if your ping is consistently that high and causing everyone's matches to either be ruined, unfun, or unfair.

  • stargazer9
    stargazer9 Member Posts: 649
    edited March 2021

    PC players also DC mid match. And console players go afk? I play on PC as you already know and I personally haven’t experienced console players going afk. How about you turn off crossplay yourself and stop complaining and whining?

    And no, it’s not my problem. It’s BHVR’s problem for not providing us with a server, buddy.