This game is busted

I'm rank 4, okay so I'm not that bad of a survivor. I escape 1 out of every 25 games. THIS GAME DOESNT UNDERSTAND BALANCE. sorry. I'm heated. Because all I get from killer mains is that I'm bad. Because they ######### downed me threw a pallet or a window. This game is infuriating. This event is Garbage. Killers get they objectives while survivors are off with their finger up their ass milking cancer flowers. I dont understand why the devs just don't actually give a ######### about what any of us say. They have extremely popular dbd gamers out there refusing to play on survivor because they know it's busted as ######### right now. The que for killers went up because THATS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN WIN. I play some huntress myself. I can 4 man any game while also making myself dinner it's so ######### easy. What kind of things do you think should be changed? I think the healing thing is bs and noed can suck my toe


  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    This is a you issue. Practice.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @maddieskillz said:
    I'm rank 4, okay so I'm not that bad of a survivor. I escape 1 out of every 25 games. THIS GAME DOESNT UNDERSTAND BALANCE. sorry. I'm heated. Because all I get from killer mains is that I'm bad. Because they [BAD WORD] downed me threw a pallet or a window. This game is infuriating. This event is Garbage. Killers get they objectives while survivors are off with their finger up their ass milking cancer flowers. I dont understand why the devs just don't actually give a ######### about what any of us say. They have extremely popular dbd gamers out there refusing to play on survivor because they know it's busted as ######### right now. The que for killers went up because THATS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN WIN. I play some huntress myself. I can 4 man any game while also making myself dinner it's so [BAD WORD] easy. What kind of things do you think should be changed? I think the healing thing is bs and noed can suck my toe

    If you escape 1 out of every 25 games, you are indeed a bad survivor.
    I suggest you either play as killer if you cant deal with survivor, but I warn you, this will be even more frustrating.

  • Crizpen
    Crizpen Member Posts: 129

    Healing was changed as a way of slowing down game progress because organized survivors are able to gen rush and open the doors too quickly while the killer is looped. This advantage is still true, however, it takes survivors a few more seconds to heal if they're caught. It wasn't a huge change, but a good way to slow down the game when the killer is able to catch survivors.

    On NOED: cleanse dull totems. You get 600 points for it each time, and if there are no dull totems out there when the last generator pops, there's no NOED. If you'd rather take the risk the killer is running NOED, don't. I cleanse every totem I see when facing Trapper, Doc, Hag, Pig... but tend not to worry about them against Hillbilly, Myers, Leatherface, Nurse, etc because it's less likely they'll be running it.

    NOED is one way the many killers are more balanced, and a very legitimate strategy. A killer who builds based on the end-game is taking an awful risk of being able to find and catch survivors after the generators are already complete. And, in turn, they're giving up another perk that could slow down the entire match, such as Thanatophobia, or Ruin, or Sloppy Butcher, or they're giving up their ability to end chases faster, such as Brutal Strength and Bamboozle.

    Take away NOED and you'll see builds based on not getting to the end game at all, and then you'll be back complaining about that.

    I'm red rank as a killer, so it's likely we'll play against each other. I hope so. If you have a 4% survival record, I'm going to enjoy the free pips.

  • wimlin
    wimlin Member Posts: 30

    @powerbats said:
    The issue is you, you just need to improve and adapt to the changes that happen in every game out there. Once you do that you'll find the changes aren't ll that bad and if you think it's tough at 4 rank 1 is brutal.

    I was rank 1 for about 30 straight games this week and I've got about 200 hours in the game now. I totally agree with this guy. The healer changes were totally unnecessary especially during this even that already favored killers so heavily due to all the extra time added for survivor objectives. Add that to the apparently complete refusal to ever do anything to deter camping and the game is just broken. I thought when/if I ever got to rank 1 that the camping would stop or at least become more rare, but nope its actually more prevalent and honestly the reason is that its such a solid strategy. Everyone always says JUST do GENS, but if you aren't a premade group in discord then guess what? By the time you realize the killer is camping everyone has made a move towards the hooked guy wondering why no one is getting him off the hook and you are lucky if 1 gen gets done. Now you've got 4 gens with 3 people to do and the game is essentially over especially when the killer camps the next guy.

     I'm sick and tired of all the a-hole killers who say camping doesn't ruin the game and its easy to counter.   The whole point of the game is for survivors to work togher, rescue eachother and try to escape and camping completely destroys all of it.   I'm done with the game its pathetic for a game out this long that the devs have still done nothing to counter something that ruins and breaks the game as much as camping.   Anyone who thinks it isn't a problem is almost certainly a killer main who has an opinion that no one should trust.   It does seem to me that killer mains are much more prevalent on these boards than survivor.    They seem to be a much more vocal portion of the community which is probably why the DEVs seem to favor them so heavily in all regards of this game.   Then they wine about how over powered survivors are all while even if they lose a game most of the time they get double the points of the highest survivor.
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @wimlin I've been rank 1 as survivor every seasons for last few seasons and generally stay there pretty consistently. I've got almost 1300 hours in the game now and the healing changes while an abrupt change aren't that bad.

    You just have to adapt and get used to it just like with any game that updates things where you have to learn the new system and change your ways.

  • Aviema
    Aviema Member Posts: 45
    edited November 2018

    @Malakir said:
    Try Civilization V

    I got you

  • Why do you listen to the Killers? That would be like a Killer listening to the survivors.
    Don't do that, they have likely nothing but bad things to say and it will only depress you.
    Besides the event is over.

  • Malakir
    Malakir Member Posts: 799
    Emeal said:

    Why do you listen to the Killers? That would be like a Killer listening to the survivors.
    Don't do that, they have likely nothing but bad things to say and it will only depress you.
    Besides the event is over.

    People can say the same by just switching sides you know right?
  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
    edited November 2018

    It sounds like you need to improve your survival skills by either;

    • a) Get more proficient in juking and mind-games to vanish mid-chase.
    • b) Get better at looping in general to waste more time and increase the chance that the killer surrender the chase
    • c) Become a stealth god that'll be impossible to find.
  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167
    I like the changes so far. They got me playing survivor alot more now and its nice to see less suicidal teammates for a change. As for the event, the extra objective felt good time wise. The Dev's just need something more goal orriented towards escape/aid to make it feel more meaningful. Rather the extra focus than every killer running ruin to buy time.
  • DocFabron
    DocFabron Member Posts: 2,410
    I'm rank 4, okay so I'm not that bad of a survivor. I escape 1 out of every 25 games. THIS GAME DOESNT UNDERSTAND BALANCE. sorry. I'm heated. Because all I get from killer mains is that I'm bad. Because they [BAD WORD] downed me threw a pallet or a window. This game is infuriating. This event is Garbage. Killers get they objectives while survivors are off with their finger up their ass milking cancer flowers. I dont understand why the devs just don't actually give a ######### about what any of us say. They have extremely popular dbd gamers out there refusing to play on survivor because they know it's busted as ######### right now. The que for killers went up because THATS THE ONLY WAY WE CAN WIN. I play some huntress myself. I can 4 man any game while also making myself dinner it's so [BAD WORD] easy. What kind of things do you think should be changed? I think the healing thing is bs and noed can suck my toe
    Practice makes perfect. You can either put in the hours or play something else.