Been Loving Spirit.

A few weeks ago someone made a thread about why they love Spirit, and how they got better practically overnight after switching to her. I decided to give it a shot, and while it wasn't quite overnight (I had to learn her) I have noticed that I've been getting better with her far faster than I had with my previous mains, Legion and Pyramid Daddy.
My friend watched my Gameplay and even commented how I've improved a lot, at my ability to apply pressure, general gamesense, map awareness, my mindgame skills have increased so much and I've gotten much better at predicting where survivors will be instead of just following their scratch marks.
Lots of games have been a lot more fun, and even when I lose it feels like I had a fighting chance instead of just fighting frustration.
Just wanted to share my two cents here.
Glad to hear it. She is so much fun to play. I’ll have to warn you that you’ll get a lot of survivor salt for playing her but if you’re not worried about that, keep playing her.
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Oh I've gotten a ton of salt, but that's really fine. Before I was playing Spirit I was getting people making fun of me for losing. If I'm going to be mocked I'd at least like to be looking at a sore loser rather than a bad winner.
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Seeing salty sore losers honestly makes my day.
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It’s so silly people feel the need to do that. All it does is give the killer a double win: winning the match and receiving the salt.
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You had to learn her? You mean buy good headphones?
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Glad you found a killer you enjoy! Only started playing plague recently and been really enjoying her
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That is what I love about her, you always feel competitive. And your games verseing her will get a lot better after maining her for a bit.
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Spirit is overpowered, but still need some skills. Twins is just a cheap killer with built in camp. That's what most of the Twins that I faced does. Though I never show my salt. I'm one of those survivors that you won't get any vocal satisfaction from, especially if you know you're only winning by camps and tunnels.
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I got to rank 14 as a killer with Spirit. You have to learn how to follow your ears which can be hard sometimes. Do you use stridior on her? I use it on her sometimes and I don't think it helps too much since I just heard constant breathing making me think they're closer than they are. Someone told me I was really good with her even though I only got one kill which was the rancor that I moried.
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It might have been my thread as I unlocked Spirit a few weeks ago and posted a thread about it.
My thread was more around how I found it funny that survivors who used to bully me and say "gg ez" when they outplayed me as the Huntress, suddenly either went quiet (no gg) or got salty when I annihilate them with Spirit. It's almost as if survivors being bad winners and unpleasant towards Killers they can handle, causes more players to choose Killers which are much stronger...
But yeah I posted that thread a little pre-emptively as I'd only played 2 games with her and got a 4K in each. Unsure if MMR suddenly kicked in as since I have played and lost a lot of games with her, although I'll usually get at least a 1 or 2K.
Lately I've been playing Blight instead, but I'm still planning on unlocking all perks on Spirit and continue learning her!
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Literally this.
She's really not that hard to be amazing with if you have one of those imo.
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Well someone’s salty that the OP likes Spirit
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Yeaah! It was your thread. You gave me the motivation to try and use her. Maybe I'll hit a brick wall too, haven't yet though. Blight looks fun, I'm using a build on spirit that someone suggested here.
Stridor, sloppy, pop, and corrupt. With the mother daughter ring and amulet. I feel like a monster. It's great!
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Haha yeah with those add-ons you will definitely attract some salt :P
I still play her occasionally, I just didn't want to get too used to her and keep practicing normal M1 killers, to keep practicing the basics.
I love Blight so much because he is a normal speed M1 killer, yet his power allows him to control almost any map as well, he feels super fun to play.
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Not sure how you got to that conclusion
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To answer your question, I have decent headphones.