What in the (bad word) is going on in dbd
To be honest I don't think the devs would be interested in changing the game that drastically, they're having a hard enough time changing the current game now lol, but what i would suggest is you coming out with your own game similar to dbd and with all the problems with dbd right now this would be the perfect time, and just in case the devs for dbd complain about copy infringement there's plenty of games that's alike. The idea for mortal kombat came from street fighter only difference is the creator for mortal kombat wanted fatalities, so if there's minor changes in the characters and certain elements you can make a game similar,because we all know dbd is having alot of trouble right now and people are dying for something new and if you could fix alot of problems dbd is having from a survivors point and a killers point you could have something major
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Well I just like coming up with ideas like these. Were you referring to the proximity voice chat post or the blood fued post?
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Both, you sound like a dbd 2.5 not saying dbd isn't a fun game and I hope they can save this game before it's to late, but honestly I don't think the devs have and are willing to put the amount of money into this game to fix it and people are waiting for a solid and similar dbd game to play, their have been other's like it but the similarities were to far apart why not ship the idea around and see what happens
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Well yeah, the devs don't take fan creations too seriously, I just do it for fun and community feedback. While I am a fledgling game developer who uses unreal engine, I don't envy the devs job to manage this huge game with so many little details. I couldn't make a game this complex for quite a while. I focus on offline game dev more
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Deathslinger has a different Terror Radius than other killers.
It's a drone-ish sound that can be kinda hard to hear if he isn't real close, in addition to perks.
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Wow, yeah I didn't know that I'll keep a ear out though, he's kind of hard to hear when your gen is over 50%
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Wow sounds like you're selling yourself short to me know if the devs or somebody else still you're idea you're going to be highly upset
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I don't blame killer.
I blame BHVR.
Killers are better at stealth than survivors are.... in a game which is supposed to be hide and seek with the killer being it and the survivors hiding!
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And thats the problem. The game is not hide and seek. Otherwise pallets make zero sense.
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The game is balanced towards survivors, this is the truth whether you like it or not.
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Right, I'll let you have that the way you replied to my post makes it seems like you very serious about your comment lol
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I mean, you've already gotten a lot of help here, but I don't think I saw anyone mention that a lot of killers have smaller TR's. Slinger is one of them. This makes it easier to sneak up on people if they aren't looking around. But from looking at your post, it looks like he was using Tinkerer.
His Terror Radius, at default, is 24 meters (I think) whereas most killers is 32.
Using Monitor and Abuse, a Doctor perk, it can go down to 16 (Again, I believe, my numbers may be wrong.) There are a few other Killer's like this, Myers has a smaller TR in Tier 2. Huntress technically has a smaller TR, but her Lullaby Range is huge. Using perks and Add-Ons, killer's can also have bigger TR. Monitor and Abuse increases the size of the TR while in chase, Distressing just increases it straight out. Doctor has a few add-ons that increase his TR and decrease it during certain moments.
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In an update while back, his Terror Radius was messed up, thus nobody bothered with M&A. Literally was able to see to people on nurses 5 metres away and they never knew. Now I've played a few games with this current disaster update and it feels off again. Without using anything to effect terror radius, he was able to get within 10 feet of me before I heard alarms but by then I was shot. So yeah, its screwed up again amongst other things too right now.
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Any good player/streamer who understands the game knows how it is balanced towards survivors.
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I feel if they do add something like that then there should be an option to turn off the voice chat because when I play any game I don't want to hear people I don't know/trust talking and i feel uncomfortable talking to them but if there was an option to turn off the voice chat then someone with voice chat on could be wasting time by trying to talk to someone with it off.
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Thats not what the game is about at all. Its supposed to be about the survivors prevailing through teamwork and adapting to whatever the Killer throws at them, even if its stealth. Survivor would be a way more boring role if you were supposed to just hide all the time.
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my post about voice chat goes over muting options :)
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I thought I said ok but maybe not
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Right some people act like this game isn't all over the place right now, probably just the devs lol, it seems like so many minor changes can be had to fix this game but instead of doing that devs cater to who complains the most