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General Discussions

So, before the teasers start rolling out, what do you think Chapter 19 will entail?

Hello again forum users!

I want to start out on a positive note because during times like these, we could all use a bit of uplifting. I hope that you all have been having a wonderful time with lots of love from those you hold dear to you. :)

Now, with the actual topic discussion. Since we could be looking at teasers or hints as early as later this week, I thought it would be fun to get some last minute hopes/wants/speculation in before we get some official news on it. For me on a personal level, I would really want this chapter to be a another licensed chapter. I feel like only having one chapter out of the chapters released in their roadmap is kind of heartbreaking, to me at least. Maybe I've just grown accustomed to having a few chapters be licensed, I'm not sure. Either way, as to what I could guess to the license that would come with it, have zero idea and that's always the fun part. As long as it isn't Jeepers Creepers, then I would be happy with a LOT of the license picks. :D

With all that said though, I expect a original chapter and, I'm completely fine with that as well but, what do you all think and or would like to see come out of the contents from the next chapter?

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  • Member Posts: 357

    Hopefully they finally get that open handed change in

  • Member Posts: 4,699

    I'm with you 100%. I prefer original chapters because they are really creative with the characters and story which adds a lot to the overall story behind the realm. Especially considering they are making stories that connect to each other.

  • Member Posts: 1,055

    To honest. At this point I'm more "Well let's see". Doesn't matte that much if licenced or not, if the chapter is fun,t hen I might play a little more than usual. If not, well than it's isn't that bad either. But to be fair. I would call myself kinda a Veteran player whose enthusiasm for the game is in decline for month. Still care, but just less.

    Maybe if it's licenced and I care about that licence or if the killer has an interesting game mechanic I would gain some motivation. But I would be fine with a "typical DbD chapter as usual" in general.

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    I've never been one that had a huge connection to the licenses they pick. The first time I was truly staggered and shocked was with Pyramid Head. Every other time, I've more or less just been "Oh, okay, cool." I'm almost always excited for original chapters. The Twins' were the first in a long time I wasn't, every other time I am.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Hoping for something on Oni's level in regards to coolness. Personally got 0 interest in RE or most other licensed killers. Hopefully 19 is better than the last 2.

  • Member Posts: 119

    Its going to be on the 5 year aniversary (this or the walking dead).

    I hope that it is some kind of grey alien (because an easter egg from the reworked autoheaven realm). Im hopping him to have a power similar to the old freddy. Damm I miss him a lot.

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    Yeah, I understand why some do prefer the original chapters. They have infinitely more freedom to do whatever they want with them. When it comes to license's though, nope, absolutely not. They're lucky to even get any sort of cosmetics for them. I just prefer them because, well, for one, I'm a HUGE horror fan so, of course, seeing some of my favorite faces from games, movies, shows and whatever else pop up if always wonderful to see. My other main reason is because I love to see how they mold and mend them to work within DBD itself and what kind of powers they come up with for them. I do have to disagree about aesthetic, at least, for some of the them. Some, you can very clearly tell where the inspiration is coming from which brings that down for me a tad bit, personally. Others, however, I think are indeed extremely cool, coming from a lot of the more recent og killers introduced. The lore has always been hit or miss for me, once again, just a personal thing. :)

    Side tangent aside, yeah, like I said, I do think it'll probably be a original. The only three possible ways I could see it being licensed is if,

    1. They got a license holder to actually, somehow, agree to NOT include a location from whatever license they acquired because they'd prefer to just focus on reworks for now. Not impossible but, very unlikely because if you go through the effort to get a license, why not try and get as much out of it?
    2. They get a map and still release a updated map/realm along with it but only one that has a map or two included in it. So, something like Red Forest for example. Although, that could take away from the actual license map included with the chapter which, I don't think is really THAT much of a issue because, well, to be honest, the license holders probably wouldn't care all too much. As long as the chapter is a success, they'll be happy.
    3. The one I'd be the LEAST happy with but, I'd still accept it is... we get a paragraph again. It's self-explanatory why we wouldn't get a map with that, unless they REALLY want to shake things up and give use their weirdest chapter yet.

    Anyways, yeah, I have a LOT to say when it comes to licenses and opinions on licenses so, sorry about the TED talk! lol

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    Well, as someone else pointed out, the Twitter team changed their profile picture recently to be all glitched. So maybe the new killer will be all "tech-y".

    I'm not sure if there are any popular horror characters that are primarily tech-based.

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    Well, it lookS "glitchy" and well, I know of one Popular hoRror character from a game franchIse that glitches out on the maiN screen but, if I said his name, I'd Get my head ripped off. :/

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    Yeah, that's a good point.

    While I don't personally want "he who shall not be named" I will laugh my ass off at the salt this forum will have if that's the case.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    Bugs, performance issues and "We're aware of the issue" line at the top of the forum

  • Member Posts: 890
    edited February 2021

    I know they've said they're focusing on map reworks, but I really hope they've somehow changed their minds or had a burst of inspiration, and it's a chapter that comes with a map (original or licensed - either is fine by me)

    ESPECIALLY if the chapter really is tech-based like the logo and tweet possibly suggest.

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    I personally do want him, mainly because of just how unique in design and power wise he'd, hopefully, would be but, I'd absolutely have a complete field day if with just how much people would get pissy over it! xD

  • Member Posts: 2,919

    Me and you have had countless back and forths for about a year in party chat between chapters after teasers. I really think this one is an original, I know you want a licensed chapter though :/

    I mean it’s a glitched logo and if it does happen to be licensed then I think I know who that could be.


    William can’t say that

    Springt....wait, no that is a kid’s game, can’t be added in this super serious game with no goofiness.

    Yeah I’m drawing a blank here.

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    Yup, zero idea, complete blanks. :/ Darn shame too...

  • Member Posts: 3,181

    It's just never been my cup of tea. When I first joined this forum, I was perfectly fine with the idea, however, but a few certain individuals that were very annoying about the idea kinda ruined it.

    Still, this place would be saltier than the dead sea.

    Still think it's original though.

  • Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    I doubt if RE ever got a chapter, they would give us the cool killer we want like Nemesis or someone like that. It would be something dumb like Jack Baker from RE7 or something haha.

    Though honestly, Nemesis; and an alternate skin you can buy at launch that makes him look like Mr X would be dope as hell.

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    I get it, same for me with characters like Chucky, just never fully got the appeal. Also, yup, it only takes a few bad applies to ruin the whole box, kind of similar to my experience with dbd recently, sadly. :(

    Yeah, I'm not getting my hopes TOO high, hype responsibly and all that. Still, the salt would be... DELICOUS! >:)

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Well with the lack of a teaser of an upcoming map rework, I say there's a good chance this chapter comes with a new map.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Child's play chapter would be awesome

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    I wouldn't be against it whatsoever. :)

    That said though, the most recent teases, probably, aren't hinting at it.

  • Member Posts: 570

    Well, we can hope, but I'm cool as long as that next killer is fun to play as and against

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    Yup, that's the main thing, I hope, no matter what, they're fun. :)

  • Member Posts: 208

    Well we already had two original killers Blight and Twins. The next one is a License one since devs told us this process on steam once. 2 original killers and 1 License Killer afterwards. I personally feel like Resident Evil has a High chance in this. Idk why it just feels likely with Tyrant, Prof. X, or possibly Lady Dimitriescu.

    I'm sort of hoping for a Evil Within 2 crossover. It'd be cool to get a wall/ceiling climbing killer or probs one of the BioShock enemies

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    They said they aim to have 2 original and 2 licensed (and year 4 had 1 licensed and 2 original) but that’s not set in stone and generally they try to have more original than licensed ones.. so i wouldn’t be too sure about the next one being guaranteed licensed (even though I do expect it to be one..)

  • Member Posts: 208

    Ahhhh alrighty I'll try to keep that in mind it also seems like their logo changed on Twitter (if it's even still there and I'm late to it somehow), but it looks like something glitchy. I'm trying to remember what character had associated with glitches then again this is only a small change lol

  • Member Posts: 14,890

    Apparently they are switching it multiple times back and forth. Probably to simulate a glitch

  • It's a bit of a farfetched theory, but I think it's SOMA.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    Bugs and FPS drops, but mostly bugs.

  • Member Posts: 1,031

    The killer is gonna be a man who killed a woman because he lost his credit card

  • Member Posts: 587

    It's funny you bring that up, given the speculation about a "tech killer". Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Child's Play (2019 reboot) was actually themed around modern tech toys.

    Though, I'm hoping that is not the case, because the reboot not only wasn't great (like the way DbD was stuck with Reboot Freddy, too...) but the Child's Play reboot stamped on the creator's wishes and legacy in an even more nasty way than the Nightmare on Elm Street reboot.

    Part of me feels like a Resident Evil chapter is the community hyping itself up. The "watch the stars" hint could definitely be a Nemesis clue, but I remember the evidence pointing towards a possible Candyman chapter.

    A FNAF Killer... Personally, I would be more inclined to bet on BHVR creating an original Killer that riffs on the concept. Honestly it's such a surreal idea, I don't think I can properly measure its probability, though. I mean, I remember when the original FNAF was first taking off and someone on the Steam Forums for Payday 2 suggested a FNAF heist. More importantly, the way they've styled the glitches really doesn't imply FNAF in any way, shape or form. The series has never used a black and white colourscheme like that.

    The recent Invisible Man reboot is actually a technology-based killer and while I haven't seen the movie, I've heard it's solid. There's also sequel(s?) apparently in the works right now, and it's honestly the best fit possible for a Universal monster amongst the DbD Killers, as the others really wouldn't fit the game's tone whatsoever. The modern version of the Invisible Man, I could kind of imagine.

    With that said, my personal guess is that it's an original Killer and I won't be able to really pin down what it is. I kinda wondered if it would be the "Terra Dark" Killer mentioned in the Tome arcus files, but nope, it mentions she lured her victim(s) in with "classified ads" presumably in newspapers, seemingly not via the Internet.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    Im cool with everything, but if it's a licenced chapter the only one i don't want to see it's Alien.

  • Member Posts: 2,405

    Why is that? I agree to a degree but more strongly feel that for fnaf

  • Member Posts: 1,985

    Same thing, I just hope the developers have it here before or after their series premieres.

  • Member Posts: 27

    I was thinking about the Terra Dark killer a while back before the glitched logo teaser showed up. You remember when Blight was called the Alchemist before he got released? Well... In Tome 1 there was a log about a detective dealing with the Entity’s cult (Arcus 1513, in case you’re wondering) and Élodie’s lore seems to match up with that log. So I was thinking since we already have two Archive characters in the game, we might see the Terra Dark killer this coming chapter. But obviously this is probably not the case. Then again... the whole FNAF thing might be an intentional mislead.

  • Member Posts: 1,395

    I like the idea of the entity moving from world to world and being active solely on earth now and for me taking an extraterrestrial killer would kinda take away from that, Demogorgon works because he is an extradimensional being not extraterrestrial. But thats just my opinion i'll be happy with anything we get but Alien would be my last pick.

  • Member Posts: 570

    It has a little bit of that, but mostly because of the Twins. I agree that the last movies wasn't really good, it's not like the old Chucky, but I'm not really sure how hard it is to get the license from the old Chucky, maybe it could be Samara from the ring, because she did similar stuff with TVs and it looks like the new logo, i can't think of any other. If I had to guess its the original most likely.

  • Member Posts: 539

    I would love an alien chapter but my hope for that went out the window when Disney bought Fox. There's no way Disney would let a studio as small as BHVR use their licences unless they gave them a ton of cash :(

  • Member Posts: 1,378

    a killer and a survivor im guessing

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    That’s the sad thing, because of Disney, I just don’t know about the Alien franchise anymore when it comes to being included in DBD. With that said, I’d love to be wrong about this and see them include it in the near future.

  • Member Posts: 4,759

    bugs and literally useless perks or perks they will nerf 3 weeks later after people buy it.

  • Member Posts: 1,174

    They've done multiple Licensed in a row before in 2017 they did Bubba, Freddy, and Pig back to back to back. Then in 2019 they did Ash, Ghostface, and Stranger things all in a row. If we're looking at trends then 2021 would actually be mostly licenses. I doubt 19 will be a license but it wouldn't be a crazy thing if it ends up not being original.

  • Member Posts: 990

    Hoping for fortnite ninja

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