Killer tier list based off mori animation

I don’t really have a specific order within the tiers.
Ghost Face has singlehandedly taken the top spot for me. His mori is super creative and so iconic.
This list is pretty much what I think, with the only changes being Deathslinger and Oni in S-Tier. The animation is so brutal, Oni's is by far my favorite. What's more brutal then a guy TEARING OUT YOUR TONGUE WITH HIS BARE HANDS.
As for the D-Tier... Yeah. I like when Wraith pulls the survivor to him, and that's it. The rest of it is a gentle back massage.
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I would’ve put Slinger and Oni in S. I just really love the moris that Ghost Face and Plague have that I had no choice to put them in their own tier.
Wraith really needs a mori rework. It’s so basic and I’d rather watch paint dry looking at his.
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There’s mine
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i would put hag and demo over plague as hers is well just puking then hitting survivors once with her weapon.
meanwhile hag and demo literally eat the survivor alive, demo is definitely S tier for me.
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Personally, move Doc and Blight into A tier, Oni and Slinger into S and Clown into B tier. Otherwise I mostly agree.
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Really? Ghost Face that low?
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It’s the prayer she does before vomiting that I love about Plague’s
Ghost Face and Plague are too good not to have their own tier imo
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And here is mine.
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Noice. I was also tempted to put Oni in S tier
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Fair enough, both of them do have great moris.
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Here's my list
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I just don’t find it satisfying to do as it’s just three stabs. Photobombs are pretty funny though
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I know it's a pretty bad mori, but I actually like Trappers.
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Damn Freddy is pretty low
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Killers really need their moris revisted. Lots of them feel like they are basically the same.
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Here's mine, really? Plague A teir, her mori is boring and non brutal (yes this is in order from best to worst)
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I meant s teir
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You put clown in the same tier as oni? Wow.
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being brutal doesnt change the fact that all she does is swing her axe at them. Honestly I'd put her at B at best. She could ######### pitch her axe at them and shake their skull off by bashing it into the ground. Or she could throw hatchets at either hand, locking them to the ground as they struggle in pain before she cleaves their chest in half. She has so many great options
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the fact that wraith doesn't obliterate them with his bell is insane to me.
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she strangles them to death with her weapon (so few mories take good use of their weapon in the animation). Then she ######### acids their face off with her power, once again so many ignore. Freddy literally does one of his most iconic kills ever as a mori animation. In what world is Ghost not S tier? He is the king of the mori.
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But is he as good as oni or slinger, I would say that he is basically touching s teir but doesn't deserve it
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Freddy could be so cool, but they used remake Freddy.
So terrible.
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Guys... could you state which one when it comes to the twins. Don't they have 2 mori animations?
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Completely agree
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Yes, the victor one is easy a teir the other one, baby b teir, overall, a teir
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Really wish that one day they update Mori for older Killers, imagine a Trapper Mori, where if he's carrying a trap it's different and he places the survivors head against the trap then triggers it.
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I'd also love if with time they'd introduce different mori animations for the same killer.
But then I remember that after 5 years they still haven't even updated the moris of the original 3 lol.
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I dont see how you figure. Ghost face's mori has more energy that any other mori. The deathslinger has that beautiful end pose, but thats about it. Oni's is brutal, and yes he tears out their tongue, but it lacks any singular focus. Ghost face has the best of both. The process of killing them is there, and thematically perfect, it isnt a one and done. It also maintains that perfect frame where hes holding the camera. Its so in your face in that tongue and cheek kinda way. Funny, but not goofy or toxic. It just feels so iconic at this point
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But how do you rate the Twins with only 1 choice in the tier list?
Say you have Victor's kill animation in S & Charlotte's kill animation in D.
Since you have only 1 choice, then you'd have to lump Charlotte with Victor in S which Charlotte wouldn't deserve, lump Victor with Charlotte in D which Victor wouldn't deserve, or put them in B since that would be the average of the two combined but then neither is in the tier they were in at first.
If you rate both the same, then that makes things easy, but i didn't make up that example out of nowhere, i put Victor's kill animation way higher than Charlotte's.
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Thats pretty close to mine
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I used to think Plague's wasn't that bad but technically she's puking down the survivors throat and drowning them to death with vomit which kind of changed my perspective of that for me. I also think her little chant before doing it is neat and the backhand she does at the end of it is downright hilarious LOL