Should Decisive Strike really get nerfed?

ExalyThor Member Posts: 67

I haven't played survivor in a long time but got to do so today. Played like 8 matches so far. I had the opportunity to use DS just once. But it was a very satisfying one. I was on my dying hook, fully infected and there were 2 gens left with 3 people alive. Got to use the DS literally last second and managed to run away. The game ended with a 2K for the killer and me living to tell the story. The rush it gave me felt awesome. Tapping a generator or picking someone up from the ground mid chase shouldn't take away this feeling. It being used 1/8 matches with the perk wasting a slot in the other 7 is not strong imo. Just like ruin. It can be cleansed in the first 20 seconds or be a pita the whole match. I play killer more than survivor btw, this is not a biased entitled survivor making the poll.

Should Decisive Strike really get nerfed? 158 votes

No, this perk can be played around
NovaGHERBEARRULESLuixmiRullisiTaigawigMattie_MayhemOGIronWillHannonRanger_939cynicalSheepOfGodPopy6978Kill_Yr_Idol83odraSmoxie7RizerluzibratnikkimNaz 36 votes
No, this perk helps me with Save The Best For Bast or Dark Devotion
ExalyThoredgyjmmNeRacconBluzacyFausto1112 5 votes
Yes, it is too strong
MandyMoonlight616SnakeSound222SnapshotGibberishAdelooZagridBlueberrySasukeKunKaanaMiriamGTapeKnotDimekZoomZoomKaWaow[Deleted User]Dream_WhisperTragicSolitudeToxicity23RaptorrotasLeonardo1ita 117 votes


  • ExalyThor
    ExalyThor Member Posts: 67
    No, this perk helps me with Save The Best For Bast or Dark Devotion

    I feel you guys are a little too biased (also proof I'm a killer main)...

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,822
    Yes, it is too strong

    It's not so much that it's too strong, IMO, as that it's vulnerable to being exploited. The changes they've outlined would close some of the opportunities to exploit it while still letting people use it to counter tunneling.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583
    Yes, it is too strong

    No perk in the game should allow a Survivor to get away with absolutely any action without the Killer at risk of a 5-second stun in reprisal.

  • CryptFriend
    CryptFriend Member Posts: 416

    Nerf? No.

    Rework? Yes.

  • ExalyThor
    ExalyThor Member Posts: 67
    No, this perk helps me with Save The Best For Bast or Dark Devotion

    But you can slug. No need to pick them up right away. A particularly strong counter to it is infectious fright, especially if coupled with monitor and abuse.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814
    Yes, it is too strong

    It literally gives people free saves, heals, totems and gen time that the killer can do nothing about because if they try they get a 5-second stun.

    It seems to me like you're just a nice person that doesn't abuse it.

  • Healthore77992
    Healthore77992 Member Posts: 570
    Yes, it is too strong

    Absolutely,the most broken perk along with ooo atm

  • odra
    odra Member Posts: 369
    No, this perk can be played around

    this is the reason i dont use DS on my survivor build simply because only activated 1 time in 8-10 matches. not worthed it, if combined with UB waste 2 precious perks slot. thats why running other perks do better for me

  • Alionis
    Alionis Member Posts: 1,024
    Yes, it is too strong

    I've never once run it in the 4.5 years I've played this game with the exception of the one trial it took me to get Adept Laurie, and even then I didn't activate it. I find it the most despicable perk there is in the game and refuse to use it. I'm all for nerfing it.

    Nevermind that it's basically 60 seconds of complete immunity at this point and activates even when the killer clearly wasn't tunnelling.

  • Rothlon
    Rothlon Member Posts: 18
    Yes, it is too strong

    I'm a survivor main and don't use it, but it is a good perk, I do like they change they talked about, the only thing I would change is give a 5 second time after getting unhooked that a player healing you won't remove it, because I know those players who try to heal you and get you stuck after getting unhook as the killer is on their way

  • NOEDaddy
    NOEDaddy Member Posts: 93
    No, this perk can be played around

    I don’t think it needs any change. If you’re a good killer, you’re gonna know better than tunneling players and if someone’s abusing it, you can outsmart them. End of story.

  • Luixmi
    Luixmi Member Posts: 24
    No, this perk can be played around

    seriously, is this advantage too strong? A buff that can only be used once in a game at a specific time, with a time to use it, with a skill check, and only used if you tunnel me? They say that repairing injured is toxic. Ok, what counter attack do I do for legion? to the plague? If you have to repair with injuries. What if I can't heal? Do I hide for 1 minute or do I cancel the benefit? I would understand these changes if this way of playing was penalized,(focus,facecamp) but since it is rewarded to focus on a player and a facecamp ... this is the only perk that defends you in that way of playing. This advantage has a very simple counter attack, without tunnel, without DS.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 747
    Yes, it is too strong

    I do like the way the perk punished decent killers for "Tunneling" when they are not technically Tunneling! Especially when they can easily used the 60 seconds safety net to progress the Generator repair/totems, go for risky saves and plays in front of the Killer's face; especially in SWF teams with Stacking DS and many second chances perks like Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, etc.

    These perk changes will now add a downside in which you cannot rely on it to win the game as quickly or as efficiently! Which in turn helps average killers play well; unless of course, they are straight up Tunneling you and not pressuring the other Survivors besides you!

    I do not understand why Survivors Mains are defending such a strongest Second Chance Perk in the game! Especially when most of our meta killer perks have been nerf down!

    (I played both sides equally, more towards Killer; as long Solo Survivor Queue times exist)

  • RoboMojo
    RoboMojo Member Posts: 1,326

    I don't really identify with any of the options. I think the change is problematic, but not because I'm just mad that a good perk is being nerfed. I have a problem with the change because it perpetuates the Behaviour classic of putting solutions to the game's problems in the form of perks. It's less problematic when the characters who have said perks are free e.g. Bill having BT which kind of counters Camping and tunnelling. However it starts to become a serious problem when the characters housing said perks are DLC. While the non-licensed DLC characters are technically "free" they still require a massive time sink to buy with shards because the game is far from generous when it comes to shards. However, It's particularly egregious with licensed characters because you have no choice but to cough up some cash or just pray to RNGesus that the perk you want will be in the shrine. DS, as you know, is one of Laurie's perks. So if I'm coughing up money then I'm expecting a quality product. DS as it is currently is undeniably too strong, but I think it needed a complete rework and not just gutting it. When it gets changed it will be purely anti-tunnel which means it'll do nothing else. If you don't get tunnelled it does nothing. Current DS is inarguably too oppressive but at least it allows the user to get semi-consistent use out of it if you played aggressively. Once the change comes, unless you're a really unlucky person, DS will do nothing in probably half your games. Perhaps even more than half. I think Behaviour are making a mistake in just nerfing it, they need to rework it entirely and add some sort of base-kit anti-tunnelling effect. Even if the base anti-tunnelling effect was super weak and only helped against tunnelling half the time it would still be better than running a DLC perk from a licensed character which will often be useless.

  • Senyor_Yiff
    Senyor_Yiff Member Posts: 16
    Yes, it is too strong

    The problem with the perk isn't that too strong, but rather that it's too exploitable and over-used by some as means of invulnerability rather than anti-tunneling. The new nerf for DS still serves the same purpose it was originally intended to: prevent tunneling. If you have time to work on a gen or totem, you aren't exactly being tunneled, even more-so if another survivor gets downed and hooked during that time. With this however I do agree that part of DS's nerf could be altered; when active, the survivor should have to perform an action for a certain amount of time for DS to deactivate, as I can see some survivors touching a gen for a split second and potentially deactivating it when they are being tunneled.

  • Danoobiel
    Danoobiel Member Posts: 132
    Yes, it is too strong

    It's too reliable.

    The duration is too high.

    It shouldn't work on grabs.

  • ExalyThor
    ExalyThor Member Posts: 67
    No, this perk helps me with Save The Best For Bast or Dark Devotion

    BT means more stacks for stbfl. Infectious fright allows you to slug the survivor with DS and go for another survivors. I know ranks don't really show skill up to a limit, but I wouldn't have reached red ranks this season if I was to eat DSs. You guys talk like you must eat the DS. I find part of being a skillful killer is successfully denying survivors to use it.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455
    Yes, it is too strong

    Not too strong but just idiotic. It should just be a anti tunneling perk so good change.

  • ShamelessPigMain
    ShamelessPigMain Member Posts: 1,877
    edited February 2021
    No, this perk can be played around

    It's a tough question; people like to complain about how DS can be "abused," but that relies on the assumption that it's an anti-tunnel perk, which it is not. If anything, getting decisive striked will encourage tunneling, for now you know that they don't have it anymore.

    With that in mind, I don't think that there is anything gamebreakingly strong about DS; it's a one-time activation perk that can be countered by slugging, or just going for another survivor, which is perfectly in line for its second chance capabilities. Hell, you can go an entire match without having it even proc. 5 seconds is a bit long for a stun, but consider that even though it can ruin your momentum, any decent killer can chase them down and then down them again. Better than that, don't pick up recently hooked survivors.

    However, the issue is that DS is stronger than many of its peers; it's as ubiquitous as BBQ and Chili, which makes it plain uninteresting. I would love to see people using power struggle instead of DS, mostly because it's so much more creative; you feel genuinely outplayed, since picking up DS left and right makes it feel "cheap." However, it's just not as reliable as DS, and so it won't be seen nearly as often. The same thing applies with flip flop vs. unbreakable. Getting up through flip-flop feels like an outplay, while unbreakable feels "cheap," even though the killers have to go out of their way to allow unbreakable by slugging.

    This gets to the issue of meta perks getting on peoples' nerves because they feel "cheap", which then causes them to rationalize some sort of inane drivel of an excuse why X should be nerfed into the ground. That's generally why I believe all perks should be made equal; more diversity means that you can't call everything cheap.

    This is coming from a killer main, by the way. For my personal view, I don't like DS, but I'm fine with it.

  • ExalyThor
    ExalyThor Member Posts: 67
    No, this perk helps me with Save The Best For Bast or Dark Devotion

    Lmao nobody voted my troll/niche category

  • ExalyThor
    ExalyThor Member Posts: 67
    No, this perk helps me with Save The Best For Bast or Dark Devotion

    well, the tome basically calls to abuse ds :P

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95
    No, this perk can be played around

    It's fine the way it is... considering it's an anti-toxic killer perk... once it's changed watch how many people cry about being tunneled again and that there's no counter play to it other than hoping some random is using BT in solo queue.

    It's going to be a disaster once they make the change...

  • MrScopesMan99
    MrScopesMan99 Member Posts: 15
    Yes, it is too strong

    the main problem with ds is that it can be abused in ways where it's not even an anti-tunnel perk. and to top it off, all 4 survivors can use it in a match. the perk alone also demands respect to killers when theres an obsession in the team. as a killer, you dont know if one person has it or the whole team.

  • cynical
    cynical Member Posts: 19
    No, this perk can be played around

    Even after the planned rework, the killer can just slug you for the minute the perk lasts. I use DS like 1/20 games I play as a survivor and I honestly can't remember when I've last gotten to use it just because I got slugged. I know the reason they're nerfing it because some survivor mains "abuse" it by getting in the killer's face/having Unbreakable and otherwise just being a nuisance but I believe that nerfing the perk isn't the correct way to go around this but rather figuring out how to punish the playstyle. Idrk tho, haven't played the game in high ranks for a while since I've been ######### around too much.

  • No, this perk can be played around

    I don't really care for it as a killer main, I usually get 1 or 2 people with DS every once and a while but even then it's not a problem. If it was like a full team with DS every 2 games then I'd hate it but I'm really fine with how it ks.

  • Monlyth
    Monlyth Member Posts: 982
    Yes, it is too strong

    I approve of Decisive Strike as an anti-tunnel perk, but I hate seeing it used as a 60-second invincibility buff, where survivors can make stupid plays like repairing a gen or unhooking right in front of the Killer and not get punished for it. I eagerly await the patch where this change goes through.

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017
    edited February 2021
    Yes, it is too strong

    DS cannot be played around because there are many people that run it with Unbreakable in purple-red ranks, so slugging wouldn't work sometimes. Anyone who has played DbD for a good while now should know this. If you wanna use STBFL or Dark Devotion but also have the ability to create new obsessions, run Nemesis if you have the Oni, or Furtive Chase if you have Ghostface (Nemesis is better IMO).

  • Naz
    Naz Member Posts: 122
    No, this perk can be played around

    I don't pick up survivors fast enough to be bothered with this. I'm for a rework if that's what people want. Power to the people. 😀

  • ExalyThor
    ExalyThor Member Posts: 67
    No, this perk helps me with Save The Best For Bast or Dark Devotion

    IDK a bigger counter to DS than nerfing it would be being able to choose killers in the lobby again.

  • BasementDweller
    BasementDweller Member Posts: 465
    Yes, it is too strong

    Being able to change killers in a lobby isn't a "counter" to DS.