Bug Fix Patch Is Here

The patch notes are up for today's bug fixes.
Did the bug fix you want make it into today's hot fix?
The only one I cared about was the emblems. Maybe now I can play survivor again.
Why could you not play survivor before?
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They fixed the spectator bug which was literally game-breaking, so I'm happy. Hopefully the larger timer bars will make survivors notice when they have deep wound, as well.
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He wanted to pip.
I personally didn't have a huge issue, but the desync gave me flashbacks to Dark Souls, which was not a time I wanted to be reminded of.
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I was not interested in the rank freefall from the broken emblem. I lost like eight pips in 3 days, all by one little box that would have made the difference.
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no mention of fixing deathslinger's bullets
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Killers can see their charms again.
So i guess i can finally play killer🙏
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DCed first two matches now. And ban penalty. Weird connection error bug. Seems to be all over discord and forums
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They better disable DC penalties ASAFP
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But why? Ranks will be removed with the next rank reset.
It was originally planned for this one, but had to be postponed.
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Plague has been the same for like half a year so don’t expect much
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Where did they said that?
As far as i know Ranks will be removed with the addition of MMR and they didn't say when that will happen.
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A future patch/chapter.
Which, with this company, I will take with a grain of salt.
God knows we have plenty of that.
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A mod said this. But i can´t recall which one and where exactly.
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Ah yes,Soon™