I tunnel and camp hook with insidious

I like to make my food dread being caught by me. Should I stop?
Do whatever you want, dude.
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Why would they dread being caught? They'll roll their eyes at your sad play style and move on.
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If you really enjoy it, continue on. Just be aware that you're causing an extremely dull and boring match for the other 4 survivors that are also real people trying to have fun like you.
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Not at all. Make sure to use NOED as well.
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If this gets more than one kill I don't blame the killer i blame the team
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Make sure to constantly hit them on hook, survivors love it
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And the survivor main fell for the bait, got em boys
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Lol it's more of a meme because no matter what you do as a rank 1 killer people will call you a tunneling camper
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Expect hate but don’t let it stop you if you enjoy it
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Ngl I prefer hook camping with the twins for the one two combo
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Congrats? How am I to know if you're trolling or just genuinely that obnoxious?
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I bet if I check your profile there will be discussions about hook camping, insidious, and Bubba lol
Update** I was correct
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Nobody cares.
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The only times I can recall mentioning Bubba, other then think he needed a buff was agreeing the like to camp.
I believe I suggested changing how Insidious worked so the killer lost their terror radius after a hook for a bit. In other words making it possibly useful.
As for hook camping am I supposed to pretend it's not just lazy? I've also defended it in the instance of over altruistic survivors and EGC.
So again I'm left to wonder if you're just a troll or really just that lazy.
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You paid for the game you can play as you like as long as you’re not a flying ghost face throwing hatchets. Speaking of, I still have yet to see this man when tf do I have to play to see this man throwing hatchets.
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Its a brown addon for ghostface
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You know I've been really tempted to make Bubba my main, whatever build he has you can fallback on some good old fashioned hook camping when you're facing annoying survivors
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Was it with the Bubba?
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No, he's talking about a hacker
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I used to be of the mindset that camping and tunneling is toxic etc etc, but as I've played more killer since the last update that caused the surv desync, I say do whatever you want. Killers put up with so much crap from survivors.
If you dont leave the hook area because someone is nearby who didnt show on your BBQ, youre a camper.
Youre a tunneler if you keep coming across the same person because whoever unhooks them just hiddes and doesnt take chase.
Survivors have this attitude that killers should play how they want them to so they can have fun, and yeah while at the end of the day it's not fun to experience some of the ######### stuff in this game, killers have their fair share of experiencing ######### stuff too.
Both sides are just trying to do their objective, so I say if you dont like it, either play a different side or stop playing the game.
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Bubba is cute tho.
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Clealry that ghost face is just really good
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I don't camp/tunnel nor do I have anything against it (I see it as a playstyle), but if survivors loop or do all that jazz, what's wrong with letting a killer use their playstyle?
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"Fabulous! Great, that's good for you!" - Todd Howard
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You getting desperate for attention now?
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I teabag at the exit gate and click my flashlight a billion times per match. Am I cool yet?!
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Yes. Stop immediately. You're ruining Entity-senpai's bento, BAKA!
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you sound pretty cool beavisth
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"I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere."
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"This is outrageous! It's unfair! How can you be referenced on the Dead by Daylight forums and not be a Survivor?"
- comment from an unknown person.
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Spank me more killer UwU
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As a survivor main im of the opinion you can play however you want as long as it not toxic. Tunneling and camping in not toxic.
Go with God sir.
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Do you want a cookie?
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Shouldn't survivors dread being caught by the killers anyways lol
Anyways if it's a joke thread you made me giggle. If not it's whatever, campers gonna camp. Not gonna pretend like there aren't survivors who do "rude" things too.
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Good for you. Seriously, the amount of shaming you receive for not following the unwritten survivor handbook. You my friend are a stoic pioneer 👍
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You forgot to start with "imagine, running".
Spot salty survivors pretending to be informative from miles. 👀😖
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Your personal circle of hell is waiting for you, sir.
Don't forget NOED, also Blood Warden for extra spiciness.
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If you don't understand spanish then... its a pity xD
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as long as ur having fun