I literally cannot play the game

Ever since the 4.5.1 patch sometimes this message shows up when I find a lobby.
Sometimes I find a lobby, wait a few seconds and then it kicks me out with this info, sometimes it happens instantly.
Is there a way I can fix this, is this happening to anyone else? I just got it 5 times in a row...
What platform are you on @AhoyWolf I've not seen this situation tbh, but I can check. If you're on Steam, I'd give your files a quick verify
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I'm on Steam, also thank you!
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It just happened to me on PS4. So far it’s only happened the one time.
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Seriously guys? Waiting for a long period of time and when we finally find a lobby, this glitch occurs
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@AhoyWolf can you get me your log files please...you can upload them here, they're encrypted so your information is safe.
1. Press Windows Key + R to bring up "Run".
2. Type this in the "Run" prompt: %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\DeadByDaylight\Saved\Logs
3. The file called "DeadByDaylight.log" is your log file.
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@Giuliano1020_Twitch if you are on Steam can you also send your log files here please?
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@MandyTalk here it is
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Thank you @Giuliano1020_Twitch I've passed that to the team
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This has happened to me once or twice since the update and I'm on pc.
I've also loaded into a lobby recently and my characters cosmetics were swapped to the default skin but the inventory showed that I had my cosmetics equipped. That happened to my meg today.
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Have you by any chance had selected the Meg cosmetic from the rift? That could be the cause of your skin getting changed to default.
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No its one ive had for a few months that i purchased in the store
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There was a recent issue with a rift cosmetic being given for free to everyone, maybe to prevent issues everybody's Meg was changed to default cosmetic, but idk.
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That particular bug is purely visual in the lobby and loading into a game will equip the cosmetics that should be worn (or in David's care, not worn),
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Same issue as OP plus a couple more. I'm on Steam for PC.
I was grouped with my friend, who experienced the same set of messages at the time that I did. And he's on Xbox.
At first, I hosted (USA East). Then he hosted (Japan). Same issues.
Session Closed
The lobby has been closed due to an unexpected situation.
Connection with the host could not be established. Please try again.
The matchmaking process failed.
Reason: deadMatch
Post edited by Lenox on0 -
Is anyone else getting these three?
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I'm sometimes getting the last two.
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Still getting this.
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I was getting this error a lot last night. As survivor it happened 3x in a row. I gave up playing survivor since you don't get it until you are going into a lobby, so after a ~5 min queue wait just to have to start over wasn't fun. As killer I ended up with this error 5-6x consecutively but with the quick queues it wasn't bad to just go back in. I also had it happen sporadically other times, probably somewhere around 12-15 total over about 3 hours on PC.
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Been happening a lot for me every now and then
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I got the Deadmatch error earlier today on PS4 while queuing for a killer match. Waited about 5 minutes and it popped up. After that it just wouldn't find a match, and I waited a good 10 minutes. Had to reset the game to fix it
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I am also getting this message pretty sporadically every other match or so.