Looking for people to SWF with
So I have around 3,000 hours on Xbox and around 750 hours on pc. I primarily play on pc and like to play as survivor more but unfortunately I’ve been getting bad teammates that are way out of my rank like in the photo below. I don’t care for rank but would rather prefer a game where I could communicate. I normally run a good chase and I wouldn’t mind meeting new people. I had a go to SWF group back in the past but Ino longer speak with them. Feel free to leave your name or friend code and maybe we could SWF sometime!
My steam name is Rain
My steam code is 1107478180
You'll probably have better luck getting teammates in the official DBD discord! :)
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Ruin/undying/pop/thanos.... GAWD, that healing simulation game must have been fun.
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down to play if you wanna I’m normally rank one but there’s a bug right now that’s stopping me from playing since the new update in game id is x_Elle__#1ce1