Does anybody have Hag tips?

Tank Member Posts: 63

Helpful perks to aim for, general gameplay tips or fairly "safe bets" on where to place her traps? I decided to use her for a daily instead of scrapping them like usual and it was really fun, but I have no experience with trap Killers and so obviously I got run around by Survivors.

Also out of curiosity, is it considered "camping" to place her traps right next to the hooked Survivor? My brain says "don't be a jerk" when I do, but logic tells me that it's just plain stupid not to do that and get the free hit.


  • Near the middle of the map generally, whatever is the busiest most high traffic area usually whatever the main structure of the map is.

    You then kinda herd people into it.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188
    edited February 2021

    tips? dont chase as hag jsut set a web zone around the gens you want to protect, thats how u play hag OR u could use agitation and bring someone to bassement and you already won the match if they try go for the save, and they will because they cant resist those altruism points, run corrupt intervention to have time and then save the best for last, those are 2 mandatory perks to play hag at high level, then u can run make your choice wich is a good bet on her and finally u can run whatever u want, i like to run agitation... wich is good not only to get people to bassement but to YOUR ZONE OF TRAPS, wich is as important. hag win games when she already preemptively placed traps... if u dont place them u wont win unless they are bad AF, in that case u would of won anyway. how to place them? Michi has a nice guide on his YT channel, people usually say he is the best Hag main out there were he explains the different levels of traps...

  • Tank
    Tank Member Posts: 63

    That's pretty obvious, I was thinking more along the lines of what sort of places to put them. Like whether it's worth trapping pallets like Trapper (Survivors tend to see the trap spring and then vallet to safety for me) or bothering even putting traps outside of your chosen spot? I do appreciate the information though, thank you.

    I guess you choose a "kill zone" based on gen placements and shacks, then just chase Survivors so that they're injured somewhat and are less likely to survive your traps.

    Very helpful advice, thank you. Though I don't think I'll be a basement hag, if I wanted to bully Survivors I'd just be a Basement Bubba and bask in the hate so to speak. I never want to bully Survivors though, just chase and kill.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    Hag's trap activation zone is huge, so you don't have to be nearly as meticulous or thoughtful about where you put down traps.

    You can actually see the activation radius of your traps after you put them down, if you look they make a feint little white-ish particle ring that shows you how far they reach. It's good to check that to be familiar with it.

    Trapping pallets is alright, just try not to trap pallets that have not been dropped you would be better off trapping somewhere else in a loop you can get someone when they trigger it. If you put it too close to a pallet that is up you are just going to eat a pallet stun generally. You can trap pallets that are already down if you are fairly confident in your ability to fake survivors out or grab them but you have to make sure you don't put them too close. Generally you won't be trapping pallets too often tbh.

    Post edited by [Deleted User] on
  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,867

    I don't play Hag often because she's so boring to me, but I can give you some advice.

    Generally, when you first load into a match as killer, the first thing you need to do is find a survivor and chase them. However, don't ever do that with Hag. Hag is very prep heavy and you need to create your big web of traps without being seen for a while. Don't try to mind game survivors like other killers because you are 4.4 and you're wasting time that could be spent expanding your web of traps.

    With trap placements, I wouldn't put traps too close to pallets as survivors can easily counter that by just reacting fast and going to the other side of the pallet right when you teleport. The center of the shack, the center of T L walls, the center of jungle gyms, and close to the window at cow tree in the Coldwind maps, are great places to set traps. I would also recommend if there is a god window like the one in Grim Pantry, 100% trap it. Also on one of those simple loops where it's just a circle, set traps on the opposite side of where the pallet is. One thing to note about those loops is if a survivor drops the pallet without setting the trap that you placed, do NOT kick the pallet. Instead, bait them into triggering the trap by running in the opposite direction of where the trap is set, basically acting like you're playing the loop normally. They could try and camp the pallet but if they do that, place another trap at your side of the dropped pallet. You should be able to get a hit in that scenario 9 times out of 10.

    If a survivor triggers a trap but you are close enough to them, don't teleport and just try to hit them normally because it's good to keep in mind triggering a trap moves the camera on the survivors' POV.

    Survivors will hate me for this, but yes, make sure to trap hooks because that's very effective and is why Make Your Choice is so good on her.

    Perks to consider are Make Your Choice (speak of the devil), Sloppy Butcher, STBFL, Corrupt Intervention, and Monitor and Abuse.

    As for add ons, I would invest more in range add ons and faster trap placement add ons.

    I would recommend you go look up Space Coconut on YouTube. He's a dedicated Hag main and he has plenty of videos that could help you out.

    Like I said, I don't play Hag often because I do hate her a lot so I did my best to give you advice. I hope I was helpful. Good luck with your Hag games!

  • 1nsignia
    1nsignia Member Posts: 306

    Most good hags place there traps in areas to abuse the camera pull it has. Place them on them on the side of pallets and windows. Or areas you want survivors to run through.

    If you want to learn more I suggest you watch michi on YouTube. Really good hag main. Has an even more in depth video of trap placement as I mentioned before. And more to come.

  • Tank
    Tank Member Posts: 63

    Thank you all for the tips, I really appreciate the advice and I'll be sure to check out the channels you guys recommended. It will be painful no longer having the trusty old M1 chases to fall back on, but I am sure it'll be fun.

    Don't know how to quote everyone without making a long post, so I hope you see my appreciation.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Thisis a video of Otz reviewing another streamers Hag game. As I recall he goes into alot of depth. You might find this helpful.

  • Tank
    Tank Member Posts: 63

    Otz rambles a bit too much for my taste, but I have learnt some good stuff from him all the same.Followed the video to Michi's actual Hag guide though, thank you. That High Ground trap is both stunningly beautiful and absolutely horrifying.

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    My Hag tip is to honestly don't play her lol

    She is everything that is wrong with this game lol

  • Tank
    Tank Member Posts: 63

    Out of curiosity, what do you find so bad about her? Seems pretty fair to have a garbage M1 Killer who relies on strategy and predictions to win, I would've thought everyone would love Hags since people seem to always pull the "Nurse isn't baloney because she takes skill to hit you" card when insulting Spirit

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564

    Normally I wrote about 5 paragraphs worth of why I hate her but I'll just keep it short.

    • Broken Add-ons (Mint Rag and Rusty Shackles)
    • Promotes holding the crouch button everywhere
    • Camping is super easy
    • Imo she's too weak when people have urban + flashlights but OP when there is neither
    • Scroll wheel Hags pretty much get their teleport hits 100% of time. Would like to see some sort of way the survivor could dodge.
    • Camera turns you to the Hag traps
    • She can force a 3 gen quite easily if the killer is good at the game

    There's a few reasons lol

  • Rybo
    Rybo Member Posts: 5

    To be completely honest, just throwing up traps everywhere you go does wonders. My advice as a hag main is to put down all of your traps as soon as possible to strengthen the chance of them getting triggered. Of course put them next to pallets and windows and intersections but also just put some in random locations because there is a 70% chance someone is going to trigger it no matter where it is.

    your build should mostly consist of gen regression perks. Having to always be putting down traps and chasing people leaves pressure on gens to be pretty low. So slap on PGTW or Surge and try to end chases as much as possible.

    Hag is also a very small killer, and a very hard to locate one too. With her zipping across the map and her terror radius being everywhere, survivors tend to get confused very easily. You can use this to your advantage by putting on some stealth perks. I used to run STBFL and Dark Devotion on hag for a long time because no matter who I hit, I’m always going to gain something. And when playing hag, you don’t really get to pick who trips your traps, so don’t worry about chasing your obsession to much.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Ignore what is called "camping" or not, just play how you want there are no rules against it.

    Tips: Watch Michi vids on youtube, his Hag guide, gameplay etc.

    Perks: If you use Franklins you can trap dropped items. Agitation is good for Basement Hag. Corrupt is very good for trap set up time. STBFL is always good on Hag or MYC since you can teleport back to hooks fast. Also with already smaller TR you can use Monitor and combine with Nurses. These are all good perks on Hag.

  • HeckaYeah
    HeckaYeah Member Posts: 187

    No, placing traps next to the survivor is expected. That's now her power works. Camping is when the killer physically stays in the immediate area and doesn't move (not to be confused with parole where you're moving about and checking to see if anyone is coming for the unhook)

    As a survivor, can I recommend some things that I've seen that we're really smart?

    Hooks. Yes, this is valid and smart. Good survivors will have counters.

    Your hex ( if you're running one)

    There are 7 gens. Hex 2 of them if you can. The happened on a few games. Personally I think it's smart. It, in my book, is considered patrolling. There's a chance they'll never be touched but they might be especially of you're pressuring gens.

    Common loops that your survivors seem to be using. Place them outside windows and in the doorways.

    Also, basements? I think only the landing in the middle are necessary, especially of you've trapped the hooks.

    Survivors: here's some love for you, too: if you clickity- clack the trap, you disable it! Also sneaking when one isn't available is amazing.. both to and from where it's placed. No, I'm not taking my good old time getting you, chances are I watched her place it and I know where it is, so you, too, should sneak out.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Space coconut and michi are excellent hag main. Space has an youtube account just look up hag guide everything updated.

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    Take advantage of her ability to camp and snowball. Also, be smart with your traps.

  • Michi
    Michi Member Posts: 120

    1: At the start of the game take a few secs to look around and figure out where the survivors might have spawned.

    2: build a web using the fortress technique which means: select an area of the map (usually 1/4 - 1/2 of the map) that belongs to you and that should be safe for you and where you win chases easily as long as survivors are inside (I often see people saying select a 3 gen, I personally never look at gens, I select an area that would fit my web in general)

    3: after you selected your area draw traps close to points of interest for survivors that counter as many structures as possible with one single trap. At the end these traps should surround your area of interest.

    4: each web has a ,,door site" this is the line between traps where survs will enter or leave your web and this is usually the point where traps trigger first. A web can have multiple door sites but try to limit it to 1.

    5: use your low height and tr to run to survivors, but do not confront them directly, run around them and come from a side where theyre forced to enter your web. When they reach the door site and trigegr these traps hit or down them and set these traps again. Mantain the door site as much as you can. Inside your web youre the master, outside of it youre weak. Generate points of interest inside your web (hooked survivors) to lure them in.

    6: early game is the most important time for Hag. Build up your web and then lure the first survivor in. The rest is up to you

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    The faster you teleport to your traps, the less where you place them matters.

    If you are fast enough, hag is reduced to “lay trap, collect free hit”.

  • edgardot02
    edgardot02 Member Posts: 149
    edited February 2021

    unlock corrupt intervention

    you re gonna need it if you want to prepare your traps strategicaly at the start without gens being repaired so quickly.

    I like to set traps on places that survivors like to loop insted of generators because if they know you're setting traps near generators they will crouch.

    obvusly the center building is a good place to start with

  • DontNerf
    DontNerf Member Posts: 990
    edited February 2021

    Step 1: place trap

    Step 2: wait or chase survivor into trap

    Step 3: teleport and hit survivor

    Step 4: repeat until they DC or they die

    Bonus step 5: C A M P

    Hag is so f*cking simple

  • hatchking
    hatchking Member Posts: 312

    Safe bets are strong loops killer shack the basement for some reason and hooks

  • hatchking
    hatchking Member Posts: 312

    No that's legion with the extra mend time, old infinite mending legion, old forever Freddy, impossible skillcheck doc, and iron maiden doctor with iridescent king, and queen

  • SaintDorks
    SaintDorks Member Posts: 252

    If running totems place traps near totems

    Never commit to a chase you can't win, You are slowish and have a height problem.

    You have a height problem so,If possible you can catch a survivor off guard before they can react to you.

    trap placement can be anywhere you want..Before a chase set them in points you know people will go and strangle points for a promised hit..

    If a shithead wants to loop you..Put a trap near a loop or just walk away.

    When you hook someone put two trasp around them If you wanna free Hit..If you want to let them go put zero traps..People become more scared when zero traps are around cause they will always assume after the first wave a of jumpscares the thing is rigged with traps.

    If in mid of a chase and a trap goes off, teleport to It...cause, people will not be ready If you are in the middle of a chase for you to pop up and slap them.

    Add-ons: anything with teleport range boost and placement speed is useful..There are more "op" add-ons, but they can If you do not know how to run her backfire.

    Perks: I have mutiple builds for her.

    I got: Ruin, Thrilling Trumors, Noed, STBFL

    Dragon's grasp, make your choice, With 2 random perks added in

    As my basic builds.

    Note, traps can be broken by flashlights so you might want a franklin's for that