What if you had to pay bloodpoints to use a perk?

IE you had to buy decisive for 100k bloodpoints to use it in the next match? Could be an interesting way to shake up the meta where meta perks and builds cost a lot to run and lesser used perks are a lot cheaper. This way oppressive builds on both killer and survivor would show up a lot less and bring more variety to the game. Any thoughts?
The grind is already ridiculous so most people would just go in perkless not to mention it would cause new player frustrations to skyrocket
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I don't think we'll ever agree on this, i'd never want to see this be a thing.
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1. You already have to pay BP to unlock and upgrade perks.
2. DS isn't going to be very meta after its giant nerf so uh, yeah lol.
I think a system like this is interesting on paper but I really don't like the idea of it since the grind is already really difficult for newer players and it wouldn't really affect people who have been playing for a long time and have tons of BP. I can also see killers getting upset that they'd have to shell out BP for strong perks like Pop or Ruin etc.
Tldr if you had to (Potentially) buy a character and burn through blood webs, sinking lots of BP to unlock the damn perk and then upgrade it with even more I think that should be more than enough investment.
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How about I just uninstall right now?
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Just seems like a tool to exclude specific perks and add to an already continuous grind.
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If this happens I will probably quit the game and the playerbase would shrink drastically.
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I already have to spend several thousand bloodpoints everytime I want to play Wraith, I don't wanna be doing the same thing with survivor too.
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The game doesn't need any more added to it's already ridiculous grind, it needs to lessen the current grind.
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You don’t take away the concept of “build” from a game that always had it. You don’t :)
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I've already spent like 15 million Bloodpoints on Feng to have every perk unlocked, I'm good thanks.
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You literally already pay bloodpoints in order to use perks on killers/survivors. There's no reason to have to pay bp every time you want to use a perk.
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My question for you is... why do you hate new players and why do you want to chase them away?
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I don't think that's a good idea, but I like the idea of rewarding people to use something different than the meta. I think BHVR could give a bloodpoint bonus to players that use lesser used perks. They can have a separate tab that shows perk use in colored tiers (just so they don't have to disclose any specific numbers) and each color would give a different bonus multiplier. Easy.
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Pffffft practically a subscription service for the perks fam don't give the devs ideas like this
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Oh hell no. I am not spending blood points to use every perk I spent 100 million bp unlocking.
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I actually think about this once.
But if only the perks actually have difference price Deja vu at 3000BP, Andrenaline at 6000BP ect...
If both perks have equal price, no one ever use meme build.
Beside, the grind is too bad to have this happens.
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If they could add a new game mode (casual) where every player is assigned a random loadout. I think that would be fun. Taking away perks in ranked mode or making players pay to use certain perks is not fun.
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No, that's just bad. DbD has enough grind without adding THAT into the mix. If something is too strong, it should get nerfed, and it should get nerfed in a timely fashion.
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Absolutely not. There's nothing "interesting" about this at all. It's stupid.
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instead give more incentive to use other perks. Rework/add daily rituals for this.
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No, never, stop it, no.
Many people complain about the grind, so I don't have to do that.
I am of the opinion that even having to grind for addons is a stupid feature. The game makes this stupid distinction with "Rarity" of components, as if the "rarity" has anything to do with their effectiveness or even scarcity. Iridescent head isn't OK because it is "rare". Demo's good addon is a brown addon. Stop this. Why do we need to grind for addons just to play a killer as we want to play them?
Make addons free.
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That just sounds like some shoddy mobile game tier "teehee either wait 2 hours or give us $1 to continue playing like you want :)" system if you ask me. No real money involved, but similar energy.
The game needs less grind, not another BP sink. Not to mention it would disproportionally screw over newer players. I'd probably be able to handle it, I've unlocked everything I'd ever want on everyone I'll ever play, that's not the case for someone still unlocking teachables and assembling builds.
If you want to encourage perk variety in a way that involved BP it would be far better to offer people some bonus BP for using specific perks or even entire "builds of the day" or something like that. Offer the carrot instead of the stick, and all of that.
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It would be really unenjoyable.
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They wont do it for the same reason they dont award the lesser played side with a bonus. Im not sure what the reason is, but maybe they dont want to show the data so clearly.
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it was already annoying enough to level up my laurie, i dont want to pay to use her perks
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Even if the grind for this game was not very bad, I would still be against this idea.
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Honestly,we should be forced to pay with credit cards to play with perks.People would learn to not rely too much on them this way 😙
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They never said one way or another that they wouldn't award BP to switch sides, but they did bring it up once. They just never followed up on it so I'm not totally dismissing the idea, I just think they put it on the backburner or are trying to find a more creative solution.