My killer experience today with this new update

Played a total of four games today as killer, and here's how I can sum it up. First two games with Trapper basically powerless with people knowing where all my traps are and someone running Object, third playing on SurvivorField with Huntress, and my most recent one I just got done playing was against a hacker who was using speed hacks, insta heal hacks, unbreakable hacks, and being able to go through objects. Anti Cheat System is a literal joke
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Feels bad. I played one doctor match for a daily and fought a very efficient team who did gens very well. Got 3 hooks
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Doesn't sound like the fault of the update.
Sounds like normal DBD.
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Doesn’t sound broken to me. Besides the hacker everything you said sounds fine
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No one cares.
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Yet you cared enough to comment on this
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Yeah, object nerf cannot come soon enough.
Haddonfield and Bedham can both suck a lemon alright. Very survivor sided nonsense, but I just play them out and it's whatever, I don't feel bad losing on a map designed to make me lose. Make the enjoyment out of something else, set a different objective like "I wanna try and hatchet someone through a window" or something.
I would just disconnect against the hacker and make a cup of coffee tbh, ######### that #########. It's just 5 minutes anyways and you are unlikely to encounter another hacker that same day even. Stuff like that is why the DC penalty starts so small.
None of these things have anything to do with the update however; so I don't understand what you are trying to say.
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I don't think that it can be called a nerf. It won't be the way it is now but being able to see the killer's aura whenever they can see yours can prove to be strong. With no downsides when it comes to the non-obsession.
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It is, unquestionably a nerf.
You will know when they can see your aura because of the passive reveal or just assuming because of things like BBQ and such; giving you time for example as trapper to set down traps when object is not revealing your location; instead of rendering your power entirely useless.
That is a significant change from being able to just tell what they were doing almost all the time with literally no repercussions at all.
However none of the changes are final yet as they have said, so we'll see- but from what they have shown that is absolutely, 100%, a nerf.
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Just wanted to explain how my games as killer have been today, it just feels weird since the update came out that all my games have been somewhat punching me in the face as killer. Now I got a 3K on SurvivorField with Huntress, but still ain't ever gonna enjoy the map as any killer.
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It's a changed to a perk. Looking at it from one point of view would make it seem like a massive nerf but from another it becomes a pain.
I feel people are too happy about it being changed to think about what it is being changed to.
Don't take this as wanting OoO to stay the same.
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I mean sure, but all those things would have happened regardless most likely. Nothing there is really patch induced.
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I mean, it does less than it did before, so no matter how you look at it, that is still a nerf. That's not a point of view matter, it's an observable truth. Only when their aura is revealed, as opposed to when their aura is revealed PLUS whenever else they feel like it.
I won't argue about it though if there is no point in doing so, but either way it will make me able to confidently play games as killers like Trapper when before it just killed the whole thing for me. So it doesn't matter what terminology you use, it is absolutely going to be a healthier experience.
So I'm happy regardless.
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I do see increase in usage of DS and OoO recently. Probably they are enjoying them before getting nerfed.
I probably not gonna play until next chapter, where both of them get nerfed. It is like the old instaheal nerf all over again.
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I am seeing about the same honestly.
I mean almost everyone is still running DS so no surprise there, can't really go up in number much more than "most" haha.
As for OoO still honestly somewhat rare for me. It happens but the thing is not many folks run it because they either know it's incredibly cheap, or they are not in a SWF, and/or they just know they are going to cause the killer to tunnel the daylights out of them or play sweatier than they might normally play and not give hatch or many other possibile things of that nature.
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Hey Otz's video has me wanting to try out clown. This is pretty off topic sorry, but what do you run as your main/most effective build on him?
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At the moment I've been using Corrupt, Pop, Monitor, and Brutal.
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So usual M1 stuff basically and you rotate the 2 other perks?
Man I so wish that Ruin and pop/corrupt were not like...required. The amount of freedom in builds we could have haha.
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Ruin being basekit would be nice personally, but I probably wouldn't make it regress as incredibly fast as it does. Corrupt and Pop is just something to at least slow the game down, Monitor just cause it's nice to sneak up on people, and Brutal just cause I like being annoying to the survivors with Clown so getting rid of pallets faster helps. But if I wasn't using Brutal, then I would recommend Trail of Torment.
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Yes, I commented telling you I don't care about your crying and moaning. That was why I commented, DUH!
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No you care so much, that you had to leave a comment.
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You're so stupid lol