If you haven't been hooked....

And you see someone on last hook being chased, take the aggro!
I know this has always been a thing, but now when you can see how many times your team mates have been hooked, why are you hiding in a corner, when you werent hooked yet, and someone is being chased and they're on their last hook?
Hook counter for survivor is the same as kindred, it is supposed to help you, but a lot of times it will not, and will make it even more frustrating, because now there is literally no excuse to not be a bit altruistic.
I'll take the aggro if that survivor has been somewhat useful during the match. If not then they can die, even if that means i must die too.
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Everyone says that but it's usually the person who was hiding all game that wasnt hooked.
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as long as you don't then go and call the Killer out for tunnelling in chat, even though you could have prevented it 😜
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I let others play how they want. I am kinda altruistic and I like to help my teammates. I even trade hooks and die in the end. I don't feel bad if they leave me or don't help because that is their choice. I play how I feel, they are free to do the same. And I usually pip anyway.
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Well, i always work on gens, and if i'm injured i finish the gen first then heal, assuming there's someone around to heal me, if not i keep looking for gens.
I got bond, i know what you guys are up to.
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No, in that case a thank them for killing the useless survivor.
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Good luck. Had a match just last night In my hald I felt the momentum swinging to the killer so after I got unhooked I went up to a gen (still injured) and a dwight and feng were already on it. They both hopped off to heal me but I decided to hop on the gen injured to use my resilence and have them heal after. Mind you I'm on death hook at this point they are not. We crank the gen and they start the heal, Wraith start uncloaking next to us and instead of one of them taking a hit for me they both dip out and I'm downed. They were both healthy. I'm a killer main I am not going to act like I am a superstar survivor but I do understand trading hooks, taking hits, understand perks and general knowlegde of being a survivor so I don't annoy my teammates. I am also more than happy to die to save a rando did that last night too was the most thrilling game I had against a plague with corrupt at the end. Nothing leaves a nasty taste in my mouth like plays like these.
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There can be multiple reasons one doesn't bother.
1. The person mignit know where you are at the time you're being asked chased.
2. He might know but you are on the opposite side of the map.
3. And this happens to me a lot, the person might be good at looping and the killer just ignores him.
Because why not?
1 is being chased and the other tries to being chased, aka 2 survivors doing nothing.
4. You might have been trying to bully the killer and thinks "screw you, you get what you deserve"
5. Might be almost done with the last gen and is hoping you got adrenaline.
The list can be much bigger but this are the most common reasons.
Accept your loss and move on to the next match
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Gens before friends.
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I mean, as a solo who runs kindred i also know what everyone is up to, and a lot of times gens aint it
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Hm are you in my matches? No, then you shouldn't assume. If you read the thread again, you'd see I mentioned a team mate hiding, when I'm being chased, and they havent been hooked. If I see them hiding, it means they arent on the other side of the map.
Also accusing me of "bullying" the killer when you dont know my play style, is quite rich.
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This is exactly the type of situation I was referring to, but people just jump to "useless"
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Or person that knows how to loop and lose the killer in chase. I do gens and always try my best to help my teammates. Sometimes it just happens and I don't get hooked while others do.
And people who don't do anything won't rank up anyway.
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I've been yelled at in chat a few times for "screwing up my looping" because I tried to intervene in a chase with someone in just that situation.
Most of the time though, when I've tried to draw aggro the Killer just keeps chasing the other person because they are on their death hook so why would they bother with me. The only reason they have to drop the chase and start on a different survivor would be for their last stack of BBQ, or if they were playing "nice". Otherwise, getting a Survivor out of the match is a better option for them.
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I tend to do this. If it's a potato survivor he can rot on the hook.
Besides I've been useless opening chests all game to fish a key, so I'll see him in hell. Oh wait we're already in hell. But what I mean is after he dies I'm just one generator close to finding the hatch.
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Well to be perfectly honest trying to save someone in a chase, if done badly, looks a lot like sandbagging and has the exact same effect. I've had many teammates run up to me to I presume distract the killer and end up body blocking me and getting me killed.
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I accidentally did that once to someone lol. What a funny endgame chat i had.
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If I accidentaly sandbag someone I try to make up for it. Trading hooks for example if they are not on a death hook yet.
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Yeah. Done it before, and had it happen before, so I understand how trying to help someone can turn into a mess quickly. I usually try to at least bodyblock the Killer while avoiding the other Survivor in that situation. Normally they just take a swipe at me, then continue on with their chase though. Rarely do I draw the aggro and give the other person a break. It might give them a few extra seconds.
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How do you KNOW if they have been useful in a match? Unless they stood around you all game, it is impossible to tell how many loops they may have taken the Killer on even if they haven't been working Gens, how many unhooks, how many Gens touched. Wouldn't it be better to lean to the side of caution and take that hit?
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Well, i run both Kindred and Bond, so i'm quite aware of what everyone is doing.
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I somewhat agree with this. People are fast to judge others but they never actually know what they did during the game. Bp at the end can tell a little tho but offerings can mess with that.
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First of i didn't accuse you of anything if you read it properly.
It were mere options why someone doesn't go and help, not more nothing less.
Secondly, I don't assume anything, again it were just some of the reasons someone might, read it again Might, not go for a helping hand.
Thirtly, you should look where to go instead of looking what others do during a chase.
If you see someone hiding in a corner that probably means you ran somewhere where you had no chances of looping and stubbled on them by accident.
Which might mean they didn't know you were being chased and the killer was coming for the gen, who knows.
Again, that is a possibility and I don't assume anything.
And last but not least, I can understand you are frustrated when that happens.
But instead of taking it out on someone who just gave some options on why this might have happened isn't putting you in a good spot
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You have a point but you can't keep an eye on everyone during a whole game while doing things yourself too. Sometimes maybe it will appear that someone looks useless judging by their aura but you don't know the whole story.
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Let's agree to disagree. I'm going to take that hit, period. I guess you do you.
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If I feel confident that my first hook isn’t also going to be my last hook then I’ll take the aggro. If I don’t feel that confidence then it ain’t gonna happen. The only exception I may make is if I have already completed objectives/challenges that have nothing to do with escape, or none of us are likely to escape anyways so sacrificing myself isn’t going to make a bit of difference.
Taking “aggro” only makes sense if you play with the “team” mentality. I’m a solo player, therefore I weigh benefits and almost always choose what is beneficial for myself. If it’s in my best interest to save you then I’ll save you. If not then you just may be ######### out of luck.
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I can understand that, it can cause more harm than good sometimes especially if that person you try to help is good at looping.
It has happened to me several times before where I've been tunnelled and someone tries to come and help me out.
And as much as I appreciate that, I personally hate it when someone does that because they always unintentionally sandbag me and I go down because of them.
I'm very good at holding my own during chases, no matter the killer.
So i rather have them working on the gens instead of helping me.
I can keep killers busy long enough to actually make them lose the game if they continue to chase me.
But yeah there are some survivors who do need help during chases, btw before I get called out by him I don't mean the op.
I never tell at them that try to help me, but I do message them that I appreciate it they are trying to help, but i rather have them not
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It's quite easy to tell tbh. If we are facing a stealthy killer i can understand why someone is crouching, for instance, but if someone gets hit and the other guy keeps urban evading on the other side of the map then i know what kind of teammate i got.
Also, it's not always about me being able to see them. I also run better together and you would be surprised (or not) about the amount of times i gotta stop working on a 90% gen because some smart guy decided to bring the killer to me while being chased.
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I'm also a solo player. doesn't mean I don't try to help my team.
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Hahaha those people are the best.
How many times that has happened to me, gen almost done.
Survivor being chased, oh really, you really think so heh?
I'll bring the killer to you 🤣
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I'm holding my tongue to be nice, but let's just say your "situational awareness" is not as good as you think it is in fact. I play a lot and I keep track of my teammates as much as humanly possible, but even I don't know what they have been up to entirely until the end of the match and I look at their points. Survivor is a 4v1 and that means you take the hit. Hell, I'll take the HOOK if it means there is a better chance we all get out together. Thus, if someone is on their third and I haven't taken one, I'm taking the hit and will even go down to make sure they get away because I can serve some hook time.
Your attitude, and confidence in what you think you know, is not a good thing for a group of Survivors. I hope your name in the game is the same as it is here (mine is) because I'm dodging any lobby I get lumped in with you. You don't sound like a teammate I can rely on when things get rough.
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Pretty much this. “Take the aggro!” when the killer is someone who is stupidly oppressive in chase and you just go down immediately and then hey they have NOED and you die on first hook.
DBD is a hide and seek game, I don’t care what anyone says. That is the direction it has been moving every patch and survivors are weaker than ever in solo Q. The time of 1v1ing a competent killer is long gone.
Quit getting caught and being chased so much in the first place IMO.
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I am not surprised. There are lot of different people playing this game. Some or newish and are too immersed. Some are selfish.
I am just careful not to judge others before knowing enough.
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Yeah dude, that's one of the reasons why i always drink when playing DbD 🤣
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I've had killers when I tried to take the aggro off another survivor ignore me and continue after the dead on hook survivor.
It's nice in theory to take the hook state, but sometimes the killer just isn't going to commit to you and you are better off finishing gens.
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Honestly the word “team” makes me cringe. If wanted to play that way I’d swf. We have mutual overlapping objectives and thats it. I’ll help you when and if I can, but I’ll also throw you under the bus without a second’s thought if necessary. I expect no more or less from others, lol.
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Chill it's just a game
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Yeah, you and those like you are exactly why Solo Que is such a nightmare right now.
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This is me being chill; normally I'd have gotten out a rhetorical sledgehammer.
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If the queue is a nightmare it has nothing to do with me. As I said, I’ll help when and if I can. What I won’t do is sacrifice myself just so one person can live for a few more minutes.
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Moundshroud you are going overboard. Chill.
People are free to play the game how they want, just like you. While me and you probably have similar playstyles it doesn't mean everyone else must play like that.
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Well, worst case scenario they'll die in a video game. Judging is not that important here.
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I didn't say they had to. I'm just saying I wouldn't want to be stuck in a foxhole with these guys. There is literally nothing I could say that makes them look less appealing as a teammate than they have said themselves. One of the big topics of discussion is tunneling. People endlessly complain about it, but most of it is brought on by Survivor behavior. For example:
- Unsafe rescues causes tunneling.
- Farming (on purpose unsafe rescues) causes tunneling.
- Vanishing like a Ninja right after unhooking someone (being unwilling to take a hit or hook) causes tunneling.
The most effective teams I have seen as a Killer and been part of as a Survivor myself have been made up of those who are willing to take the protection hits, risk the sabotage, or even take the hook on purpose to draw the killer off a person or an area and thus by time for rescues or Generators. These are the teams that get 3-4 people out pretty consistently even against very good Killers. I'm simply commenting on what I know.
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"Quit getting chased" lol, then when someone is getting chased why dont you go and help them, since getting chased is so bad. Not everyone plays as a blendette.
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If the word team makes you "cringe" go play killer or a single player game.
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I understand where Mound is coming from.
A lot of the replies here just show why solo q is crap.
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Honestly pipping is not that hard most of the time except some games that are impossible. How many people escapes in the end does depend on some teamwork I can agree with that.
I am not obsessed with escaping and I don't mind people playing how they want. If I help them and they refuse to help me, I don't mind. If the killer is tunneling and camping me I don't mind either, it is their choice to play that way.
The only thing that sometimes gets me is when people are being toxic and try to piss me or others off on purpose.
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If you insist that everybody play as part of your team then go swf. Simple as that. I actually enjoy being thrown in with a random group and not knowing what to expect. It keeps things fresh. I am under no obligation to help you in solo queue. Emphasis on SOLO queue. I’ll do what ever the hell I want, thank you very much.
There would be a lot less stress if people simply adjusted to the fact that not everybody is going to play the same as you or have the same objectives. Again, if you want that: swf.
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Every man for himself, that's how I play survivor lol
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Depends. Depends on the pressure going on. Depends on how close we are to escaping and what my role is currently. Am I 90% on the last gen? Did I witness that player being far too passive for me to care about? Do I feel like helping that player out?
There are many more variables to it. You seem to specifically talk about those who have not been hooked. As someone that intentionally bugs the killer into a chase, I'm generally a hook or two. But given that I haven't been hooked, I do have to weigh out other options as I really don't care if a killer is focus on a player on last hook if I am about to escape. Though I do love protection hits if I am in a good distance and don't have an active role in objectives.