Question about survivors. No hate plz.

(1) why do they hate going against some killers instead of dealing with it?
(2) Also why do some survivors love easy matches just to say at the end of the match you suck? The game was never meant to be easy for em? So why do they keep saying nerf nerf and nerf that?
Because doing gens is boring and trash talk is stimulating. Don't pay any attention to it if it bothers you so much.
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I always have end game chat off lol
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1) when im playing surv i just deal with it when it comes to killers i dont like. the only times i ever let go on hook early is if the game actually looks like it at a loss (extreme slugger and 4 or 5 gens left, things like that). The only killer i just cannot stand is Freddy. i dont like his teleport with pop, which they all run. i dont like how hard it is to see in the dream world (colorblind) and i have a hard time hearing him in dream world too so hes usually a loss match too me. if they decide to tunnel and the off chance im running ds i just wont use it and ill take the L its usually not worth the stuggle when i can move on to a match i can actually play and get points in.
2) i never understood this either. not from killer or surv side. its an entitelment thing. a lot of people think that they are entitled to a specific playstyle (no camping, tunneling or anything they dont like rly) and they think theyre entitled to a win. so they like to throw it in your face when they get an easy match. trust me if you destroy the same person theyll still say "you suck" at the end and nitpick your playstyle. just ignore them. they can be upset by themselves or w/e.
the nerfing thing also comes as entitelment trust me it happens a bit on the killer side too. it seems every other patch nerfs one side more than the other and they flip flop which side theyre working on each time. which is why many people say BHVR is surv sided one patch then the next say they only give killers buffs. people feel entitled to be heard (and they should, the community is a part of the game too!) but if they dont get exactly what they want when they want it theres bound to be the few people who are louder then the rest that just complain.
take the mori keys as an example. moris were nerfed keyes werent. they said keys were next. killers complained for a week or so that keys were overpowered and then the normal convo resumed when everyone came around to the idea that keys would take longer to rework and that survs would also be nerfed just as the killers were.
i hope my response helps a little sorry its so long <3
i also dont mean any of this in a rude way, just explanitory and im sorry if it comes off negatively.
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I don't understand why people gain pleasure by being a douche. It really doesn't help anyone, it's just petty and selfish. If you wanna trash talk you should try doing it in real life as well
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1) why do killers hate going against some groups instead of just dealing with it?
2) Why do some killers love easy matches and fill them with all the toxicity they can, from forcing bleed-outs to kebabing, then go into the post game to shittalk while going on about nerfing this and that and this again? Killer is by design supposed to be harder, shouldn't it actually be hard?
Or, to put it a other way, please don't generalise, ask extremely pointed and biased questions, and add a tag to your post to try to avoid getting called out for it.
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Repeatedly hitting hooked survivors.
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1: Because human preference is always variable. Some people love going against Blight, some people despise Blight. Some people love going against that one Hag that puts 15 traps next to your hook, some people don't. And in some cases, like Spirit, they might have a legitimate grievance. It's not necessarily a "they" thing.
2: Because some people are ######### and that's PvP games for ya.
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1) They consider them unfair and/or no fun to play against, however I don't really think they have a leg to stand on when complaining about most of the Killers. I will agree that Spirit badly needs something done though and I want that change to come as much as all her haters, even if I love everything about her and also know that they won't compensate her with any meaningful buffs to map pressure when they inevitably nerf her one good aspect into the ground. I have no place to comment about Freddy either since I don't own him, but from what I've seen he should at least be investigated.
2) They are just the usual horrible people who play online games, nothing more and nothing less. Not Survivors in general, it's just specifically the types you mentioned that are garbage.
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Them questions can go both ways as @MadLordJack said.
Don't get me wrong some killers are unfun to verse and it is personal preference, but a good chunk of the survivor community aren't very experienced against the harder killers to verse which leads them to be unfun. More importantly, they don't play said killers leading to less knowledge about them.
Same with common killer complaints, some people just aren't that good under stressful situations.
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Kebabing comes from... I don't remember exactly what region it comes from, but I do know it basically references a similar act to what you're describing.
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Same reasons killers hate going up aainst DS, Unbreakable, etc. instead of dealing with it.
That is all.
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The answer to all is, mostly, it's some bizarre psychological thing:
Especially in western society we are taught from childhood on that you MUST always win, always be right etc. This is something that reflects in the way we play games. There's rarely a 'play together' and even games with no (outright) competitive elements get turned into competitions.
In the case of DbD the mindset of many appears to be that you must not just play better than your opponent but thoroughly devastate them. Mock them, humiliate them etc.
One beloved way to do this (as survivor) is the looping-and-juking approach, and when a killer puts an end to that without playing scummy, they hate it. And they won't look at themselves for what went 'wrong'. It must be the killers fault, or the teammates. A very good example is people sitting injured in the gate against Deathslinger and then complaining when they get pulled out.
On the side of killers things like noed, camping etc are a common way to be self-absorbed, and killers that have broken mechanics like Bubba, freddy or spirit (broken in the sense that they are easily exploitable) are favoured by people who play to feed their ego.
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1) Because some killers are just miserable to face. Either Because the power encourages a style they don't enjoy or simply attracts killers that delight in making games miserable for others.
2) I think it's more survivors like fun matches. A good back and forth, enjoyable chases, and teammates that don't suck.
Which is not to say there aren't survivors that are just a bunch of little shits.
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It's because they haven't moved beyond a high school mentality.
Personally, I don't mind a game when I get a few good loops in. If I can get a stun and a good run in then, yeah, hook me we've both earned a rest lol. There's no need to talk down on someone who may have never seen a tactic before. That's why it's called "learning".
There are some killers that I don't care to face because with the hit boxes they're a nightmare to face and with the 360 juke being bugged ... But everyone also has a favorite that they love to go against so I think it's more about player experiment maybe?
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Well said!!!
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People talk trash all the time. In any competitive scene, regardless of whether it's in real life or on a game, you compete both in whatever the activity is and on a psychological level. It's just the way it is.
It's true that some people don't like engaging in trash talk, in which case they can just ignore what their opponent says. It's not the end of the world
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Better question: Why do you think that attitude is exclusive for survivors though?
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I have legitimately wondered what that was called for the last 30 years of my life (ever since being introduced to greek food as a kid), so thank you, didn't expect I'd learn that here.
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They hate playing against some killers because some killers are just simply not fun to play against.
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I mean it's one thing to be playing against the killer. But with Plague -- at least in Solo Que (and some bad SWF teams) you're also going against your team because they will literally cleanse every chance they get, turning Plague into Machine Gun Huntress.
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Some Killers just annoy me to play against. Yes, they are ALL trying to kill me but for some reason I just loathe going up against the Deathslinger.
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I 100% get that, but it certainly doesn't make it right for those who continue trash talking. Just because a large amount of people do it doesn't make it right for others to do it.
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Dwight Main Here
(1) why do they hate going against some killers instead of dealing with it?
Because the killers we dislike going against tend to have abilities that ignore our only form of defense; looping. That or they're just incredibly annoying to go up against (Freddy, Spirit)
The killers we don't like are annoying to us, and tend to beat teams without trying (ESPECIALLY solo que)
(2) Also why do some survivors love easy matches just to say at the end of the match you suck? The game was never meant to be easy for em? So why do they keep saying nerf nerf and nerf that?
People don't realize that the reason a meta is in place isn't because it's fun, but because it works. Survivors have crutch perks because they work, not because they're fun, and killers viewed as overpowered aren't fun to play against, but work exceptionally well against even the highest tier survivors.
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I like being toxic in both roles..But more so as a survivor cause it's more fun and only kills the fun for one person.
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I'll agree with you that if the other person doesn't engage, then you should stop. That's how it usually happens in life.
It's a bit different in video games though, since most of the people who keep bashing you even if you don't respond in kind are children who don't know any better
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Huh, that's a fair point. Thanks for the response.
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1) Because for some players specific killers are more fun to go against (i.e. They have more counterplay, they have more chase potential rather than the boring drop a pallet earlier technique etc). It's the same reason killers dodge key holder lobbies (for example) only difference is they have a way to see that, survivors don't know which killer they are facing until they are in the match.
2) Too many questions compiled into one question.
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Some killers are simply unfun to fight against. Spirit leaves no room for survivors to react to her and has little penalty for missing her power
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1) it have an difference between an strong killer and an annoying, like going against an good doc its annoying screaming but in the end it is still an good match or going against an a good huntress or an good nurse, if i loose i an not going to be frustraded because the killer actully had some strategy or trained they are just better then me , but some killers like spirit is just annoying boring and really stretsfull, like i personally prefer to not play that going against spirit, it isnt about the killer being strong is about how much you feel that you played well or about how much is fun to go against like ghostface that stalks you by an little corner
2) they ask nerf when something is annoyng like for example noed, and when an easy match occour you just feel that you are good, like when you clutch on an game
People that say ez without any reason are just #########