The DCing is getting Bad



  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    I’ve only been playing a month and constantly. I usually bury myself in a new game for awhile. I’ve already reached red rank for survivor. That said this new update is an instant killer for new players. I’ll stick with the game though cause I enjoy it and I’ve made some cool friends on it to play with. That said if I didn’t have said friends I wouldn’t be playing long.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,197

    I only play challenges for the rift and then go back to either gravity rush or ys8 or disgaea you know game you don't play which other people,because in online game some people just want to ruin someone day/fun in DBD.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    That is true but I’ve realized with online games every match is unique because everybody plays different. Single player games have a set path no matter what

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,197
    edited February 2021

    sometime that better because some people play like jerks in any online game I only love this game because I big horror fan but not much scary about this game anymore.

    I try not to play many online games only other online games I play are fighting game street fighter and dragon ball fighter z and KOF.

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    in that case you are oblivious that your intentions are not being READ properly. you think they are thinking the same way you are, THEY ARE NOT this was obvious by your first post. If I were to sit there crouching behind a rock and you saw me doing that would you know WHY I'm doing it? do I perhaps know something you do not? am I just goofing off? what? you tell me, from what you see of my character I could easily have wedged something in to keep the character crouched. this is where you fail, you think that you know what I am doing just because you know what you would do, and that is not true. Your explanation shows exactly this and your ARROGANCE that you feel everyone thinks your way. Sure be mad at the player for not doing what you thought was right but you are wrong, that person could EASILY misinterpret your actions and what they are seeing. you are looking at their actions as if your actions were well known, honestly if you did this to me even after hearing it, i'd be wondering what the hell you are doing... I don't know your load out, for all I know you have botany knowledge and not resilience. you could have spin chill and the killer is bearing down on us with no terror radius. STOP telling others how to play and learn to play around them or just play with a full 4 stack swf with comms that way there is no confusion!

  • chargernick85
    chargernick85 Member Posts: 3,171

    Arrogance? Stop telling others how to play? All of which you just did or portrayed in this post. My first post was about Dc's and an example of a game I had. Not anywhere in it did I ask for your opinion on the matter. Hold up... Nope Just checked sure didn't It's common fukin sense that if I don't want healed and leave the heal multiple times/ heal myself - I DON'T WANT FUKIN HEALED BY YOU! DUH. Thanks for your input on the matter I will forget it in about 5 minutes after I click on another post.

  • fixdeadhard
    fixdeadhard Member Posts: 134

    Good/fun survivor games already were rare to get, now all normal loops became unsafe loops, all killers with a trash ping made the better loops also unsafe, not to mention getting hit by nurse or spirit in the middle of blink/phase, billy curve hits , blight curve hits, myers and ghostfase getting tons of stalk while doing a wall loops because on your screen youre out of vision but on killers side youre not.... pallet teleport hits ..... ill skip talking about huntress hitboxes... are people this suprised about the DC increase?

    Meanwhile on the forum, threads pop up about deadhard too op while killers are having a 4k average killrate...

  • Freki
    Freki Member Posts: 1,903

    you just said it "Nope Just checked sure didn't It's common fukin sense that if I don't want healed and leave the heal multiple times/ heal myself - I DON'T WANT FUKIN HEALED BY YOU! DUH" lol.... that is the arrogance and you telling people how to play. if you don't like it keep running away from them. stay off gens and avoid it all together. I told you, even I would not know what you really want. I've seen people try and pressure me to stop self-caring just because they wanted the heal, not knowing how much of the heal I have left and what I am trying to do. this is the same as what you are doing here on the forums, you are trying to tell people if you see someone run away from a heal, it's because they want resilience to continue! I have only told you that your intentions are not told to others and I commented that you have 3 options, 1) stop playing alone, 2) accept people will not know what you are doing when you are playing solo or 3) play with a 4 man swf with communications so you can communicate to others what is going on, this is not telling you how to play it is objectively looking at what you've said and suggestions given so you can use or ignore it but your issue is your arrogance thinking everyone knows what you want when you can't tell you. You did not ask for my opinion, but you posted your RANT and opinion on a public forum of which I am free to respond if I so desire are you saying I can not respond to you that's a laugh.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    Just had a match where two players DC’d one right after the other with only two gens done. I just walked up to the killer and let him hook me. I’m getting this DC survivors so much now. Like once every three or four matches

  • Ranger_939
    Ranger_939 Member Posts: 17

    I can always play another game. If you're gonna play killer don't be a #########. That's all. Lmfao