Best stun noise.

Which killer do you think has the best stun noise? My top three are as follows:
Pig, it's just adorable.
Doc, his sound is just funny to me.
Ghostface, that sigh that sounds like I'm over this ######### is awesome.
I a lot of people are gonna say Pig, but to me Ghostface's sigh is the best. It's just so relatable.
Also Huntress sounds like a mad cartoon character when she gets stunned.
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I thought about adding her as an honorable mention to my top three.
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When the Doctor and Plague are stunned, i feel sorry for that hit because it's sounds like a pain for a second.
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Wraith sounds like an elephant to me.
My favorite stun noise would be doc though. That stun is for real.
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Demogorgon. Suck a great whistle.
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Wraith, Spirit, and Huntress crack me up because of how dramatic they are
Ghost Face because it's how I feel myself when I get stunned
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i love pyramid heads one and just his noises in general
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1 deathslinger
2 legion
3 ghostface
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Clown’s is just amazing
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Ghostface sigh is the best. Trapper grunt close second.
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Can't decide. I really like most stun sounds.
- Doctor sounds like someone kicked him between the legs.
- Legion stun makes me think the pallet dropped exactly on one of his toes (especially due to their stun animation)
- Pig makes me go "aaaaw ❤️"
- Ghostface really does sound like he's so done with this stuff
- Demogorgon makes me feel bad for some reason. I don't want Demodoggo to ever feel bad. I even got tunneled and hit on the hook by one yesterday and still found him adorable.
- Wraith sounds like you've genuinely hurt him.
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Legions stun noise is absolutely hilarious.
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I'm disappointed by the lack of Huntress tantrum stun here.
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- Spirit
- Ghost Face
- Pig