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Who is worth buying? (Yui vs Kate)

I'm pretty picky and i have an option to buy one character. I'm aiming to Yui and Kate.

The perks of both are interesting.

There is a lot of popularity around Kate for some reason compared to Yui.

Please share your opinion about who is worth buying first.

Whether it's from an appearance and how fun it is to play with them etc.

Thank you 🙂

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  • Member Posts: 4,531

    I personally like Kate and her perks more than Yui, so if I were in your shoes I'd buy her.

  • Member Posts: 11,534


  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Kate. Windows is criminally underrated

  • Member Posts: 153

    I’d say Kate too. Windows is a better perk than what Yui has.

    But Kate’s Windows of Opportunity plus Yui’s Any Means Necessary is just value town!

  • My pick is Kate

  • Member Posts: 14,916

    i would say Kate.

    She is one of the quietest characters and has many great cosmetics.

    Windows can be a very useful perk, and Dance With me can also be fun (combo with Lithe and Quick And Quiet)

  • Member Posts: 68

    I have both of them but I’m main Kate :) mainly cause I feel like I resemble her more lol

  • Member Posts: 638

    Kate, if you want better perks and cosmetics.

    Yui, if you want to complete the tome.

    I personally suggest Yui because I’m biased.

  • Member Posts: 1,221

    I'd definitely have to go with Kate & here's why:

    • Perks: Her perks honestly aren't that bad & I'm loving 2 of them in my vault build which consists of Windows of Opportunity + Dance w/ Me + Lithe + Quick & Quiet. They're both useful in chase & actually work more than not in my experience. Though I will say, Boil Over is trash considering no killer over rank 12 falls for it.
    • Cosmetics: I don't know if you're into buying cosmetics, but if you are, Kate definitely has the better ones. She has a variety of styles imo compared to Yui who's outfits all look the same in one factor or more.

    The only worthy thing I think Yui has that Kate doesn't is her perk Breakout. This is an amazing perk for sabo-altruistic builds. Either way, you're getting more bang for your buck with Kate.

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    But from my heart, I'd pick Yui, because Kate players tend to be immersive trash bots from my experience

    Ok,that made laugh 🤣

  • Member Posts: 399

    Yui for the sole fact that pulling off a Breakout-Sabo play is so satisfactory. Also, I just think she looks cooler.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Kate. Yui looks like Nea and Meg had a baby.

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    Honestly neither. Their perks are pretty bad.

  • Member Posts: 372

    I stan yui, but kate does just have way more skins

  • Member Posts: 1,516

    Kate best girl. Enough said.

  • Member Posts: 1,568

    Well, Yui has a rift challenges now, so you probably better get her first if it matters.

  • Member Posts: 1,624
    edited February 2021

    Neither. I would get them for free using Shards. Don't buy original characters save your money for licensed content.

    Between the two Kate is better. She is prettier, sexier and her perks aren't junk. Dance With Me and WOO are actually decent perks. Yui's perks are all junk and her fashion sense is terrible. If Lucky Break ever gets buffed maybe it'd be nice. AMN is a joke perk more than anything and is usually something you only run if you're doing Killer Stun quests and even then it's not that useful.

  • Member Posts: 375

    I have both, also like both. Both have rather playful perks. 

    Yui is just a really cool lady and so I would take her, especially because you need her for the current rift.

    It's just stupid when you play against the Doctor and she screams all the time... her voice sometimes has a nasty frequency.

  • Member Posts: 1,448

    Funny thing : Yui's perk "Any Means Necessary" is crazy good with Kate's perk "Windows of Opportunity" ;)

  • Member Posts: 41

    Personally, I’d buy both. As I like to have every character unlocked. But Yui is my favourite female survivor. So she’ll always get my pick.

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    I would recommend Kate for obvious reasons. She's the hottest survivor on the entire roster, and Windows of Opportunity is such a very underrated perk.

  • Member Posts: 957

    Kate because


  • Member Posts: 1,201

    Any means necessary is the only viable perk of both characters but as a runner yui just aesthetically fits the role imo.

    That being said, windows of opportunity is the best perk to run with any means necessary and Kate is much quieter than yui so you won't need to run iron will.

    So kate.

  • Member Posts: 273
    edited February 2021

    In terms of cosmetics I would go Kate all the way.

    In terms of perks, I would go with Yui but its not as clear cut.

    Kate has Windows of Opportunity which is good, but she also has Boil Over which is considered one of the worst. Dance With Me needs to be paired with at least Lithe and Quick and Quiet to shine.

    Yui has Any Means Necessary, which can range from being useless to giving massive value. Breakout is great in a swf, less so in solo but still usable. Lucky Break needs to be paired with just Iron Will to shine imo.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    I switched from being a Meg Main to being a Kate Main. She is pretty (i know it has nothing to with gameplay).

    But yeah, both their Perks are pretty trash.

    Kates Windows of Opportunity can be very helpful, Dance with me is only decent if combined with which strengthens it (Lithe, Quick and Quiet) and Boil Over is crap.

    Yui's Any Mean's necessary is also decent and ironically a pretty good combo if combined with Kates "Windows of Opportunity". Lucky Break is imo a wasted Perk slot and Breakout is only decent if combined with a sabo build.

    They 2 have quiet the similarities, but I'd go for Kate. She also has more nice skins. But I like both, but Kate is quite better imo, it comes down to what you prefer more because Kates look and sounds is what made me chose her (big words from someone who is more oriented to the male gender). As a bi, I'd actually date a real life Kate.

  • Member Posts: 550

    If you're only thinking about perks, go for Yui. As much as I love Kate, her perks are all useless garbage. Windows of opportunity is only good if you're new or if you're on an indoor map, and even then it has a really unnecessary cooldown. Dance with me is like lithe in that you don't have that much control over when you use it, and even when you use it to its full potential the benefit is rarely actually effective. Boil Over is just completely and utterly useless, there is never a situation where bringing the perk is worthwhile unless the killer is bad and doesn't move sideways to counter it.

    On the other hand, Yui's perks are pretty decent. Lucky break is situational and only works when you have iron will or you're playing a relatively quiet survivor (Ace, Kate, Cheryl, Zarina) but when it works it is very worth it, The perk also requires you to be going against a killer that actually tracks using blood trails, so using it at low ranks wont get much use. Breakout is pretty similar to lucky break, it only really works with sabo/a toolbox and requires there to be enough distance between the killer and the nearest hook, but when it works the value is pretty big. Any Means necessary is also pretty situational but it's pretty easy to use and gives good value when you get use out of it.

    If you plan on actually playing the survivors outside of getting their perks, I recommend Kate. She's the quietest female survivor in the game when injured, and has pretty good cosmetics for immersion. Yui is really loud and has no blendy cosmetics. In terms of style, both are pretty good choices. Kate's best cosmetics are the mountain climber set, the biker outfit, the ripped pants from her green rarity outfits, and the torsos from the 2006 britney outfit and the awful mangy pigtails outfit. Her default hair recolors are also pretty good and the stuff she's gotten from the rift is also really good if you've bought the rift pass consistently and don't feel like spending extra money. Her default recolors are also pretty good. Kate's outfits are more muted color wise. If you prefer neon outfits, then yui's got you covered. I don't play Yui a whole lot so I can't give a very detailed rundown of her cosmetics like I did kate's but she's got quite a few good outfits and her new rift stuff is also pretty nice.

    Hope all that helped!

  • Member Posts: 283

    Kate. Hands down, Inner Strength and Windows are under valued

  • Member Posts: 1,662

    Yui simply because of Any Means Necessary. It's definitely not a meta perk, but it's a nice perk to have and gives you boldness points.

    For me, being able to reset pallets is just awesome.

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