Patch 4.5.2 Woes (DC)

You probably won't believe this. But I was just kicked from 3 games in a row mid game. Is anyone else experiencing this consistently? All mid-game. There isn't a particular event that causes it, just running in an open area. A friend of mine was playing and he went to unhook someone and had a screen freeze for quite a few seconds, but doesn't seem to DC like I am.
Maybe this is just because everyone is jumping on at the same time? I am unsure
Sadly, everyone (survivors)
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didn't affect me yet atleats
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Damn, I really hope that is just a server issue that will blow over today. I haven't played barely at all since last patch... would hate to have DC be common
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Just happened to me.
We had just completed the last generator. I got hit by NOED and the game kicked me out, so now I just look like I was salty because NOED.
Got a nice 5 min ban afterwards.
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what a perfect timing LOL
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This started happening to me a couple of days ago on Xbox One (pre-patch). Since the patch has been live, I haven't had any issues
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Same, kicked me out of two consecutive games by removing my pip
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Does this accumulate DC bans?
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yes :)
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Thats a generic error code btw. I've had that happen midgame if I didn't update my ps4 software. Maybe check into that. Could be unrelated to this patch
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okay, just got dced again. yea I am going to try again tomorrow and hope it's a server overload issue