"Changed transition animations in Survivor Locomotion"

From today's notes: "Changed transition animations in Survivor Locomotion to make the controls feel more responsive."
I've only played a few minutes in a quick custom lobby, but it feels like they straight up removed all the transition animations? These were one of the few things I really liked about the new animations. I guess this will make spins/moonwalking easier, but is there no way to retain 360's and keep these animations? They made the movements look more fluid and natural.
I still have major problems with the quality of the idle, walking, running, and injured animations, but BHVR seems to only be focused on the movement control.
Anyone else have thoughts on these changes?
I haven't seen them yet, but hopefully it means I won't dead stop when I try to turn anymore.
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I prefer the transition animation now on survivor, it doesn't feel as clunky.
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Are you talking about changing direction left/right at a pallet? Because I don't think there was actually any time lost there. Check out this video comparing old/new side by side for reference. If you mean trying to 360, I definitely encountered some issues with that over the last couple weeks. I was hoping there would be more of a middle ground to allow spins without gutting the new transitions.
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I'm genuinely really annoyed by the change, not only because of the fact that we're now just pre 4.5.0 again but with different animations that, well, are better, but now lack the new locomotion animations that genuinely were good, but just needed some adjustments to make it feel a bit speedier and responsive
But now? It's all just gone completely and we're back to square one, and I can't imagine how the animators feel about how half their animations were just removed from the game. Just, that must feel horrible...
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Sometimes when I tried to turn left or right my survivor would just stop for a second in place halfway through the turn.
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yeah the animation that no one was asking for oh sorry i should say 95% of us didnt ask for
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I looks weird now. The animations were better before.
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I liked the transition animations as well. I had issues with 360s that I hoped would be resolved. And I think the quality of the new idle, walk, running, and injured animations needs some serious work. But now its like we're stuck with the worst of both worlds. All the fluidness (ehh idk about that word) of the new system is gone, but we're still stuck with the weird new animations.
I don't like this :c
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Its more clunky than before. You just switch to one animation now.
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Great username š
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Unless they will restore them after they can adjust to feel snappier? One can hope.
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I hope so too. Currently feels like we're stuck with the worst of both systems. I hate some of the new animations but liked the transitions.
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You must be kinda new to the game or just like to stealth it out and Iām not saying that in a bad way but the new movement compared to the old (pre this patch) was a step back. It felt clunky, no longer smooth transitions especially when doing a 180. Your character would actually stop and do a pivot. The vast majority of players felt this was a very bad change. It literally changed the whole dynamic feel of playing survivor. And us that have put thousands of hours in the game kinda took this as a kick in the nuts. It was 100% the right call to change this back.
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Wat? I just played several matches and it is MUCH better now.
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I have thousands of hours and don't play especially immersed. I had very few problems with the transitions, mainly just 360s. I never felt like this changed any massive dynamics of looping. Would you mind checking out the video below comparing old/new? There's literally no time lost with the transitions. Or can you show an example of what you're describing? I probably played 100 hours since 4.5.0 and 360s were the only problem I've had. And it's hard to even know if the transitions were to blame for that with all the bs desync hits...
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It's almost like they should of thoroughly tested out the effects on the game then tweaking them instead of just rolling them out and making us test them.
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Why do we even need 360s?
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To get them sick montages šš©
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As a last ditch attempt to dodge when you're stuck in the open, or occasionally to dodge some of the "rush" killer powers like Blight, Oni, Billy. Not saying it worked even half the time, but it's better then just guaranteed being downed. That said, I liked the transitions and just wanted smoother spins without removing them.
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Shame, those locomotion animations were neat, and new animations without it looks even more awkward
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Yea, visually, this system is the worst yet in my opinion.
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I like the way the animations are now. They actually feel smoother to me then they did before. My character reacts faster in my eyes instead of needing a moment to start up.
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Not happy with 360 revert, my teammates are back to using a really bad tactic and going down instead of actually looping or break chase.
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Remember to spin responsibly š
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The user and all related content has been deleted.1
What was so much worse about it? Look at the video I linked in another reply that shows there was zero time lost when changing direction with/without the transitions. I played around 100 hours with 4.5.0 and spins were the only thing I had any problem with.
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Thanks for adding nothing to the conversation. Care to explain what was worse, what is better/worse now, or provide any evidence to support your opinion?
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I hate it
as a killer with a ton of time of course i learned how to deal with 360's and honestly they don't work and are annoying. The only time it works is when it cancels you ######### lunge and that should be fixed as it's bs.
the old animations while made 360's never really work but made the game feel more real as it is just straight up dumb that survivors can move like they do.
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yes they were nice and I never had an issue as survivor. Sure you couldn't 360 but that was cheesing the mechanics anyway. I can't believe they stripped out the realistic body movements and motion because some entitled little shits wanted to feel safe in every single situation.
This is what it feels like chasing a survivor who knows how to actually do spins. It's actually way stronger than it was before. You need a steady hand to follow them for when the "flip" happens, you'll know what the flip is when you see it
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Agreed, some of the movement to cheese the aim dressing is pretty stupid. I don't think it's a particularly skillful interaction on the part of the survivor. Just takes a few minutes of practice and high dpi settings.
I will say IF they were to eliminate support for 360s entirely, they may also want to look into killers being able to spin to get hits that look just as ridiculous. How can you limit survivors to realistic body movements but let killers spin like a disco ball with high mouse settings?
I really hope this isn't the final version of movement and they're still planning on bringing back the transitions in a smoother way that satisfies everyone.
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Well one good thing I found from this is that crouch tapping doesn't glitch out. I also really really like how you now pause the animation if you stop moving while crouching. I didn't have any problem with the transitional animations as they didn't limit your movement in any way in the first place. The movement feels exactly same to me as it always did
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That's the thing survivors consider this high skill gameplay. No wonder they stick to DBD survivor, probably the only game they can compete in.
I'm pretty sure this is it the final version and 360's are much stronger than before because the animation is so fast now so R.I.P console killers I guess. Oh well karma will bite them in the ass when queue times get even longer for survivors and they're forced to play against more of the big mean PC killers they complain so much about.
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You would literally stop to pivot. The extra second it cost was brutal.
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Like most modern games. Oh well back to the PS2 era eh?
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Did you bother to check to video? From my 100 hours since 4.5.0 the transition could appear like you were losing time, when it was actually the same speed as before. Except now it looks worse as you have no feeling of momentum. I have yet to see anyone complaining about the transitions provide evidence of the "pivots" costing time in a chase. Again, the only thing I had any trouble doing movement-wise was 360s.
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I agree as someone who initially overreacted to the movement changes on PTB. I still dislike most of the new animations but the transitions were a bright spot and a good change. Just needed some tweaks to make spinning a little easier.
However, I think BHVR tends to cultivate this kind of outrage because they tend to just push changes through and not revisit them for years. So people embellish to make their concerns heard before it might be too late.
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That's where DBD is. Watch how the PS2 model animates, moves, and slides along the floor. That's literally how DBD is right now.
For EA this was a generational leap to be proud of. For BHVR it's.....better to go backwards? your game looks like it's from 2004, what a joke lmfao
Watch 1:30 in this video. It's where we are now.
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Imo movement control should be the priority, but I agree I kinda miss em
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You know its bad when you can use EA to demonstrate a positive change. š
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EA in 2006 showing better character animation than BHVR in 2021, not only that but they had that animation with responsive controls to boot. That said I thought survivor controlled fine so maybe it's just the entitled ones unhappy they had no 360.
Either way it's sad when DBD really does animation like a PS2 game now. That diagonal movement the PS2 character does, that's literally how survivors move when you chase them.
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I'm not talking about side to side movement. I'm referring to when you go from moving straight forward to trying to turn. You pivot and dead stop.
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Can you show an example? I played so much on the new system and didn't have this problem. That said, if it is an issue, it should have been ironed out without scrapping the whole transition system. I play mostly survivor, but just watching killer streams today, survivors have zero visual feedback when changing direction in chase. It looks bad visually, and gives no information to the killer on how to react.
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Turning while crouched looks awful now. Your character's head just teleports to where you want to look instead of them actually turning their head.
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I never had any issues playing survivor the past few weeks.
Instead of telling others to gir gud I think those who cried to have 360s back should git gud if they were struggling with survivor recently. Even with desync hits I still escaped like 99% of games even with lemons on my team
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I don't have the ambition to go hunting through YouTube to see if there is footage. Especially since I'm not sure if it was an issue limited to console.
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TBH it really sucks that BHVR just didn't stick to his guns on this one thing.