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General Discussions

Who do you main?



  • Member Posts: 1,328

    Right now I main Claudette, Nea, and Zarina for survivors. Wraith and Nurse for killers.

  • Member Posts: 234

    Adam Francis & David Tapp

  • Member Posts: 1,583

    Survivor: Meg Thomas

    Killer: Huntress and Ghostface

  • Member Posts: 438

    Been playing Spirit, but branching put to Oni and Pyramid Head because they seem really fun.

    For Survivor I rotate between Felix, Dwight, Feng, and Lisa (Cheryl). I typically have most fun playing as Lisa because I make healing my team my top priority.

  • Member Posts: 279

    On the Survivors Side: I main Jeff Johannsen and Jake Park

    On the Killers Side: Legion, Pig and Deathslinger

  • Member Posts: 38

    survivor: Nancy Wheeler

    Killer: freddy krueger

  • Member Posts: 6,278

    Clown, Doc, David, Felix.

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    Survivor: Nea

    Killer: Also Nea

  • Member Posts: 2,446
    edited February 2021

    Honestly who you main as Survivor barely matters. They're all pretty much just skins so, just go with whichever one you like the look/sound/lore of the most.

    For Killers, I'll describe the play style of the ones I play the most and why I play them.

    1. Legion. Legion is death by a thousand cuts. Most of your Legion victories won't be decisive or quick. Your game plan is to keep the majority of the Survivors mending or healing while you slowly acquire downs because your power doesn't really help with that. As Legion you are kind of slowly grinding the Survivors into a fine paste. One other upside of them is that pipping and getting BP as them is really easy.
    2. Deathslinger. Deathslinger's play style strongly resembles a glacier. Nothing about what you are doing is fast, but as long as you can aim the Survivors don't really have many options to slow you down either. I usually bust out Deathslinger when I'm sick of getting looped.
    3. The Shape or Michael Myers. Be warned, I've seen exactly zero other players play Myers the way I do. The way I see it, Tier 1 Myers is THE stealthiest killer in the game with no contest. He has Undetectable 100% of the time and can swing without losing it. He is only 105% but that doesn't matter so much when the Survivors don't run away until after they get stabbed. However, frequently near the end of the game being the stealthiest stealth isn't what you need, instead you just need as much power as you can get. That's when I start getting T2 and T3.
    4. Demogorgon. Demodoggo is best boi. Beyond that... this is another one that I play different than anyone else I've seen. Survivors don't exactly like doing generators while sitting on active portals. I can see them, they can't hear me. Corrupt + 4 Active Portals on top of gens = Best gen defense in the game pretty much. This isn't fool proof obviously, but its really hard for the Survivors to break through and I love it.

    Now if you are just starting out on Killer I would recommend Trapper or Billy depending on if you think you'd prefer an offensive or defensive play style. They're both free, not crazy difficult, and have pretty solid teachable perks.

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    Killer: Oni and Blight. I like me s p e e d

    Survivor: Guess.

  • Member Posts: 113

    Survivor: Kate, I have every cosmetic on her

    Killer: Bubba, I've always liked playing him even before the buff, it's a great feeling when you can get 3 or 4 down in a single chainsaw (and no I don't do insidious or basement camping)

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    If your on pc I recommend blight of console probably bubba or something that dosent requires constant frames

  • Member Posts: 1,080

    Meg and Billy. I barely play killer nowadays though

  • Member Posts: 3

    For survivor I main Meg. Just because she was the first survivor I ever played and overall a character I attached to based off her lore. I know most Meg mains are seen as toxic players, I myself am not and would much rather play the game fairly.

    For killer this will definitely make others dislike me but I main Legion (susie). I understand the hate the killer gets, but honestly more often than not I am facing toxic SWF groups and just need that extra bump in my game. Legion as a whole has helped me settle toxic groups down and sometimes put them in their place for a round.

  • Member Posts: 8,814

    I main Zarina and Blight.

  • Member Posts: 2,187

    Survivor: Mostly Yui

    Killer: Huntress

  • Member Posts: 747

    Survivor: Quentin

    Killer: spirit and gunslinger

  • Member Posts: 5

    Survivors: Zarina and Kate

    Killer: Doc and piggy :)

  • Member Posts: 275

    Survivor: Detective Tapp, Felix, and Ace.

    Killer: Spirit, Billy, Deathslinger, and Pig

  • Member Posts: 119

    Survivor: Nancy and Elodie

    Killer: Wraith or Legion.

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