Competitive DBD game mode idea

hello_hru Member Posts: 44
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Wanted to get your guys thoughts on a competitive DBD game mode that promotes killer/survivor interaction and rewards them for outplaying each other.

Survivors have by default:

  • Team voice chat by default
  • 15s BT
  • 15s DS (once per match as per new DS rules, except DS doesn't run out in chase, and if they're downed while DS is active it'll remain active indefinitely until the killer picks you up)
  • Unlimited Unbreakable (-25% self heal penalty instead of buff)

To slow the game, Survivors suffer the following gen repair speed changes:

  • 1 survivor: 160s
  • 2: 110s
  • 3: 70s
  • 4: 40s

To compensate, lower the number of gens needing to be completed before the exit gates are powered to 4.

Killers will be restricted to 1 gen protection perk in their load-out to put more emphasis on the chase. 

Benefits of this game mode: for survivors to rank up they will need to be able to consistently outplay the killer. With the gen speed slow down, voice chat will be extremely important to coordinate killer and gen locations. It'll be harder to complete your objective by hiding and doing gens across the map since its much more time consuming doing it solo. For killer, this game mode will force killers to chase, down and hook survivors instead of relying purely on slug pressure and tunnelling to remove survivors from the game. The ability to "3-gen" will also be drastically reduced. In short, you'll need to consistently outplay survivors in order to rank up and win games.

As an aside, this will also even out the difference between playing against SWFs and solo survivors as everyone will in effect be in a SWF by default. But this is by necessity, as coordinating survivor positions to counter the increased gen repair times across the board necessitate teamwork in order to efficiently complete them before being forced off gens and into chases.

Negatives of this game mode: gen repair speed might be too much of an issue. Values can be adjusted to compensate, including possibly gen-speed repair buffs when a survivor is killed or dc's early, although I do feel that if a killer has managed to kill a survivor in this game mode they deserve the massive increase in gen pressure this will give. Also solo-repair gens will need to be removed in this game mode in order for this system to be fair.

Side note: As an alternative to the "one gen defence perk" rule, you could instead have killer/survivor restricted perk pools where you can only have one perk from this pool in your build. Predominantly these will be  some strong gen-defence perks but you could then also include perks such as devour or NOED (if they take these, they do so knowing they won't be able to take other gen defence perks in the pool so there's a massive trade off). In addition, the perks in these pools could be changed each "season" to promote some meta diversity amongst both survivors and killers.

Keen for your input. Values can be adjusted as needed in order to ensure the game mode is as balanced as possible.

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • EvilClimax
    EvilClimax Member Posts: 41

    You definetly have never seen an actual comp match Jesus Christ.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Technically it DOES have a non-ranked mode. It is called a "custom" game. You can play them all you want and it has no effect on your Rank. They are great for practice, casual games with friends, and trying out any Perk or Add-on that interests you.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited February 2021

    I think it is "a" solution; whether or not it works for you I don't know. :) It works for me. The truth is that you can get a game together anytime you want. I find that if I want to play there are always enough people I can contact besides my "close" friends for a match. If not a quick call out on Discord will get you people too. Is it ideal? No. Does it work? Yes. My friends list on Steam is pretty extensive based just on people I've played with from the normal Que and there are almost always enough of them online for me to send a shout out.

    In fact, I find custom games more fun than Que games because of the control we all have over everything, i.e. what map, what options, what we agree to put off limits, etc. There is no salt, at least none that we don't all understand is good-natured giving crap to one's friends. And there really isn't any wait time either, beyond just getting the people together in the first place. I'd say I've shifted at least 25% of my games entirely to custom matches of late, and that number may grow.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Let me be direct; you aren't being realistic. There is "no such animal" as a non-ranked mode that has Ques in PvP games. I'm not sure where you got such a notion. PvP games, by their nature, have to have some kind of measure to put the right people up against one another. Thus, there will always be some kind of ranking, whether you see it or not. :) Do you follow?

    Thus, the only way to have a non-ranked game is for YOU and your friends to arrange one. It is never going to be available through a Que or provide you any kind of advancement or BP. These games just aren't designed that way. Dead by Daylight wouldn't, for example, profit from having a non-ranked game because all it would do is dilute the Player base in a way which makes their main Ques LONGER.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    BTW games can be PVP and have non-ranked modes.

    Some games off the top of my head which have ranked and unranked game modes which also find players for you:

    • Halo
    • CoD
    • Hearthstone
    • Gears of War

    Pretty much all of the big games in fact.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Yes, but there is a difference in those games, and I'm sure you know what it is already. DbD is asymmetrical. Again, why would Dead by Daylight profit from a Non-Ranked Que which dilutes their play base creating longer Ques for all involved. So far, they don't even want to break Team off from Solo even though that would be an obvious solution to many of their balance issues. :)

    What you are hoping for isn't going to happen, at least not officially. Unofficially, what do you think you have RIGHT NOW? :) Just playing Devil's Advocate here, but what meaning do you think Rank holds currently? It clearly has no bearing on what Ranks you are fighting against. If I were to guess, right now the only Ranking system is first in, first out. Which would be what you want, right? They are just never going to admit that because this is an asymmetrical game which causes high levels of frustration based on most people's notion of fairness.

    So if you really want to get down and dirty, you ALREADY have a non-ranked version of the game in application, even if officially is "has" Ranks. Hell, they have even said that shortly Rank will have no bearing on the game except to calculate a free BP bonus at the end of the month. I submit it already has no bearing on your matchmaking