How many things can survivors complain about

Just had someone complain to me about using shadowborn. First it was someone complaining about STBFL, and survivors tend to degrade themselves into complaining about shadowborn. How low can we go? Is monstrous shrine next?
This is DbD forums, people will complain about EVERYTHING here.
Next thread will be about "why are survivors able to repair gens", you just wait...
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I'm talking about in game though. I never thought I would hear the day that shadowborn was a crutch perk lol. I should just run MS, and hear people cry about that too.
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Honestly, both sides do have legitimate reasons to complain as the poor balance and outdated mechanics in this game are starting to show strongly.
Complaining about shadowborn though? That might just be a new one.
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I do agree both sides do have the right to complain, but I just never thought I would hear the day that shadowborn is a crutch perk. This group was running 1 Object with 4 ds 4 dead hards and either bt or iron will with a misc perk of whatever.
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No one should ever complain about shadowborn
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I can't complain about shadow born if I suck with the flashlight anyways. Galaxy Brain Move.
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You must’ve beat them pretty good lol. If you would’ve ran the match perkless they would’ve called your weapon a crutch.