Wow solo que what a experience

Long story short I unhooked safe, did gens, totems trying not to gen rush, healed, everything a survivor should do unfortunately the doctor we played had our number, all survivors spawned by each other so three survivors hopped on one gen I stayed close to help progression on the gen because I had prove thyself, I'm guessing the doctor had that perk that let's you know when two people are working on one gen and basically it was a snowball effect once he got going, we completed one gen two survivors died immediately, two survivors left 4 gens my only thought was may the best men win the other survivor ends up in chase, I like to be by the exit gate just in case the doctor finds the hatch first I can immediately start working on the door if I felt I didn't put in enough work during the game, all of sudden out of nowhere the other survivor turned the corner and pointed me out to the killer of course the killer downed me, like I'm not suppose to try to escape I guess instead I'm suppose to do 4 gens with two people, survivor points at me I point at the survivor I get slugged survivor runs, oh the best part that I forgot to mention was that I healed that same survivor at end game when both other survivors died I could've left him injured to give myself more of an advantage but I wanted to give the other survivor a chance as well, killer let's me wiggle out we both find that survivor lol he gets downed I'm teabagging the survivor killer let's me get the survivor off the hook slugs him again survivor dies killer slugs me gives me hatch but I probably would've gotten hatch anyway the hatch spawned right where i was in the basement, I had 30 thousand something points the killer only had 28 something points so I'm noticing the game favors the person with the most points most of the time so
oop, he got you girl. I'm comin', don't struggle.
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The perk that stops you writing a post mid sentence?
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I love solo Q, but it helps to focus less on surviving/ranking up and more on enjoying the ride.
Also make sure that you always write in complete
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Thanks solo que is a rough experience
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Yeah I know but I don't really want to take it that serious, trust me you think I'm bad with my writing lol and why doesn't the game take in account all the things you do right during the game it seems like the only time I rank up is when I win when I lose no matter what I've done during the game my rank still resets to a lower rank
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Only you understands that joke
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What about the perk that helps you mind your business or the perk that let's you know you don't have to comment on every post you see
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So why exactly didn't you at least try to work on a gen and do something productive instead of waiting for your other team mate to die by probably crouching near an exit gate?
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You lost me at long story short because you typed an essay after lmao
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It was a well intentioned joke, keep your tampon in
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Try some carriage returns next time. It's easier to read
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Can someone provide a TL/Didn´t hit Enter, please?
Because thats really hard to read.
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I know it's not perfect but is it really hard to read or you just don't have the attention span to read it
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So what I got from your post is that you were hiding near a gate instead of being productive when your team mate was being chased so they snitched on you?
Honestly the killer should have killed you too, I hate useless team mates.
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That was a well intentioned comeback, take the tampon out of your mouth it doesn't belong there lol
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Yes, it's hard to read.
There's a thing called grammar and punctuation.
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Good, it wasn't meant for you and your type of attention span
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So did you not just read my story and clearly see I said we still had 4 gens left, you really think I've could've completed one gen let alone 4 lol, if you know someone that has completed 4 gens with two survivors left one of the survivors being themselves, so it's not two survivors left plus you like i guess you're thinking it's me and one other survivor and escaped please let me know I will try to work on 4 gens with two survivors from know on
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So let me know how you would've repaired 4 gens with just you and one other survivor, the killer knew the game was over with that's why he let me escape because at that point it was literally whoever got caught first, it just so happen to be the other survivor, if I would've gotten chased and downed I would've just killed myself immediately on hook and tried to give the other survivor hatch, that's how you be productive in that type of situation but let me know what you would've done genius because you obviously have a plan on how to repair 4 gens with just you and one other survivor, let us in on your secret or do you just like to talk because you're the type of survivor that rats on you're teammates because you got caught and don't know how to farm as much points as possible before the killer catches you and then sacrificing yourself for your teammate,is that it six9 lol
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No I am rather productive than being a c*nt and letting my team die while not doing dog #########. Also if you do gens during the event rn you give your team some extra points as well.
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So I'm really thinking you just like arguing or you're twelve or just dumb, you keep saying I let my teammate die what was I suppose to do. I unhooked him/her and healed him/her after all the other teammates were dead and their was 4 gens left, I could've left my teammate on the hook and went for the hatch or the gate d*ckh*ead, but I didn't and you still haven't explained to me how to get 4 gens done with you and one more survivor, oh yeah you can't I think you're just butthurt about the conversation and won't let it go
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Not to downplay your experience, but THIS is more commonly happening.
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Yeah you're exactly right lol I feel like I'm saying that every match smdh
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I love stuff like this, it makes the game great.