Oni "flick"

So has anyone else had the issue where the Oni is extremely sensitive when you would normally flick? It's throwing me off really bad and I miss hits I would have normally gotten.
The only thing I've noticed that's wrong with Oni is that the camera spins around in 1 frame in a random direction the moment you slam with demons strike. It's actually so disorienting that it gives me a headache and this killer is now unplayable to me.
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I've had it literally do a complete 180
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I didn't notice anything like this to Oni so far, infact I have been hitting more people as Oni
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People have things happen to them maybe one time and they come up with random krapp and post it like this don't pay them no attention
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Ya it's an issue I see often. It appears that the Demon Strike, when completing a charged smash, just goes off spinning in whatever direction it chooses... sometimes spinning about 10 degrees, other times 180+ degrees. It has cost me MULTIPLE games where instead of securing 3-4 kills, I end up missing detrimentally and only securing one kill. It appears the devs don't care about their paying consumers, as I have yet to see a response from them regarding a solution. I'll try to update this with a video clip, my capture wasn't working properly.
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I'm at a loss as to how to fix this.
About 50% of the time, even if I'm trying to keep the Oni straight, it will do a 90 turn in a random direction.
Do you think it could ahve something to do with Gsync or framerate? I use Gsync and have FPs capped to 120 and some graphical customisation in my ini file.
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people post on forums with no idea what they are talking about and act salty... this means you.
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I've played Oni only twice after I bought him because I would aim my hit perfectly and right before it lands it gets super sensitive for some reason and flicks in a random direction. Like the person I'm trying to hit is running in front of me, I aim straight ahead but right at the end my hit randomly lands on the wall to my left. I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing this...