Hook camping

Okay so, camping the hook its something that a lot of killers does and I think there's should be a change. So, if a killer stay in an area like 20-30 metters of the hook, it freezes, stopping the countdown. That would be fair because, most of this kind of plays ruin the fun of the players and for that, you will need to change some perks that stops the countdown. Camping will also make the killer lose, and I think putting that freeze thing, it will help killers get better and making more pressure on the map. Its my suggestion, if you don't like it don't need to "attack" me.


    ITSMEASS Member Posts: 11

    But, it won't affect killer, because, the hook still count like, the guy get unhooked, cuz its counting (if killer out the range) and still the same. It just won't ruin the surviviors gameplay

    ITSMEASS Member Posts: 11

    I mean, if the killer camps the hook, the only change is that stops countdown, the hooks still normal, the only problem is that the survivor can stay the whole game in first hook if the killer camps, but thats not a survivor problem and its a killer problem

    ITSMEASS Member Posts: 11

    But thats a killer problem! Leave the survivor then! Get out the range and wait till the other get saved to tunnel it

  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

    Camping a hook is not an efficiant way to be a killer. I tend not to do but if I get looped round the hook or a jungle gym by another survivour that's there fault not the killers.

    ITSMEASS Member Posts: 11

    I do, but its not fun the killer that facecamp u the whole game, making u waste time cuz u play to have fun and get points etc, if its to say getting facecamped playing or not its the same

    ITSMEASS Member Posts: 11

    Then reduce that, I wanted to say an example, then 10-15, I don't mean like lots away, but give distance

    ITSMEASS Member Posts: 11

    So that why Im saying this, to killers stop camping and learn how to play.

    ITSMEASS Member Posts: 11

    But even without a survivor close they camp u

  • QwQw
    QwQw Member Posts: 4,531

    What do you mean it "won't affect killer"? Survivors would just run to the hook when they're being chased to prevent their friend from dying. As I said, the devs already made a system like this and survivors abused it. Not to mention, if the killer knows that multiple survivors are in the area and are going to save, they literally just have to let them for no consequence. I'm sorry, but this idea is just horrible.

  • poomanchu
    poomanchu Member Posts: 242

    Hook camping is the same as gen rushing. Survivors objective is to complete gens as fast as possible, killers job is to kill survivors. That’s how it works. Hook camping helps pressure survivors to stop working on gens.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Herding, Camping, Tunneling, Slugging, and the Mori are all niche tactics that Killers can use. It doesn't mean they don't know what they are doing. Done wrong they hurt the Killer; done right they are very potent. Why don't you spend less time worrying about what OTHER people are doing and more on yourself. Control the things you can control. We all face the same problems and obstacles. Some of us seem to be doing fine. That means you need to OWN your own failures and stop blaming the Killer for doing his/her job and start worrying about you doing YOURS.

    ITSMEASS Member Posts: 11

    After the camping comes the toxicity from surv and killer sides. Camping its the only one that I don't agree cuz theres no way to avoid it, its the only one survivors can't do anything even with bt against bubba. This community is one of the worst I ever known in every aspect, theres cool people but the rest is lots of toxic players. Killers can camp and have this not fair hitboxes, and survivors just have to accept them? And don't tell me "devs already said it will get fixed in the next patch" cuz it won't, if they didn't fixed hitboxes since 2016 it will be not now that it will get the fix.

  • JPA
    JPA Member Posts: 1,685

    Let's say you're a Huntress, there are 3 gens left, you hook someone who was working on one gen, they have that gen very near completion. With BBQ you see someone at the gen on the other side of the map, but it's very far away, so far in fact you might not be able to get there before it is completed.

    If you leave the gen, you know the person you just hooked will be unhooked, and then finish the other gen off with the person that unhooked them.

    So you can blindly follow the BBQ aura, maybe kill that person, but risk losing all pressure, as you lose both the hook AND the gen near the hook, and you also risk losing the gen on the other side of the map anyway, as you don't know how long that survivor has been working on it, you didn't see them for a while.

    Also you want to win the game.

    Do you camp the hook? I would!

  • Naz
    Naz Member Posts: 122

    I feel your pain as i get camped as much as anyone else but it is a part of the game and it can be a very dumb mistake by the killer if the other survivors are smart and gen rush. I've never camped, too boring for me.

  • En3ermost
    En3ermost Member Posts: 298
    edited February 2021

    Jokes on you, go watch some DbD developers twitch streams and you'll see even them camp in certain matches as killers.

    They stated multiple times it's a valid strategy and a genuine part of this game.

    You either accept it or you leave. Stop whining.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389
    edited February 2021

    Camping is not an actual thing, because if the killers camps he loses the game (if survivors are smart enough to work on gens, which sometimes its not the case).

    The idea is bad because on red ranks most survivors just rescue in front of the killer, they just rush the hook sometimes even while the killer is carrying the survivor.

    You also have borrowed time, and remember that sometimes the killer has no other option than camping.

    Whoever says "I never camp", he never played killer seriously.

    ITSMEASS Member Posts: 11

    Okay, thats true, sometimes camping is necessary, but its not necessary like, 5 gens left, 1 survivor on hook and a bubba in front of it... Thats not fair, and losing a pip from rank its not even something that killers cares, some of them just want derank to bully newbies. Thats why this matchmaking is not even fair

  • Grimzy
    Grimzy Member Posts: 219

    All they need to do is make the killer loose emblem points when camping a hook within a certain range. Simple as that.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
  • kingcarl2012
    kingcarl2012 Member Posts: 1,710

    Obviously not since that already happens amd people still complain about it.

  • Shirokinukatsukami
    Shirokinukatsukami Member Posts: 1,624

    Easy fix:

    Hook timer stops if killer is in hooked radius.

    If another person shows up and killer gets in chase hook timer resumes.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    It's mainly because his chainsaw can mow down multiple people in quick succession. Like even with borrowed time they can hit them and get the down so quickly.

  • CornHub
    CornHub Member Posts: 1,864

    Survs would just repeatedly go in and out of the radius or attempt to drop the chase to pause the timer.

  • PigEmpress
    PigEmpress Member Posts: 79

    I would accept this change if survivors are required to do 10 more generators in each map to a total of 15. Then it would be fair.

    Also, to paraphrase OP. If survivors can't do 15 generators then it is a survivor problem.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    So we ruin the Killer's gameplay instead?

    You know it his job to KILL YOU, right?

  • awsome_predator
    awsome_predator Member Posts: 35

    Just use Steve Harrington perk and be a survivor that camps close to hook then it freezes the timer while the other 2 do gen rush problem solved gens complete use bt and adrenaline pop em off hook and bam killer gets ruined so no need to change it and there is plenty of killers out there who can go a whole game without even getting a single hook should we make it if they haven't had a single hook and that the gens have popped to quick then he gets super speed boost and can walk through pallets and walls like a ghost and insta down as I feel that would make game fair for killers that can't get hooks due to gen rush don't u think? No it's a silly idea just like stopping the clock as there is plenty of ways to deal with a camp killer rush gens n camp killer is pointless really yes 1 may die but that's what can happen just like there are plenty of killers who don't camp manage to 2 hook all guys get fast downs but all escape as they have efficiently did gens even though killer has played amazing and he technically has failed at his job for me killers can camp and tunnel as much as they want just like survivors can gen rush and loop killers it's just the game and ppl should play it how they like to if they like camping let them camp they maybe find it fun I can't see why but they might just like some survivors like to gen rush and never engage a chase or those that like to clicky clicky and tebag that's what they find fun and that's fine

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    Easier fix; spend more time practicing and playing the game rather than theoretical ways you can change the game outside the match. Camping seems to remain a problem for certain people because they misdirect their energies in dealing with it.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Any time survivors get protection some of them abuse it. Usually finding a way to force it to Grant the rest of the team time to push gens.

    Swf can easily prepare and counter this already.

    Solo que needs to work on their own ability to avoid the killer and ESCAPE chases rather than running until downed.

    Accept that your not entitled to 3 separate hooks, just your first chase.

  • W4rhe4rt
    W4rhe4rt Member Posts: 3

    Face camping and slugging wouldn't be such a pervasive issue if there was a better balance on the time it takes between survivor and killer objectives. When its possible 4 gens can be done in less than 3 minutes Killers will do what they think will get a win or the most possible BPs. Killers need to be incentivized to be more active and and the current balance doesn't do that.

    People can screech "GET GUD" and "GEN PRESSURE" all they want. Nothing will change until the balance does. I'd rather be called trash bc I used "scumy" tactics and won( most BPs). Over being called trash because I lost playing by an invisible rule set designed to benefit one side over the other.

  • Johnny_XMan
    Johnny_XMan Member Posts: 6,430
    edited February 2021


    If it wasn't an efficient tactic we wouldn't hear so many people complaining about this busted mechanic in the game.

    Sorry, but I know OP's idea is far from perfect, but neither is doing NOTHING to counter hardcore Camping.

    Yesterday I had a killer main streamer (I won't mention any names here) tell me "If I do not see an obsession, I will camp and tunnel all day". This is precisely the mentality of a lot of killer players, it's disgusting and I am not surprised people are fed up with it.

  • Dingo88
    Dingo88 Member Posts: 219

    I know where people are coming from but you can't tar every killer with the same brush.

    The reason camping ain't efficient is if you get a team of compitant survivours and the guy on hook does not try to get of him self and everyone goes on gens it's easy the killer only benifits if the survivours go in and try for a rescue. you can do an entire gen before the person on hook goes in to second stage and that's without a toolbox so that's 3 gens right there if everyone on a gen then go do unhook by the time a player does tge u hook you've got the last gens done.

  • offwhiteknight
    offwhiteknight Member Posts: 172

    I hate being camped as much as the next guy, but sometimes camping is the right strategy. If I'm playing killer and have a 3 or 4 gen with someone hooked in the middle of it. Sorry, but your ass is getting camped. Tough luck. I'm not going to leave my 3 or 4 gen so you aren't feeling camped. Especially if all 4 survivors are left. It would be stupid as hell to penalize killers for playing smart.