The DS change looks good but...



  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    Jesus Christ, everyone got off topic, but it's fine because nothing we say here is going to be taken seriously in changing the game anyways.

    So go nuts everyone... HEY! I think the next killer should be a big egg monster that eats DS for her breakfast and her TR music can go like, yum yum yum yum yum yum yummmmmy....

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    If you think I gave no input then you might wanna read a little bit better as I most definitely did.

    But if you only want to read what you want, as long as it fits your narrative, than you i think i might not gave any input to the topics in your eyes.

    People like you are impossible to have a discussion with as you never open for facts if it doesn't suits you.

  • supersonic853
    supersonic853 Member Posts: 5,510

    90% of time when i get tunneled and i stun the killer they just follow my scratch marks or blood trail back to me since i dont have anything to protect me now @Aven_Fallen is merely suggesting that if a killer actually tunnels (with new ds) they cant just be back on you 20 seconds later because you have no escape now. Ds doesnt hurt tunnelers really it never has and a buff to make it actually brutally punish tunnelers (they literally spend like 40 seconds tunneling you just to lose you and get nothing out of it) is a amazing deterrent for tunnelers

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    ######### are you on about? When you can actually understand what I write then reply otherwise just keep quiet. Why do you keep mentioning old DS, I didn’t mention it once and I’m not trying to talk about it. I’m purely talking about the usefulness of the new DS idea

  • ChurchofPig
    ChurchofPig Member Posts: 2,763

    I only have a problem with the 6 second stun duration because just because you know what one survivor is doing, that's 6 seconds other survivors are doing something. If there's 3 other survivors you didn't lose 6 seconds that you can easily gain back, you just lost up to 18 seconds of time (assuming there are 3 survivors left, all of which doing something). If those 3 survivors were on a single gen together, you just lost more than 18 seconds. If they were to increase the time, which there is no need too, I'd live with it. I just don't think it's the best idea mathematically. You might know how far the one you're chasing is, but you don't know about the others (if there are others left).

  • jrinkwater
    jrinkwater Member Posts: 314

    I've always wanted a random Obsession at the beginning of the game. The fact that there is none if noone has a perk does lead to grooming players to behave a certain way.

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I understand you crystal clear. Your point is irrelevant and your math is dubious at best.

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    True, but with current DS you already lose 5 sec. So with what you're saying, a 6 sec. stun would only add 3 more seconds.

    Not to mention, with new DS, you'll never get DSed, unless you are trying reeeally hard to tunnel AND the survivor has to have DS. It's gonna be rare, I think.

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    Do you consider casting insults input? Try being reasonable first instead of throwing shade. Where as I, respectfully, only shoot back at those who shot first.

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    It doesn't matter if everyone drops it or not, there should still be a risk if the killer decides to tunnel. Just like there's a risk to rushing generators without slowing down and destroying totems.

    If survivors could tell if the killer was running NOED or not, oh boy... 😅

  • glitchboi
    glitchboi Member Posts: 6,017

    DS will probably be in my solo queue build once the rework comes out.

  • LunanEclipse
    LunanEclipse Member Posts: 8

    Easy solution run an obsession perk it doesn't have to be DS. A killer will almost never use an obsession perk because they are bad on killers. A killer obsession perk other than fired up say you can't target this survivor or you will lose the strength of your perk. Kind of not what a killer wants when they need momentum. As a killer main personally the only way I would be ok with an obsession every game is that there is an inherent negative to being the obsession so killers get some benefit to a system that punishes them for existing.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704
    edited May 2021


    Whatever dude, I've been reasonable from the start.

    You read a comment and focus on 1 sentence from the entire comment and then complain about why that is wrong instead of looking at the full story.

    Even insult others who don't agree with you.

    But hey, it's ok.

    One day when you grow up you maybe learn how to have a normal conversation with respecting others opinions as well.

    Until that day arrives, good night, good luck and goodbye 👋

    Post edited by Mandy on
  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Fired up isn't a obsession perk and there are strong obsession perks for killer.

    Safe the best for less is pretty strong if you ask me on certain killers.

    You gain stacks very fast and only lose 4 in total when you injure and down the obsession.

    Also play with your food can be pretty strong with scratch mirror myers especially when combined with nemesis.

    Dark devotion can be pretty strong after hitting your obsession.

    Rancor can give you a idea where everyone is after a gen and mori your obsession (not a strong perk but it can be)

    Remember me is reasonable strong during the end.

    Dying light is also reasonable as the obsession only gets a boost from unhooking and healing.

    Not all may be really strong, but used with the right er and they get really strong and if some are combined with another perk they also become really strong

    But i agree with you on the last part.

    Should the devs ever consider to permanently put in a obsession every match, then there should be also a downside for being the obsession.

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    Comprehension not something you’ve worked on? My point was to explain the new DS which it did and I didn’t use any math, so mathematics you’ve not learnt either?

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458
    edited February 2021

    And as I've said, and everyone can clearly see, your point is pointless. :) By all means, continue... amaze us with your insight... impress us with your acumen. Continue to tell us that the new DS will be useless and how no one will take it. In short order, we will see if you are right or not. That is why I love these Forums because whenever you post some other bit of your odd wisdom, I'm going to to jump on and link them back to this topic so they can know the quality of your credentials. :)

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    Okay answer this simple question, roughly as a percentage, how often as a survivor do you get tunnelled? Or if you don’t play survivor, then a rough estimate of how often you think a general survivor gets tunnelled?

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I play both Killer and Survivor (Solo mostly). On average, I have no clue. Unlike you, I don't just toss out numbers to try and make my case. When I want to test something, I record my games and go back and count. A good sample size is a hundred matches. Do I think people get tunneled near as much as THEY think they get tunneled? No. But short of collecting actual data, as I have for other experiments, I don't assume. For the record, I don't run DS much at all because I don't think I get a good return on it. However, enough people (a LOT of them do) so clearly they must be getting a return.

  • Eyhnal
    Eyhnal Member Posts: 26

    The DS change is gonna be even more horrible, you can just decide to heal 99% just incase to save DS when you need it. You can avoid doing gens and other objectives so that the perk doesn’t disable, this is gonna be more time consuming for survivors. DS right now can be good when getting tunneled again after being healed from injured to full. So imagine this after the new DS update. You got unhooked and escaped the killer so that you can heal yourself, okay self heal done you are now fully healed and the DS perk has disabled. After a few seconds the killer finds you again and downs you, right now you don’t have decisive strike ready cause of the nerf. I feel like the best change they could’ve added for DS is to make it only available after your second hook state not your first hook, this is much better and makes more sense and is much more fair for both the killer and survivor unlike this bad change.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    It doesn't have to because of tunneling tbh.

    I've had matches where I hooked that person with ds.

    Downed another and not at the hooked survivor but actually in a different spot.

    Hooked her and meanwhile the other got unhooked.

    Found another survivor, same thing and hooked him.

    Then found the first survivor again who was fully healed, downed her and got hit by ds.

    So not only did I not tunnel, I also hooked 2 other survivors before finding the first one again and still get punished for it because they just play badly 🤷‍♂️

    Same thing happened a few days back.

    Hooked 1, popped a gen, downed and hooked another.

    Then I find the first one working on a gen again, downed him, popped the gen and picked him up.

    Again pushed for their greed and mistakes

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    Why are you avoiding the question? I’ve just asked for an estimate

  • Moundshroud
    Moundshroud Member Posts: 4,458

    I didn't avoid it. I was quite clear. I don't have enough information to make an estimate, nor do you. If you like, I'd be happy to track my next hundred matches as a Killer and as a Survivor (which would be 200 matches) and count the times I am tunneled, i.e. I'm unhooked and immediately followed by the Killer again and hooked next with nothing in between. *Likewise, how often I do it as a Killer. But to get an estimate, you need real data. Otherwise, you are just guessing and your memory will play you false. You will remember what you want to remember, i.e. whatever feeds your theory. It is seeking confirmation bias.

    So, exactly WHAT are you basing YOUR estimates on? You seem to throw around a lot of numbers. Where is that data coming from?

  • snax9111
    snax9111 Member Posts: 67

    well if you were a DS user and now you stopped using it because it finally got balanced, and it became an actual fair perk.

    you kinda deserve whats coming for you, please note im not talking to you in specific but to everyone in general,

    if you were in it just to abuse, i dont feel bad if you get abused.

  • Mugombo
    Mugombo Member Posts: 509

    Do you know what the words rough estimate means? All you need is a bit of experience playing the game and a couple brain cells and you’ll be able to make an estimate

  • LunanEclipse
    LunanEclipse Member Posts: 8

    I just realized I meant remember me not fired up. Got the freddy perks messed up but its its very killer specific if they want obsession perks like you said and there are really strong combos.

  • niceguy22
    niceguy22 Member Posts: 17

    good, another killer boost. hitboxes and now this. damn killers are literally playing on handicap mode bahah

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    You do realize it's not the Hit-boxes, right? It's a desync. On the killer's end, everything looks completely fine. And it'll be fixed in the upcoming patch, probably on Tuesday, unless the problem gives them issues.

    Hit boxes are the same. On Survivor's screen, they're a few meters away. On the killer's screen, they're right on the survivor. Acting like killers are abusing this or something when they literally don't see a difference most of the time.

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    You proved my point perfectly, wow, while being a hypocrite at the same time, you are talented 😁

    You went out of your way, forced yourself into a conversation between two other people, just to insult someone. That is rotten behavior and, it's not even worth my time checking, but I'm willing to bet your Dead By Daylight forum profile discussion history shows that this is not the first time you've butted in with negativity.

    I'm more happy and content then you'll ever be, unless you change your ways, because I have compassion and show sympathy for others, but I have no respect for people like you, good day.

  • NomiNomad
    NomiNomad Member Posts: 3,178

    Unless the problem is harder than they thought, most likely Tuesday. That's when the updates normally roll out.

  • jester20k
    jester20k Member Posts: 827
    edited February 2021

    They should make it a ten second stun, because literally the only way you're going to get hit with ds is if you literally tunnel off the hook, which should be severely discouraged. Also Noone is going to be using it so who cares.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    you forgot that she has to charge her blink and also thats just one killer

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    there should be a obsession every match no matter if someone using a obsession perk or not the stun not sure on that one.

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704
  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    Idk, maybe it's just me and other people who play killer decently, but with any killer, I've gotten DSed and 5 seconds later, see the survivor hasn't gotten far.

    If you think, with new DS, one more second would be too much punishment for a tunneling killer, even though I disagree, I still respect your opinion.

  • PleassBuiltInNoed
    PleassBuiltInNoed Member Posts: 618

    its big deal because its just annoying, imagine if you were as a survivor stunned for 5 seconds by something not being able to look around nor move

    new ds is still anti tunnel

  • Wingmonster
    Wingmonster Member Posts: 27

    I can't wait to see no one with DS lol, everyone relies on that perk so much it's unbelievable.

  • HollowsGrief
    HollowsGrief Member Posts: 1,497

    DS doesn't need a BUFF to compensate for them removing the ability to ABUSE it. The perk, as it was intended to be (anti tunnel) will not lose any strength at all and as such should NOT be buffed.

  • Rizer
    Rizer Member Posts: 95

    Can this game get any easier for killers or what? Pretty soon there won't be any survivors left for you casuals to kill.

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255
    edited February 2021

    Personally, since stunning the killer with DS makes you the obsession, all that is needed is to not allocate an obsession until that happens. As it currently is, a player carrying DS will be the obsession at the start of the match, unless another survivor or killer obsession is also in play, and gives a chance to make someone else the obsession. Just make it so there is no dictated obsession until the killer gets hit with the stun. Killers don't need to know if a survivor has DS, because, as you said, if people don't run it and there's no obsession, it's tunnel season. This change would deter killers from tunneling simply because they don't see an obsession, without necessarily removing info a killer uses to determine other obsession perks, such as, by making a player the obsession every match, regardless. With the few survivor obsession perks that exist, I personally don't really see a need for the killer to have the info on whether they need to slug a survivor or tunnel them to death.

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    This is a pretty cool idea, I like it. Unfortunately, the killer obsession perks get in the way of this, so the devs probably won't consider this as an option, at least in our near future.

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    😂 I know, right? The funny thing is, the prime time of the day when people get off work or home from school, there's actually a sizable lack of killer players, so BHVR really feels the need to make killer friendly changes in order to balance queue times.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    There are many perks and addons that give a survivor the obsession. The only info an obsession gives right now, is that someone is running something related to obsessions. Which used to be massive information back in the day, but right now there are so many things that can give you an obsession that there isnt really any argument on not having it in a match. Especially considering obsessions gain extra bloodpoints, for no real reason.

    Besides that, having an obsession in the match, gives a killer a reason to not tunnel regardless of there actually being DS in the match or not. If there are 0 obsessions, there is nothing holding a killer back from directly tunnelling off hook and rushing a kill before the first 2 gens popped. Considering killers like Spirit, Wraith, Freddy, Nurse and Deathslinger can essentially keep their TR outside the hook range, preventing BT from triggering, that is an instakill. That is 2016 style DBD and that style was nerfed heavily with the introduction of Laurie and Bill.

    Essentially, the positives of having a standard obsession in the game heavily outweigh the negatives. It allows survivors to not run DS and run much weaker perks to have a little fun, without having to fear being tunneled out of the game within 2 minutes(especially considering matchmaking can last 15 minutes, its not fun for any player to wait 30 minutes only to have 2 matches that last 2 minutes, unless you want Old BNP back so that killers can face the same short matches again).

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    This is worded perfectly, you are very clearly an intelligent person, my hats off to you.

  • ttvbardberd
    ttvbardberd Member Posts: 144

    6 seconds instead of 5 is perfect honestly. An extra second doesn't drastically affect the killer but gives time for the survivor to get away. Sounds good!

  • vacaman
    vacaman Member Posts: 1,140

    Then just use DS, problem solved.

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    I mean, if everyone runs DS any game anyway, there would be no difference in having a standard obsession. As for obsession related things that killers run quite often:

    Perks: STBFL, PWYF, Nemesis(in conjunction with PWYF), Rancor(not common in the past month, but prior to past month it was there about 20% of the matches)

    Offerings: Black Box and Judith's Journal.

    And I would claim you're actually wrong with experimenting in lower levels. I personally am at a level with certain killers and as survivor where I dont really need perks to really win games. So I run perks that are more mindgamey than pressuring objectives(think of running Deception, Q&Q, Lithe and Dance with Me as survivor, or using Furtive Chase+PWYF on a T2 Myers with Dead Rabbit. And yes, that includes sweaty SWF's who run OoO). I think people truly start experimenting with perks and/or addons once they are skilled enough to hold their own without relying on perks and/or addons.

    And yes, slugging is more fun than being rushed out of a game. If there is no DS, odds are quite high that I only get 6k points and get a depip. Being slugged gives you the oppertunity to get back in the game and actually have a chance of gaining a black pip before you die, in addition of gaining more bp. The issue with slugging has no direct connection to the issue with gaining free kills due to a lack of obsession. Slugging can be annoying in any scenario, tunneling is downright depipping survivors and not getting any BP from a match that took 10 minutes to get in.

    The objective is to prevent survivors from escaping, tunneling tends to lead to a genrush which leads to 3 survivors escaping. That's not objective focussed. So tunneling 1 survivor leads to you losing the game, where objective focussed killers tunneling tend to only tunnel later in game when they need someone dead to prevent more gens from being done. As for gens, its more like not finishing the final gen in favor of doing totems to prevent NOED, for example, or opening chests to get an item that might be beneficial. Focussing on gens as survivor all the time can end up being negative when a killer has control. Focussing on gens only works when survivors have control and the survivor. Just as a killer tunneling only really works when survivors are in control and there is someone on hook, but tunneling when the killer is in control is a heavy risk as you hand the control to survivors. So yes, if tunneling is the absolute only way of gaining an advantage, its fine, just as slugging is fine if you absolutely need to have pressure on different parts of the map(preferably one dead on hook on one side being slugged with the other one being on hook on the opposite side of the map while starting a chase with someone else, because killing a dead on hook survivor can sometimes reduce pressure).

    Because obsession itself is essentially worthless, other than the extra 1k or 1.5k it gives? Dont tell me the bloodpoints are an issue, because survivor bloodpoint gains suck. In fact, thats another reason to add it, because it guarantees additional bloodpoints. IN FACT, Nemesis has a very weird mechanic where it can start with 0 obsessions(which is 100% useless as there are no perks that suddenly get better or worse when there is an obsession without creating an obsession). Besides, playing efficiently and tunneling do not belong in the same sentence. If you tunnel, you're not playing efficiently. If tunneling pays off, you're simply facing survivors who are not willing to play sweaty. You're already getting punished for tunneling in a competitive setting by survivors simply genrushing instead.

    And no, obsessions do not affect base gameplay, because like you said: the base gameplay is that survivors use DS. Meaning its not part of the generic basekit for there to be no obsession. In fact, the lack of obsession is what truly affects base gameplay, since a lot of lower skilled killers(yes, lower skilled, higher skilled killers never really abuse a lack of obsession and in the few cases that they do, it wouldnt have mattered anyway) just decide to rush kills instead. Hemorrhage actively increases information, obsessions, as I have stated before, do not. Hemorrhage basekit literally make scratchmarks useless. If you want hemorrhage basekit, you need to fully remove scratchmarks. Where as making obsession basekit, doesnt really affect gameplay that much.

    You're literally comparing a constant output of information in chase that removes any mindgaming compared to information that MIGHT give away a single perk, which, if I may remind you, will probably be worthless information with the OoO rework which would make OoO a baseline perk. On top of that, there are already plenty obsession related perks that are used commonly enough to make the info worthless. Hemorrhage might not be the greatest effect in game, but that is because there are no addons or perks other than Sloppy Butcher that give it value. Hemorrhage is amazingly powerful as a side effect, but it isnt worth a slot on its own. The indication of an obsession barely gives any information other than a tiny risk of DS, which is good. There are already tons of powerful perks that are a risk without any indication: Unbreakable, Bloodwarden, Noed, Dead Hard, Sprintburst, Adrenaline, or even addons like instakill Myers, iri head huntress, tampered timer on Pig. Why is DS the odd one out here? You're literally complaining about a tiny side effect that forces people to remember that DS is a thing, which is already the case 99.999999999% of the time. So why does that 0.000000001% of games affect gameplay in any measurable way? Where Hemorrhage is barely used because of its poor implementation on potentially good perks(IMO, the following perks and addons should come with hemorrhage baseline: Coulrophobia, Cruel Limits Forced Penance, Iron Maiden, Knock-Out, Trapper's traps should have it baseline, or have Serrated and Rusted Jaws be the same addon, Compound 21 should add it onto injured survivors nearby, Rusty Needle and Weighty Rattle from Twins should be 1 addon(essentially, any killers that have Mangled and Hemorrhage or Broken and Hemorrhage seperated in the same effect should have it be 1 singular addon so I am not going to mention other killers anymore), Speedlimiter, Scratched and Vanity Mirror, Leprose Lichen, Rusted Spike, Honey Locust Thorn, Any Emetic addon on Plague, Father's Glasses, Splintered Hull). I agree that Hemorrhage needs a bigger implementation in the game because most perks or addons having it are practically not worth running, let alone running it together with Bloodhound. But Hemorrhage is far too powerful to make it baseline, as it would completely negate scratchmarks.

    So in short: we're literally comparing something here that is already baseline in 99.999999999% of the games, whether it be killer perks, survivor perks, killer addons or survivor addons(wedding ring is quite good). People actively use green keys with wedding ring just for the sake of not being forced to run DS. This is like killers being forced to run Ruin because toolboxes are OP. Nerfing Ruin meant nerfing toolboxes.

  • LittilAvindar
    LittilAvindar Member Posts: 255
    edited February 2021

    Specifically, I mean the perk Decisive Strike shouldn't allocate an obsession until after it is used. Other perks can still make someone an obsession. The whole point is that Decisive shouldn't tell the killer someone has it before it is used. It should be a complete surprise that is meant to counter a tunneler. Instead, in its current state, it tells the killer to tunnel anyway, but leave them on the ground for a minute, because they know they didn't bring an obsession perk, so the survivor has DS. When a non-obsession survivor goes down back to back, the killer tends to immediately pick them up, not knowing they have DS.

  • then4321
    then4321 Member Posts: 234

    Ahhh gotcha gotcha gotcha, okay, yes, I agree completely, that is a FANTASTIC IDEA!!

  • valvarez4
    valvarez4 Member Posts: 868

    Imagine a killer in diying state for 4 min doing nothing