How Could NOED Be Balanced?



  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    What if...

    Noed cause instant scarified, but not instant down?

  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    NOED is balanced.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    Ds was unfair only with unbreakable

    Because like you said the counter to DS is slugging but unbreakable negates that counterplay. The only counterplay in that situation is litterly walk away of the survivor wich isnt counterplay.

    NOED doesn't have a perk combination that make it a guarantee that the perk Will activate. So the perk still has a legitimate counterplay other then: dont get caught after the Gens are finished.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    DS was and is still currently a problem even without unbreakable.

  • The_Nightmare69
    The_Nightmare69 Member Posts: 55

    NOED is fair but some builds just abuse the concept

    I myself have made a 'that build'

    It runs:

    Remember me (RM), upping the opening time of the gates from 20 to 36 seconds which gives me more time to down and slug the remaining survivors.

    Blood warden(BW), because I run NOED so hooking a survivor is easy with NOED active

    NOED, because well it is destructive when used in the right setting

    any random perk usually whispers or thrilling tremors.

    and then I enjoy a highly mobile killer like the Demogorgon because it can just spam portals next to both of the exit gates.

    Now I would like to state that I DO NOT run this very often because it is just broken. The only times when I run this build is when playing with friends in private matches.

    I would say NOED is fine, but a great nerf would be to make it incompatible with certain perks that trap survivors in the trail e.g. BW/RM.

  • JFF
    JFF Member Posts: 166

    What I would do is to make NOED non-hex and make it token-based, so you get 20 secs of NOED per each first-hook and 15 secs for each additional hook, this would reward killers for playing good, instead of rewarding campers. I believe this change would make it more fair for both sides.

  • Bullettimegod
    Bullettimegod Member Posts: 994

    Oh look. Another post where someone feels like they should only do gens and not do bones. Noed is fine. There is counter play to it. Do bones. Stop using meta perks and use detectives hunch. I do. I never get hit by noed. And if i do, then its my fault.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,305

    You can't compare a hex perk, where a survivor can take the perk out within 15 seconds from the start of the match to OoO, a perk that the killer cannot disable.

    NOED is healthy because it gives survivors something else to do and lessens the gen rush pressure from the killer. I am not a fan about calling everything whataboutism, but what you are doing is it.

    The power of NOED lies in survivors hands, not the killers. Everyone asking for it to be nerfed are just asking the devs for easy escapes.

  • jieles
    jieles Member Posts: 2

    i think it needs a nerf and a buff to not make useless as well maybe make it have 2 charges or 3 but make it a normal perk and not a hex?

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    Make it a token Hex Perk, you start with 5 tokens, every time someone cleanses one totem you lose 1, with 5 tokens the Perk is stronger than 5 stack DH+NOED+Coup+Fire Up, 3 gives you current NOED, 1 is weaker than current.

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    They should buff NOED it's a weak perk that does nothing unless survivors ignore totems. If they buff the perk it will force survivors to do bones which will be very good since gen speeds have been a complain for years. It's much better to buff NOED rather than make gens longer to finish because doing gens is really boring.

  • HectorBrando
    HectorBrando Member Posts: 3,167

    You are very wrong, if Survivors dont ignore totems you dont get NOED but cleansing a Totem takes 14 seconds, cleansing all 5 its 70 seconds of people not working on gens, its almost like 1 entire gen (its actually more since you have to search and go out of your way to get every Totem and that consumes time too), all 5 gens got fixed, you got NOED? great, you didnt? great too, the perk gave you 70 extra seconds. Not only that, NOED even works when you dont have it equipped for it entices Survivors to cleanse and waste time just in case it comes into action.

    I dont use Hexes and Survivors do cleanse against me giving me all those extra seconds of people not working on gens.

  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158

    Yes tell me the counter play to where I ran a deathslinger around for 5 gens, literally start of the match I get chased in the first 10 seconds, run him the entire time without even getting a single hit. 5th gen pops and I get downed from his 4% speed boost one shotted. What’s my counter play to that?

  • Momentosis
    Momentosis Member Posts: 824

    The team doing bones. The team clearing the bone in endgame and saving you. Easy.

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,305

    If you were looping the killer for 5 gens, then your team should have found the totems. Even if they didn't, they have enough health states to stealth around to find the one lit totem, cleanse it, prep the doors, save you and body block the killer to let you escape.

    This isn't a single player game and responsibility is shared among the 4 survivors, whether they like it or not.

  • EvanSnowWolf
    EvanSnowWolf Member Posts: 1,583

    Why are you spending THAT much time with the Killer? Good God, you are playing with fire and deserved to be downed.

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    Bcuz the killer can't insta down people they would potentially need to land 2 hits on healthy survivors. I guess it could be worse if they have access to insta downs. Idk it was just my idea to rework it so that it's still powerful.

    I give up, people want it to be broken no matter what or useless so I literally do not care anymore after this post lol everyone's being unreasonable up in here (Not you).

  • Predated
    Predated Member Posts: 2,976

    No, they are not. Devs made totems harder to find, it takes roughly 3 times more time than it used to do, to give totems like ruin a better chance during the game. By doing so, they also buffed NOED.

    And the killer can disable OoO: just run Third Seal or blindness addons 4head.

    The power of OoO lies in the killers hands, you could ignore it, or rush them out of the game. Anyone asking it to be nerfed are just killers wanting to be able to ignore survivors to get free hooks.

    Same logic applies. NOED isnt healthy at the moment. Its theoretically fine in the same sense that OoO is theoretically fine. They both only work if the opposition ignores a part of their potential objectives, yet ignoring that part of their potential objectives punishes them severely even if the opposition isnt actually skilled.

    NOED needs a rework. Either it needs to go back to the 2 minute timer, where for 2 minutes long a killer can instadown(meaning there is a timeframe where you can unhook a survivor without being instadowned if the killer camps) while no longer being a hex, OR it needs to remove the instadown completely and just add a ######### ton of movementspeed instead while remaining a hex(and I mean something like adding 15% MS extra).

  • Huge_Bush
    Huge_Bush Member Posts: 5,305

    You're comparing apples to oranges. OoO is inherently stronger than Third Seal. Can killers find a totem to cleanse and completely remove the perk from the survivor? No. The killer has to work much harder to chase that survivor down multiple times in order to get them out of the match.

    The devs made totems harder to find because they were too easy to find in the first place. Many of times I spawned right on top of a lit totem. Many of times I would see a lit totem right across from the first gen I approach. Sure, some totems are more difficult to find than others, but there are plenty of totem spawns that are located out in the open that are easily found.

    It is obvious that the devs intend for survivors to cleanse totems. If that wasn't the case, they would have never come up with Undying. We wouldn't have perks such as Small Game, Detectives Hunch and Inner Strength. We wouldn't have maps that can easily show you where the totems are located. NOED wouldn't be tied to a totem if they didn't intend for us to cleanse them. Hex perks wouldn't be as strong as they are if we weren't meant to look for them and cleanse them. It is just survivors refuse to change one perk slot out of 16 in order to counter one perk out of the killers four.

    NOED doesn't need any change whatsoever. It is fine as is. The solution is simple, 4 people can cleanse totems throughout the trial or you can wait to find the lit totem after the last gen is completed. The problem lies with bad survivors refusing to do anything but rush gens and have 5 minute games.