Problem with matchmaking right now?

I've waited around 10+mins on both killer and survivor and still can't find a lobby in any of them. Queue times were fine like 30mins ago. Anyone having the same issue?
Yeah I'm watching a streamer right now who just had around a 4 min queue for Killer and now an even longer queue for survivor too. Potentially backend tweaks going on?
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Could be. I would be happy with 4 mins lmao, I'm still waiting.
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Yeah, i waited around 5mins as survivor, switched to killer and also waiting at least 5min right now.
Edit: Gave up the Killer queue after 10mins of waiting now. Might aswell play something else.
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Yeah his current queue (survivor) feels like it must be well over 10 minutes at this point, and he's retried twice.
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Survivor queue is instant for me but since I finished all of the survivor challenges, I wanted to do some killer ones. Gave up after waiting for 10+ min to find a match.
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So.....MMR? Or a bug we are all used to at this point?
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I give up, there's something wrong for sure.
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yeah i haven't been able to find a game for the last 30-40 minutes
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Try turning off crossplay. Apparently it helped some people
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I wait more than 10 minutes as a survivor. I guess the unbroken bug is the problem. Nobody want to lose his rank, so I guess few people are playing now.
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Yeah this seems to be true actually. Found in a couple of mins with it turned off.
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Yes, turning off the Crossplay helped me, too.
Found a game after 1 minute.
Thank you :)