The State of DBD these last days...

lol the entitlement
Some wonky hits and this guy feels cheated, meanwhile he's running around with stretched res and likely doesn't see the irony. Some dbd players are infuriating.
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Some? I barely have OBS open these were from like what a single day, don't you come here and tell us the hitboxes are fine.
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Those are yours? I thought it was just a random YT video.
Oh man I am not surprised you run stretched res. It's funny even now you don't see anything wrong in your post lmao you're literally cheating purposefully and then complaining about a few laggy hits.
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Yeah because using a diff. resolution is cheating. Makes sense.
Fanboys like you are the type who voted "Yes" on the new animation system.
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Only 2 of these are really bad. The rest are just normal latency hits. You're actually pretty lucky compared to the hits I've been hit with after the patch and the clips I've seen.
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What you probably mean is "the rest is normal dbd hits" because clearly most of the hits even before this update, killer's weapon doesn't even reach close to your body. Keep in mind you paid for this :D
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Is this your first online game?
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The state of dbd these days... People stretching their screen to have an advantage.
Hitboxes are a problem yeah but what you are doing just makes it even.
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I love how people on this forum/dbd reddit's are all behaviour fanboys... No wonder you can get rewarded by acting like they're doing a great job.
Me using stretched? What's wrong? What advantage lmao? I play everything under 1054x1080 no idea why it would give me an advantage, I don't like standard 16:9
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Sorry to interject , but as a console player, how does stretched resolution change the game?
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Exactly my point, I don't see where I could get an advantage using 4:3
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Look at the field of view. You can see above/around objects that you wouldn't normally be able to see with streched res. So with shorter killers like pig or freddy they may have a mindgame available at some pallets due to them being hidden, but with stretched res you can see them easier.
Its just more information for survivor that makes them much, much harder to mindgame as killer.
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Just use stretched res as well? I don't see how this is an advantage when everyone can use it lol (sorry console players)
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Ahhh, makes sense. We don't have that option.
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The only thing i see are some strange window hits (that were a thing before the update anyway).
The majority of the hits were out in the open and wouldn't made any difference if the killer had to move a second or maybe two closer to you.
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Thats why i dont play this ######### until they fix it.
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Finally some open minded person.
Post edited by Gcarrara on3 -
Your video did a poor job at demonstrating the survivors frustration with the DeSync issue
Post edited by Gcarrara on6 -
The game ain't that bad. Just don't get caught 👍🏻
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I definetely play survivor and got quite a few BS hits myself (getting hit when i'm miles away from a window,stupid pallet hits etc.) but this video did a poor job at showing the problem because the majority of the shown hits were out in the open anyway.
Post edited by Gcarrara on7 -
Still cleaning his knife, but here you have it
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Just a killer main btw
Everyone except Elodie is full perks too.
I play survivor and the DeSync is definetely a HUGE issue but i just wanted to say that the video did a ratger poor job at demonstrating the issue.That's it.
I'm not saying that it isn't an issue
Post edited by Gcarrara on9 -
The hitboxes are a major pain along with like 20 other bugs since the newest update.
Even before the update i discovered some bug where as a survivor i couldnt interact with a generator and as killer i couldnt kick some generators
Theres a weird bug in the end game score tally where every survivor suddenly loses their hair cosmetic
Theres a bug where the run animation doesnt start after you leave the gates so you just moonwalk into the score screen
Theres a bug where you get way more bloodpoints than you should if you claim a daily reward with the bloodweb open
Theres a bug where people are getting old anniversary items in levels 8 and 16 of the bloodweb
If you use the perk inner strength the walk animation doesnt sync to the increased walking speed so it looks like youre moonwalking around
Theres like 20 nurse bugs that make her unplayable except for the diehard nurse lovers who are willing to work around all of them
Theres a bunch of new infinite loops on maps like springwood and haddonfield
Theres a couple of fat shame spots on some of the swamp maps, not just the bus in autohaven
And then theres the bugs everyone is complaining about ie hitboxes, collision on some map tiles etc etc
Then on top of the balance issues they still need to address like keys, which can spawn in chests btw which is absolute bs, this game is an absolute dumpster fire when you add in things like survivors in post game chat saying they **** on the killers face or killers being salty **** too by camping everyone. The worst was witnessing a red rank oni slug everyone within the first 3 minutes of the game once, which is impressive sure, but the same with gen rushing idk why some people want to finish a match in like 3 minutes like wheres the fun in that? I dont see the fun in trying to humiliate the killer either but thats just me i play both sides pretty evenly but switched to survivor more because killer is stressful AF but now BOTH sides are unplayable!
Theres also a bug in the ranking system so sometimes you dont get any points for hiw long you survived AND some other ranking bug where you get knocked back WAY more ranks on rank reset than you should, i went from rank 8 to 17 overnight and now because of the emblem system bugs i cant pip sometimes when i should have and dont u dare bring up "rank doesnt matter" because it does, the broken matchmaking still tries to put you in lobbies close to your rank and this is an issue because i went from having competent teammates in solo to pure potatoes overnight and now i cant rank up in solo queue to get away from the potatoes because it only depips me for dying but doesnt pip me for surviving!
This game is pure trash at this point.
Ive been playing animal crossing instead the last few days.
My recommendation, get a switch or a 3ds and get animal crossing. Super metroid is also super fun to revisit.
Also to all the haters In Silence IS A FUN GAME
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Well DBD really is a pain to play atm for both sides.
There are so many bugs and the state the hitbox or rather the delay is in even makes it worse. As a killer u get so much ######### from survivors post game how you are apparently abusing hitboxes.
And I mean the devs approach of "we will just push the PTB out in the state it is no matter what ppl say, they'll get used to it" backfired hard this time. Everyone told them its a mess and they wanted it out anyways. But honestly I dont see what hating on them helps at this point.
They hopefully know they really hit the fan this time and need to make changes and fast or they will lose a huge chunk of their playerbase. A lot of killers already quit before this and if this keeps up for like a few weeks DBD might really get into trouble. MIght also be a chance for them to finally listen to the community for once and make some long overdue changes instead of pretending that DBD is in like the best state ever and nothing is wrong. But just going full "devs are #########" at this point really doesnt help imo.
But guess we'll see what happens in the next weeks
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TBF, when you actually come to the conclusion of such, the lead development guy literally answered to a "bug report" a couple years ago with "Go play something else", that sure is the most professional thing I've seen in a couple years yeah.
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So once they fix the dysync bug are you gonna stop using stretched res or...?
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I've always played 4:3, it's allowed it's not a ######### cheat lmao, as stated before, I don't like standard 16:9
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when does the 4.5.2 come out its been like more than 2 weeks or something this feels like the hit validation update im not enjoying playing atm
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Don't even hype about it, it'll break something, perhaps we will be able to fly or some #########