How do you feel on camouflage?

savevatznick Member Posts: 651
edited February 2021 in Feedback and Suggestions

Do you think the "camouflage" value of cosmetics should be considered in DBD, especially where it pertains to balance?

For example, you can lose track of a prestige-bloodied Claudette on some maps, where she simply blends into the shadows like a darkened silhouette. She can melt away into the bushes and even in chase, unless you pay close attention, you might lose her and give precious distance away because your brain literally cannot track the Claudette melting into the darkness around you.

Or, you're chasing Dwelf, and he shows up super clearly on your screen, even if he hides. Is he at a disadvantage? He paid money to be easier to see and kill? How is that fair?

We don't get a brightness, nor audio sliders in this game. Therefore, I assume the darkness and visibility of all things in the game are considered by the devs as balance concerns. So, cosmetics naturally become balance concerns, because if I can't crank up the brightness settings, and Claudette is audio bugged, I assume me never being able to find her unless I bump into her by accident is "balance.

So what is it. Are we supposed to change our Nvidia settings to let us see survivors who camouflage (not hide, CAMOUFLAGE), or is that cheating? Where is this balanced, and how? Is it even considered?

Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    If someone is hiding most of the game they don't pip.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Even the ability to hide momentarily, or escape the killer's gaze for a split second is powerful. Blendettes can win not by sitting in a bush all game, but just by crouching in a dark corner when the killer looks to them, and since the killer doesn't have time to search or look closely, they get an intrinsic benefit.

    Is it balance?

  • Trashmaster
    Trashmaster Member Posts: 357

    Yes, this can be done with any character as long as you're not wearing actually bright colors. For example a p3 dwight can be really difficult to see, while a cheryl will be very noticeable unless you're on Ormond

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    So what is your suggestion? Removing dark clothes? After that there will still be lighter and darker outfits, what then? Remove everything until we are left with the same survivor with the same clothes.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    Honestly, I have no issue with it. If people want to wear cosmetics that make them harder to see, than so be it. I can be extremely good at stealth, when I want to be. Heck, I was playing as Felix last night in his bright orange skiing outfit and I still didn’t get found all game. Because I know how to hide from the killer when it counts.

    I’ve loaded into matches as killer before and seen an entire lobby of P3 Claudette’s and still managed to win. They sent me to Yamaoka and I was playing as Michael without Infectious Fright and I still managed to 4K.

    They definitely had the advantage on that map of being able to camouflage, but when you know what gen they’re working on, there’s only so many places you can hide and most players I’ve encountered aren’t that good at stealth, as they just sit in one place which isn’t good because I’ll eventually look in that spot lol.

    With perks like Spine Chill and Urban Evasion in the game, it’s so easy to hide from the killer in plain sight. As long as you stay behind cover, you’re golden. The cosmetic has nothing to do with it.

    People know when they’re choosing a cosmetic to wear how visible they’ll be at certain distances. Every character in the game has at least one cosmetic that makes them stealthier, so I don’t think anybody is at a disadvantage when it comes to the survivor they play as.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    While you may be able to "hide when it counts", I'm not talking about "hiding", I'm talking about camouflage. It's not how good you are about concealing all of yourself behind a LoS blocker, it is about you being able to be in LoS and still be unrecognizeable. Think about the Dead Dawg Saloon, and how survivors could just *become bush*. It even got patched, but it can still work to some extent.

    I'm talking about outfits so dark that your eye more easily stops tracking them in chase when LoS blockers come around, or female characters having smaller frames that make them objectively harder to see when crouching behind objects. The Blendette is the best example of a mechanic that can quite honestly drastically affect the match. A few missed swings is the difference between a gen popping or not.

  • TimeOutTimmy
    TimeOutTimmy Member Posts: 135

    I know someone who is rank 1 survivor who hides. He only does gens if they are safe, and will not make a risky hook rescue. If he is found, he goes down really fast.

    He sent me a screenshot once, he gets an insane amount of bold points because he hides so well. I like having him in a game though... if someone commits to killer, he will pump out that last gen instead of sitting on hatch.

  • KiwiCoattails
    KiwiCoattails Member Posts: 566

    A P3 Claudette is definitely harder to hit on certain maps. But I feel this way about most survivors when they’re wearing darker clothing. Especially on the dreaded corn field maps. I once just crouched in a field as Detective Tapp and the killer practically brushed past me and still didn’t even realise I was crouched there. Some of the camouflage plays you can get are crazy lol.

    Like I said earlier, I don’t really have a problem with it. A part from the occasional missed swing, but I find that can happen a lot on console anyway, so I’ve just gotten used to the game screwing me over.

  • LiunUK
    LiunUK Member Posts: 944

    i mean i just up the brightness and contrast on my screen so i can see every survivor very easily if they just sit in a dark corner

  • Awgustin
    Awgustin Member Posts: 9

    Candidly, complaining about darker cosmetics because it helps survivors somehow camouflage its hilarious. Same can go for killers like ghostface or legion that are harder to spot from distance and by the time you see them its too late. Camouflaging its not actually a real problem, but people just like to complain about things that to them seem like "unfair" or "broken" in some contexts.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I don’t care to stealth personally since I main Jane anyway but it’s a play style

    As for cosmetics I’d like to see them be a bit more bright in general especially Claudette

  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    Stealth is a valid tactic but shouldn't be relied on. Hide when you can so you can continue your objective, don't hide indefinitely because you're scared or just wanna troll.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    I remember when the 80s suitcase came out Cote referred to it as "pay to lose" because of how the bright colors contrasted to maps.

    However it doesn't really matter, if you can loop it doesn't matter if the killer can see or hear you.

  • Tank
    Tank Member Posts: 63

    I think it's actually fun since it gives people options outside of their mechanics and adds a little spice to the game. Want to be sneaky and secretly do gens or be less visible to Survivors as stealth killers? You can just dress in the darker clothes. Want to grab the attention of the Killer to bait loops or use bright Killer skins to make them think you're just arrogant? Done, just pay them money.

    I will always choose a Claudette to chase if I see two Survivors though, since they are really cheeky and very hard to find when you've been drinking.