The Reason for the Hud changes

It dawned on me, The devs keep saying they wanted to change the hud so they have more free space for future additions. It seems rather odd to change the hud without these new additions. (The hook counters are small and could of easily been added to our current hud) they seem highly insistent on keeping this new hud and keeping the character portraits vertical instead of Horizontal. My take on this is that the next killer or maybe the anniversary killer is gonna add some new game mechanic that required the hud to be redone for. Any ideas what kind of gameplay mechanic would require a hud overhaul? New status effect? I dunno but It does seems really odd to change huds like this for no real good reason, I suspect the next killers they have plan are the reason.
i would like to know why the want vertical survivor portraits so badly... its just looks bad and needs more space. they werent so many players who used super long names.
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Maybe they're working towards showing your teammates perks at least on survivor side.
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same, can’t think of any kind of game mechanic that requires those to be vertical.
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I could see that actually, would make alot of sense and honestly help out solo survivor.
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I thought about this as well, and I would stand by the fact that no killer could be interesting enough to warrant such a terrible change. It would be a gimmick and a very lame one at that...
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Yeah depending on how they do it it will take up a lot of space maybe that's why they're hell bent on vertical character list. And before match it could work but if a teammate switches character last second it kind of makes it pointless.
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Ping system
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Maybe the next killer or the new survivor perks need that space (we will see next week)
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I expect a new status effect that will move your UI elements similiar to this: