Leaving after almost 5 years

This isn't a ragequit post or a "pity me, give me attention" post.
Since I started playing in the end of 2016, I've taken the occasional hiatus from the game.
This time I have not played since the Twins came out.
Over my years of playing DBD, I have seen horrible updates and broken patches.
I have never seen the game this borderline unplayable before and although I've seen you being stubborn and flippant, BHVR, I've never seen you this far gone.
The game's current problems and bugs are terrible - but it's the intended design features and your collective attitude that have turned me away this time.
I was still waiting to see if you'd fix the problems and revert the unwanted changes.
You say fixes are coming by 4.5.2? Then maybe I'll come back then, too. Depending on the fixes.
Until then, however, I have uninstalled DBD for the first time in nearly 5 years. I will not be coming back or buying any more cosmetics and DLCs until I see some major fixes.
Not that you care - you already have my money. And you don't read my posts, either way.
But I just felt like telling you, I don't know why.
Okay, I have other games to play. See you around.
I read that twice now and still fail to understand why you are leaving.
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I don't think that you need to announce the fact that you are leaving a game, unless you're an influencer or a streamer. Do you do that with every game?
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or maybe they just want to let bhvr know that there game is in such a bad state that they're quitting
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Take a well deserved break. Honestly I think BHVR needs a slap on face to realize what they're doing.
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Sorry,they can't hear us.
The money printers are too loud
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too busy counting money instead of fixing bugs. Well at least the game breaking bug were the observer wasn't holding auris was fixed phew....
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That's not really the point. These posts are an attempt to show the devs that the game is in a terrible state and they need to get their act together and stop ######### around. Unfortunately they fall on deaf ears and these posts don't do anything but the thought is there.
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It may not be the former but it is definitely the latter.
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That's exactly what I meant, I'm sorry if it came out a bit aggressive, just wanted to say that saying out loud that you're quitting ain't gonne change anything, it's like a Karen saying she's never gonna come back in this store
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You said yourself they don’t care if you’re leaving so why tell them just go play whatever you actually enjoy
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No one cares just go play another game and stop moaning.
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Current state is really not as unplayable as people make it out to be.
but you do you, you shouldn’t force yourself to play a game you don’t want to play.
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I mean you got your moneys worth even if you never play again.This is the only game I played this much. I got some dlc and skins but I played more than I played lot of games combined which costed me more. Devs deserve my money no matter what everyone else says. If this game was so horrible no one would play it.
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Meh, bye.
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######### makes a streamer so special? The only difference between them and you is they make money off of no lifing bad games, so in that one sense they're a bit more of a winner than somebody that hasn't figured out how to make money off it, but otherwise they're still just somebody no lifing bad games. I don't see a halo around their heads.
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Alrighty then, see ya
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Its sad to see so much people leaving, I can understand why though... the game is in a dark place right now and the devs don’t seem to care
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Forums are meant for people to say things that they think.