Does this mean 4.5.2 will release today?

Based on this statement: "Due to a mismatch in version, Xbox One players are currently unable to crossplay with other platforms. This issue will be resolved tomorrow, February 23rd, once the 4.5.2 bug fix patch is released on PC and consoles."
Does that basically confirm that the 4.5.2 update will release today?
I think so
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Yes. I thought that'd be obvious from just the wording alone, tbf.
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Does this mean that the reason Survivor Queues have been so fast, is because we lost the XBone population?
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Depends entirely on your location. Rn queues for me are instant for survivor and about 30 years long for killer because a lot of the survivor population just, understandably, isn't playing with the current desync issues. These queues have been instant for like a week and a half so I don't think it was losing the xbone population that did it.
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Uh... Ehm...
It says it will be released on 23rd of February.
Today is 23rd of February.
Following that logic, it is clear to assume it comes out in 3 days on Friday, which will be 26th of February.
But I wasn't really good at math nor any decent in comprehend reading.
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Wait, so that means they DO seperate players from different Xbox and Play Station versions. Because i'm playing actually on Xbox Series X with crossplay on and was able to get crossplay matches the last few days. That beeing said, if you deactivate crossplay on Xbox Series X or PS5, you're not even get matched with Xbox One / S/ Series S or PS4 / Pro players. Which is really bad if you don't want to crossplay as the playerbase on Xbox Series X and PS5 is really small atm. And that means crossplay is kinda forced on the new consoles.
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This wasn't a secret and was openly admitted since their D1 release. I remember @MandyTalk saying it quite a bit.
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Sounds about right, 28th of February confirmed!!1!
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Appropriate username lmao
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No force involved though.
and they are essentially different platforms so it does totally make sense. Many people have crossplay turned off on the older XBox/PS platforms because they didn’t want to be matched against platforms with significant higher performance.
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Wait guys, today's date IS 23rd of Feb but did you little brains consider that they could mean 3021, NOT 2021?
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As i said, the problem is that the playerbase on Xbox Series X and PS5 is so small, that we don't even get a match with crossplay off. Normaly i play with crossplay on anyway, but i tested it a few days ago. Tried it a few times and finally, after like 50mins i got qued. And only because they were SWFs and at least 1 had a Xbox Series X aswell. If the que times take ages, it's kinda forced. At least till the new consoles are more spread. They should que Xbox with Xbox and PS with PS anyway, no matter which version you own. Would make it also easier to add a Xbox, PS, Switch, Stadia, Windows Store, Stadia or Steam logo in the endgame screen, instead of just the globe.
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Yeah, I get it, it’s definitely not great the way it is.
but we can at least agree this is not something ‚forced‘ by BHVR? They can’t control what settings the community uses or on which platform they should play.
if they made older platforms play automatically with newer platforms with crossplay off it would be another ‚forced‘ setting, and there would be more players affected.
BHVR can’t please every single player on this matter.
and those logos might just make those pointless console-wars even bigger. Don’t need that on top of everything else the community already fights about.
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I got your arguements, but i keep my opinion.