Survivor main or Killer main?

I wouldn't say I'm a devoted survivor-main, but I definitely prefer it a whole lot more when compared to killer. Killer is very stressful to play in red ranks imo.
Though I will say, playing killer a few times a week is always fun if I don't take it too seriously.
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Id say Killer main but i play both so ill select both for now.
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Killer by a long shot, though recently I've been playing mostly survivor due to the big jump in queue times.
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I'm interested in playing as a killer sometime.
I feel that the more I play as a survivor the more I know what to do right and what to expect as a killer.
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I do enjoy both sides. I like killer slightly more tho.
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I have fun playing both sides (until the most recent update). Now I'm more leaning towards killer but I do play survivor.
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I play both but I enjoy playing killer a lot more. Hopefully the 4.5.2 patch comes out soon so people won't call me out as a hitbox abuser :/
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Neither. Spectator main.
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I find killer more fun but survivor less stressful, so I wind up playing about equal of both.
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Killer because the camera is easier to deal with than the 3rd-person survivor camera. I grew up playing a lot of FPS games, so first-person cameras just work better for me. Now I still try and play both, but I'm definitely better at killer
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I prefer killer, but I still play a good amount of survivor.
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Slightly more survivor main than killer main but nowadays not by a huge amount, roughly 50/50.
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Play both but since it's like 90-10% in survivor favor I have to vote survivor. But in discussions I still defend killers side most because the game is more survivor sided and more unfair towards killer. But both sides have things they should complain about, and they do, a bit too much perhaps 😀
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killer because 1.its not as bad as solo survivor 2. its more fun 3.killer is more interesting
nothing against survivors i still do play survivor just not as much as killer
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A bit more as a survivor. And 70% of the killer time as Trapper.
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Mostly play survivor but I do quite enjoy playing Huntress though not right now with the desync error. Maybe with the next patch I'll go back to playing her.