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Swaggin420 Member Posts: 6
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

Hey guys just a quick question.

Everything that I knew that once existed to "counterplay" spirit is now either gone or should never had existed and afterwards removed (bugs) , just like her footsteps, breathing and gasping sounds(?)

What do you guys do, just gamble? Wish she is not using stridor's? Or is there something that I don't know that you can do that it is somewhat consistent?

Working on a project to help new players to get the chance to enjoy the game and surviving, any feedback is appreciated!


  • NoOneKnowsNova
    NoOneKnowsNova Member Posts: 2,785

    If they're using Stridor, aslong as The Spirit themselves isn't bad, they'll almost always win.

    The best thing I can say against a Spirit is to prioritise healing and walking. She's weaker when she can't hear your grunts of pain, but once she does its alot easier for her to down you.

    Avoid grass at all costs, and if they're standing still, just walk away from the loop, don't let them trick you into them fake phasing.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,860

    Her footsteps are super hard to hear. Even if you do hear them she still moves at the speed of light and will hit you anyway. I will say that when she starts a phase her husk’s hands kinda change place rapidly. It’s hard to catch out but at least it’s something. Other than that, it’s choosing an action and hoping it works. There are things you can attempt to throw them off but it’s really up to the Spirit player on whether or not you survive. It’s kinda a shame she’s like that because she’s my favorite killer and the devs really need to give Spirit counterplay.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398
    edited February 2021

    When injured, if you have iron will and she doesn't have stridor you can sort of lose her if you make a wild guess while she's phasing and she messes up. If she has stridor and working headphones there's almost nothing you can do except pray you had enough distance on her when she started phasing.

    Her counterplay while in a chase is guessing at nothing. can't really teach, Spirit's design is just that unintuitive and dumb.

    Oh yeah and if spirit is standing still on the other side of a loop, do *not* walk away from the loop. I seriously don't know where this came from. If she's faking the phase she can literally SEE YOU WALKING AWAY FROM THE PALLET, the killer you're playing against is a human being with eyesight and a brain, they're not an AI. They'll see you walking away from a pallet and then start phasing up to you and hit you for free. Or if not they can take 2 seconds to break the pallet and now you're stuck in the open and that's a free hit.

  • AChaoticKiller
    AChaoticKiller Member Posts: 3,104

    being unpredictable at vaults/pallets is the best you can do so it is kinda a gamble yes.

    However i don't think they will introduce an actual reliable way to know her location while phasing as it makes her incredibly weak, when she had the audio bug where she was making the gasping noises in phasing you could easily play safe against her at nearly all pallets especially shack.

    The only nerf i think she could use is a visual indicator she went onto phasing, it's said she has that but it is so unnoticeable that it needs to at least be more clear as i can look straight at a spirit and not notice anything.

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,860

    She does do a little animation but you basically have to be looking at her at the exact time she does it. It’s not really that reliable to counter Spirit. The devs really need to make it more noticeable.

  • Swaggin420
    Swaggin420 Member Posts: 6

    Then my thoughts and ideas that I previously had were correct, spirit is the pinnacle of bad design and won't be getting counter play soon, thank you for your time.