Question for Pig mains
You too? This is becoming overwhelming. I'm flattered :)
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Personally I try to avoid people with traps on, though if they're full health and I happen to see them at a box I'll give them a tap just to set them back a little.
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Its still your own advice.. and trust me you do have one big ass attitude the amount of passive agression is worrying buddy, if you need someone Im here for you.. nothing personal, youre asking for attention and you got it so, congratulations. :)
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It really doesnβt make sense, the timer isnβt counting down while in a chase, or downed, or on a hook. However, if I notice a survivor has had the trap on for a bit, I will seek them out, and crouch follow to watch their face explode. So word of advice, if youβre wearing the hat, and being followed by a crouching pig, make sure you get that chase music, or you will die. Horribly. Face explosion.
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If they're actually tunneling then they aren't a Pig main. Pig mains will chase you off boxes, yes, but not tunnel tunnel.
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Pig is probably the killer I've played the most, so I'm aware she isn't -really- OP or broken. I didn't mention slugging, I do that a lot as pig bc I'm naturally more aggressive with her for some reason, I'm mainly just commenting on the bizarre strategy of dropping chases with untrapped survivors to go after trapped ones (not chasing them off boxes, just in general) which as survivor I've seen a lot and which continues to make no sense to me whatsoever.
And in response to another of your responses I will in fact boop your snoot whether you like it or not. My sweaty jake fingers will be going all the way in, right up to the knuckles.
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The Pig is a hard Killer to be successful with consistently.
One day I realised that if I tunnel the first trapped survivior and kill them quickly I end up killing more survivors and winning more games, which is fun for me and it makes me a better killer.
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But then what's the point in trapping them? The whole purpose of RBTs from my knowledge and what other Pig mains have said on this thread is to slow the game down by removing them from gens because they need to search boxes. So why then keep focusing on the one person who's not doing generators instead of the 3 that are?
Also, if you want to tunnel that badly, why play Pig (one of the killera that benefit the most from spreading the damage instead of focusing a single target) and not, say, Pyramid Head, the one killer in the game who is the literal best at tunneling (unfortunately).
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Trapping them stops them getting away because they always need to get the trap off. It also makes the victim exhausted and blind with the right addons which makes it easier to kill that survivor.
I found that the traps don't slow the game enough, I think the trap removal time needs increasing to make The Pig more balanced.
Killing one person quickly means that I don't get looped for ages only to hook one person and have to find a different for a total of like... 6 times before I finally get a complete kill.
I don't want or not want to tunnel, I just play the game, have fun and win games.
I don't have Pyramid head yet.
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I guess that makes sense- from a non Pig player perspective have you thought about sticking on Jigsaw's Sketch or something to increase box number? I think it's Crate Of Gears that slows down searching time? That may help if you don't wanna tunnel cause you can increase the time they spend off gens travelling to boxes.
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Tried everything with addons, The Pig just can't keep up. I got Rank 2 with the Pig (1 pip away from Rank 1) and I really enjoyed it, especially with the Make Your Choice, Pop and Surveillance combo which really forces the Pig to not tunnel and camp but in the end it is fighting a losing battle.
I really would like the traps to take more time to remove so that it can actually slow down the game a lot more.
It is just a difficult killer to consistently win with I think. If someone wins a lot of Pig games they can prob pickup any other killer and do better.
I really like the pig though :'(
I'm gonna go play some Pig now.
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Good luck buddy :)
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A lot of people do that, they even go as far as to down someone else who is bodyblocking that person and then resume the chase without hooking...
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Get em! Good hunting!!
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I'm well aware that lots of people do it, however it just seemed to be every Pig player, whilst it was just a percentage of other killers.
It's probably because Pig isn't played all too much at red ranks, for obvious reasons.
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Because these people do not know how to use the pig in a more strategic way, she has a lot of good addons to play in many different ways. unconsciously they believe that the weakest survivor is the one who carries the trap and that is all (good strategic), but that is pure and simple tunneling.
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It's these experiences that give all us Amandas a mixed rep. Sadface
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Very true my beloved Oink friend
I hope you are doing well also during these crazy times.
Have things improved for you game play wise over on the xbox?
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Same frame drops as before, with the light sources on reworked maps now causing the same thing.
Been playing only killer these past couple of weeks, cause you know...
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Well it's your turn to test those surviours then for me π·π
I barley play anymore due to just lack of support for us console players plus the constant down talking we get by streamers and fog whispers is unreal.
Just feel like us console players are a burden to the game or get impression latley.
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If it makes you feel better an ex-fog whisperer was also a convicted pedo so I wouldn't hold their opinion in too high of a regard
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Although I'm on pc these days I haven't forgotten the console life. Still hoping for a last gen optimisation fix, along with a buff that makes the pig fly βοΈπ½