Unpopular Opinion: Tunneling

I'll make this short. This is an asymmetrical 4 vs 1 horror game correct. Asymmetrical, uneven, odd, and unfair. Survivors use their perks and tools and critical thinking to think of the best way to win, right? Killers ALSO use perks, add-ons, and critical thinking to win. If a killer finds a TACTIC that works, like tunneling, that should be fine. From all that I've read, a bunch of you f*cking hate tunneling and get so mad when we use a tactic to our advantage. It's not cheating, breaking the game, it's just a TACTIC THAT WORKS.
why tunnel, killer is already too strong.
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I don't think there is anything wrong with tunneling either. A lot of the time, when I get frustrated after getting tunneled, I want to focus my anger on the killer, but I end up reflecting upon it and realize that I'm more frustrated with myself for not being good enough to not get caught. I think that is the problem lots of people have, rather than admit that they are bad at the game, they want to blame the killer.
Being tunneled isn't fun, but the blame for it is upon the devs, not the killers. The onus is on the devs to figure out a way to make tunneling less appealing to killer without making the game more difficult for them at the same time.
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It's because Survivor mains are entitled to think they should get a full 8 hook game where they get lots of gens done and escape.
It completely r/woooosh's over their head that the Killer's job is to take you out of the game ASAP. It is not his job to provide you with a fun and entertaining game. He's your KILLER, not the host of a party.
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I get less mad about the tunneling than I do about being unhooked right in front of the killer.
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Tunneling, like other things in this game, a tactic that makes the game easier for a player. A lot of people seem to want easy games so they sacrifice other player's fun to get what they want.
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Or people want to enjoy the match too and don't want to sit still for a minute, just to have the killer wait behind them and hook them again. People like you throw the word 'entitled' around so much it lost it's meaning.
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As I have said before I think tunneling is fine to a certain extent. It's a strategy. The reason why survivor hate it I think is because it's the intention behind the strategy. Sometimes killers can tunnel a person for very petty reasons just to be toxic. I have been tunneled because I was playing claudette. Sure tunneling is fine but if your doing it just to be toxic then that's not ok.
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In my opinion it is not JUST a tactic. Yes, it is a tactic, and viable. But you are an ######### for doing it.
But that also depends on the circumstances: if there are only 2 gens left to be done, and all 4 survs are alive, go for it. It might be your only way to a 4k. But at the beginning of the match, just to get someone out early? In my eyes, that is an ######### move, considering you are wasting someone's time. Maybe they were waiting 10-15 minutes in queue to find a match, only to get ROFL stomped and tunneled.
In my opinion tunneling is a tactic for the late game. Not the early game.
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If you think for two seconds that you are "owed" more game time by the Killer then you are very much entitled in every sense of the word.
The Killer owes you nothing, and it is in his or her best interest to take you out immediately. He is under zero obligation to let you go and in fact has a very good reason NOT to.
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I started playing DBD in January and played survivor exclusively until the patch (where I lost all the ranks I grinded for because of bugs. Even last night I lost 2 pips b/c someone d/c'd before the match loaded). So I decided to try Killer.
As a survivor, I can't stand being tunneled, but being camped is worse. I started off playing Killer all noble and nice-like. Never camped (still don't), went out of my way not to tunnel. Often to my detriment. I thought to myself; "This poor guy is on his last hook and I've found him again bleeding everywhere. I'll just bypass him because feels".
That's when they obnoxiously start clicking flashlights, tea-bagging behind pallets, throwing firecrackers at me for no reason, body-blocking an insane amount, 360'ing around me to get me to swing around and just being general asshats. After the match I see they're all about 5-7 ranks above me. And I thought, *never again*.
The only time I'll be nice now is if a last player has shown good sportsmanship (which just equals not being toxic) and I'll let them go.
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I don't think that I'm owed more game time. I just want to enjoy the game as much as the killer is. But whatever, you probably sit your ass on killer all day if we're gonna be frank.
Post edited by Kellie on5 -
I play 80% Survivor and 20% Killer.
Sorry, Frank.
I just know that when I AM playing Killer, my mind is going "I need to kick this generator, then break that wall, then down that Jake before he unhooks Cheryl, NOPE here comes Kate with a flashlight, look left LOOK LEFT, now hit her, avoid the protection hit from David, oh CRAP Jake got the unhook anyway so screw this I'm re-downing Cheryl".
My Survivor gameplay mindspeak is more "Spine Chill is going off... a few more seconds. Okay, let go. Back behind the rock.... it's a Demo this game. Okay. He kicked the gen. And off he goes. Okay, back on my generator!"
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I mean, the killer is the one deciding to tunnel. That's like not blaming survivors for genrushing or abusing DS, even though they are the ones actively abusing it.
You cant ban people for it, as the devs allowed it in the first place. But the people using those mechanics to actively ruin the fun for another are to blame aswell. It's not you being not good enough to not get caught, because guess what? Every single killer can guarantee to catch you by brute force. Depending on map and map RNG, this can take anywhere between 10 seconds(spirit, deathslinger, huntress, nurse, clown, blight) or 8 minutes. Considering a Deathslinger with Warden Keys can literally negate any distance gained because he reloads faster than you can gain distance, there are literally scenario's where you literally cannot do jack ######### against it. Telling yourself you're not good enough when you're not making any mistakes is pandering to killer design.
Tunneling can be fine when you need a kill or need someone dead on hook as a killer. But tunneling for the sake of rushing a kill is no different from survivors to rush gens for the sake of rushing gens. And by rushing gens I mean 3 gens popping within 70 seconds. Even the best killers cant check all gens before starting their first chase, and considering survivors spawn together, working on 3 gens at the same time requires an active decision to split up. But same for tunneling, rushing gens can be fine if you need to.
Essentially, you could see genrushing and tunneling as a nuke in a war. No one starts a war by dropping a nuke, they would be absolute psycho's if they did. You tend to end a war by using a nuke.
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I agree with most of what you say. I don't blame survivors for gen rushing or abusing DS. They're just using the tools and strategies that the devs have provided them to use. If I or anyone else thinks that gens go by too fast, they should take the issue up with the devs and not the survivors.
Yes, getting hard tunneled from the start of the match while 5 gens are up sucks for the survivor. I agree that some things should be changed in order to make the game more fun and less miserable, especially for solo queue. It's why if you notice my post history, I promote that the devs hurry up and implement Pyramid Heads cage teleporting into hooks. If there are three or more gens left, every hooked survivor should be teleported away from the killer if the killer remains within a set distance of the hook and there are no other survivors there.
Yes, if a killer wants to single out someone in a match, it can suck. It doesn't mean that the killer is bad, or being mean (many are, I got tunneled and camped at 5 gens yesterday, by a Legion, just because he hates Claudettes), it can just mean that the killer doesn't want to give their opponents a chance just as survivors don't give the killer a chance. Have you ever seen a survivor overlook a lit totem or decide not to do a gen just because they felt sorry for the killer? It also doesn't mean that it is okay for survivors to disparage killers for using tunneling as a strategy.
TDLR, survivors shouldn't insult, ridicule or be angry with the killer player if they get tunneled. They should take the issue up with the Devs and not drag killers through mud.
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I mean, my point was entirely that people have a full right to insulting or being angry with players that actively destroyed their fun without them being able to do anything against it. I have had matches where there was a literal infinite because of extremely unfortunate RNG(I am talking windows in the middle of walls facing each other while being next to the main building, which also had an open window, you could literally run through all windows and the window blocking cooldown would be reset on the first one, no mindgames). I had a full right of getting angry at the 1 survivor who kept on exploiting that loop, because even with Bamboozle I couldnt block any windows, there was no way for me to cut off and there was 0 mindgames keeping me there. I ended up slugging that survivor to death when I had the chance, to which place that survivor obviously got mad, but at least I had a reason to slug him to death. Where the only reason he had to exploiting the infinite was just to ruin my fun.
They are the ones actively deciding to ruin someone else's fun, so they are the ones being worth to blame for their own actions. Sure, the devs are responsible, but responsibility for the existance of something, and the responsibility for ruining someone else's fun are seperated. I can be mad at the devs for allowing such a thing in the game, while also be angry at the person who abused that part of the game purely to ruin my fun.
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All the entitled killers in this thread and the OP make me sad. There are two problems with this game, one is survivors that bully killers, the other is killers that single out and bully one survivor because their precious ego can't handle losing at a completely unbalanced video game. Grow up.
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How is killing an avatar in a game of a player is bullying? Thats what I am wondering.
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Tunneling is a play style, it doesnt requires anything to play like that. Rank 20 or 1, any Killer can tunneling as they wish.
But for survivor POV, higher rank survivor or long time players have many thing to deal with tunneling: understand maps patterns, title, gym, spawn, quadruple 2nd chance perks, swf, know flash light timing...Newbie has nothing to deal with.
New survivor players, Im sure no one wants to play the game again if they keep getting tunneled. When I play this game for a few months, I realize its not friendly for new players, which is why I dont introduce this game to any of my friends.
People will always find a way to do a job easier, I dont blame Killers (I do play Killer, I try to make it fun for everyone). Which is why there must be a build-in mechanic to hard (or at least soft) remove Tunneling. PH cage power and Borrowed time arent the answer.
Gen rush & Camping are also the problems, once all these 3 are more no in this game, is when the game at its top.
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It is funny though. I’ve had periods where I play so little survivor my rank is brown while I’m still a red rank killer.
In brown ranks tunneling is the norm, I’ll get farmed off hook no BT in front of the killer and get tunneled with no DS and only discourage my death by being good at looping. Nobody complains about it in the endgame chat ever.
Then I go play some red rank games and based off the messages you get for tunneling you would swear you killed these people in real life.
Its just the way the game is, if the survivors get 2+ gens done within 2 minutes I’m tunneling. It’s really as simple as that, because it’s the only way to win.
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Maybe if matchmaker would put you against fair opponents so you have a chance at least.
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Yes it works, its just unfun to go against, if the killer knows there is no DS and no BT there is nothing stopping him from tunnelling and camping hooks. Do it if you want but just think how you would feel if you were that survivor being tunnelled off of hook, I stopped camping hooks and tunnelling after experiencing it over and over. So its up to what happens in the match.
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if the survivors get 2+ gens done within 2 minutes I’m tunneling.
Thats my point: Gen rush is also a game problems.
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I can get away with swapping targets on the strong killers sometimes. But on the weak ones? Where it takes 30-40 seconds for a down and I physically can’t make it to a gen to pop it in time? I really don’t understand what you are supposed to do.
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There isn't anything wrong with tunneling, it is just a made up concept that survivors use to make killers feel bad.
Just go for it, kill however you want.
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What you need to remember is that as a killer, this game needs you more than you need it.
You put up with my Insidious Bubba survivors or you spend another 10 minutes in a queue 😎
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The reason I hate tunneling is because it sucks out all the fun for the survivors. The one being chased will become increasingly frustrated while the others repair gens with almost no worry and become bored. Yes, it is a strategy. Is it viable. That's debateble. Are you a ######### wad for doing it? Absolutely. There's no way around it. How you play is ######### and unfun to go against no matter how you look at it.
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Its totally fine to tunnel, specially with one of the fastest meta ever. I would like to know the average time per game, because as both killer and survivors my games seem to be like 4-5 minutes. Its crazy.
So tunneling is the best way the killer has to slow down the gen progression. Survivors know that, thats why they complain about tunneling, they want to keep escaping and mocking the killer.
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As a hybrid player, that leans kinda to the killer side, I can say that you're short of correct. What you've misunderstood though is the tactic I call hard tunneling, where the killer purposely chooses one survivor and decide to make their game miserable, for whatever reason. In the past week my survivor games are literally killers tunneling people off hooks, which is kinda disappointing that now tunneling is meta. I never liked ds, so I rarely ever ran it, but after these games, I decided to use the meta perk, hope I don't get too attached to it.
Tunneling as a tactic, is fine. But as a way to make someone's life miserable, isn't. Just like purposely camping, where's the fun in that? Or 4 man slugging (meaning that you slug from the start of the game, usually with perks like knockout/deerstalker/third seal just to make survivors have an unfun game), it is counterable, but still remains unfun.
On the other side, survivors being annoying as #########, tbagging and flashlight clicking is also extremely annoying and they do that just to annoy the killer. Ds/unbreakable, keys, 4mans they all are extremely unfun to go against. And that's why I advice against all of them.
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I disagree with people having a full right to insult others for how they play a video game, which has no bearing on one in real life. You can be upset with the method they chose to play, but you have no right to be angry at the person for choosing to do so. The situation that you describe is the fault of the developers not the player. The killer has no right to get upset at the survivor player for abusing game mechanics that are meant to be used.
The problem with tunneling and hating killers is that you have no idea if the killer is doing it to ruin that survivors fun or if it is strategic. A killer may decided that you're the weakest link and get you out of the match asap in order to lessen the pressure. They may have decided that you're too much of a threat to give a break and will tunnel you off hook in order to make things easier on themselves.
If you know that the killer is 100% intent at just ruining your fun, then yes, you can be upset with them. The problem is lots of players like to cry foul even though the killer is just genuinely playing the game and trying to win.
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I hope you aren't really this immature, this game has an MA rating so hopefully you're old enough to have empathy for others. Most people play this game to have fun and aren't interested in some sad killer player taking the game way too seriously and doing whatever it takes to win. It's pathetic, if that's what you have to do to win you're just not very good at this game, sorry.
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Tunnelling for me, either doing it or being on the receiving end is acceptable but it comes down to certain situations.
like last night load in as survivor, someone instant disconnects. Spirit hooks my teammate chases the other guy. i unhook her and spirit drops chase and comes straight back, ignores me and tunnels her. gets her, shes unhooked again and tunnelled.
in that situation its like come on, 3 man 5 gens you've practically won already but if you have 1 gen left and 4 people up go for it i don't care.
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As frustrating as it is to be tunnelled (I play both sides) it is still a VALID and EFFECTIVE strategy. A lion will target the same animal if its prey is clearly vulnerable and disadvantaged, predatory instinct / common sense.
If I tunnel then I'll atleast slug the entitled survivor and let them recover. They'll still be the one tea bagging on the hatch at the end anyway 😅
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Why are you getting mad at people getting mad about tunnelling? Yes, tunnelling is fine and you're allowed to do it, but just because it's a tactic, it doesn't automatically invalidate the other side's opinion that tunnelling is annoying and lame for the guy getting tunnelled.
It's like people complaining about others finding certain killers like Deathslinger boring because there argument is something along the lines of "you can still win against/counter them". That doesn't mean ######### for my enjoyment of the match, it's still a pain to deal with so the point still stands.
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Maybe that "sad killer" isn't interested in anything but wins, and that's what they find fun? Different strokes and all that. If you've been around multiplayer games enough you'll come to realise there's always gonna be a group of people in a community that takes it way too seriously and will do whatever it takes to give themselves the biggest advantage, because they find that style of playing more fun than goofing around. For a game like DbD, I'm gonna be honest I don't get it either, but they do exist.
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Personally i don't like tunneling at all even when I'm playing as killer.
I have played with killers who use this technique several times in a row. i couldn't do anything during the game once they found me but running away all match.
After rescuing me from the hook, the killer came back to me until he caught me again and I'm dead at the beginning of the match. the game is not fun like that, period.
When I play I don't want to be the main target of the killer.
All the fun is that each player has the same difficulty surviving.
When i play as a killer i try to prevent myself from running after the same survivor who was already on a hook a moment ago even though it would be pretty easy to catch him.
I know this feeling from being the main target and i don't want to ruin someone's game experience just because i want to get a kill.
I like these killers who are able to catch survivors eventually without tunneling them.
I see it as a skill and not a cheap way to win or get a kill.
Honestly, survivors have less chance of winning and killers can make them incompetent when they put pressure on everyone.
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Yes! As long as I don't face camp, I don't feel bad. Not my fault if your team unhooked before I was far enough away, or god forbid I choose to chase the injured target because they're easier to track
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It's not a killer's responsibility to ensure that the survivors have fun. It's their responsibility to kill the survivors. Full stop. End of story.
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Again, it's not the killer's responsibility to ensure that the survivors have fun. In fact, their responsibility is the opposite: kill the survivors as quickly as possible with a few gens done as possible. Hook them and take their items. That's it.
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thats not what asymmetrical means in this context, and as someone who has been consistently high ranked since release, no, tunneling/camping are inconsistent and prevent you from scoring high and getting consistent 4ks
Anyone who needs to defend it as a "tactic" needs to learn to play killer
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Ok so if i get unhooked and you the killer are 2 meters away do you think its fair to instantly down me and rehook me again when i cant do a jack ######### about it i cant resist the unhook my fate is in the other survivors hands and they its a 3v1 almost.
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ooh we survivors wouldnt complain if we had an anti tunneling perk (DS doesnt work becasue it barely works lmao) they just count in there head and slug you
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It doesn't really matter what anyone's opinion is — killers love to camp and tunnel, and it's not punishable, so why does it matter? Personally, I think you're a ######### player for doing it, but that's just another meaningless opinion. As a strategy, fine, but most just want to grief other players because they can.
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Well, unhooked survivors go directly into a locker so...they are almost saying outloud "hey, tunnel me". Maybe we should consider that the abuse they do with that perk is the problem, not the perk itself.
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I've never really seen a problem with it. Blaming your own failings on the other side is something the DbD playerbase loves to do.
If someone is tunneling me, it should be a throw for them. Tunneling me to death should mean 4 gens at least. Probably 5. If not, I played poorly, my teammates made bad unhooks/didn't work on gens if they couldn't make a good save, or the killer simply played well.
It's not that difficult if a killer is camping. Do you have BT? If yes, best you can probably do is go 1 for 1, but you absolutely can't get grabbed or go down before getting the unhook. Do you not have BT? Get away from the hook and do gens. You have no business being around the hook unless you're coordinating the save with another BT user. This isn't rocket science.
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I never said it was the killer's responsibility to ensure fun. I said it was EASIER and some players want EASY games.
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The main thing to remember is that Killers can forcefully eject survivors from the match, preventing them from playing. Killers on the other hand, regardless of how the survivors play, will always be in the match from start to finish.
When you tunnel someone, you're effectively preventing someone from being able to play the game. If survivors were able to do this to killers, most people on the forums would be up in arms.
But it's fine if it happens to survivors though. /s
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yea i see what you mean but when i player killer i often let the last one escape if someone leaves or does a suicide on hook i left them all win and we might farm for a bit. I find it more funnier to kill 3 let the last one go and he says gg thanks or something that playing a game that goes like this: Sluaghter all 4. win the game get tons of hate messages like ur #########, get good, git gud, LEARN TO PLAY, LMAO NOOB, cine tunneling (bad slurs), nice camping noob and all of that ######### dont you find it funnier?
And i havent said that ua re tunnelnig or anythign i just want ur opinion on the things above
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Tunneling is just unhealthy and boring for the game imo. My reasoning being:
- Only one person gets to interact with the killer all game. The others just hold m1 on gens until either the gates are powered or it's their turn to get ran at for the rest of the game.
- You as a survivor have to waste perk slots that could go to fun perks on stuff like BT + DS + Dead Hard because the developers create insurance perks rather than fixing fundamental game design flaws.
- Results are very binary. Either it works because you picked out someone without DS or a bad player (who you now didn't even give a chance to play the game) and made the match a 1v3 quickly which is now heavily in your favor or you followed one person all game and lost all your gens with minimal hooks. And if the former does happen, the survivor team and the person tunneled both have very little or no fun.
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You wont see this kind of people playing surv. And better for you if you don’t see them in real life
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You've never dealt with a bully squad? Flashlight spamming? Teabagging?
You want to talk about anti-fun? SWF survivors with a superiority complex can ruin the killer experience.