How to Deal With Bullying?

Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516
edited February 2021 in General Discussions

Just got extreme bullied hard. Playing as Wraith and everyone would constantly just follow me around tbagging and just blinding me for no reason. Motioning for me to chase them. After I just gave up and stood there they just stood around tbagging and not doing any gens, basically holding me hostage. I was forced to continue playing and the torment kept coming. They all had ultra rare flashlight that instantly blinds and for a long time too. After awhile they finally left and sent me messages telling me too easy and you need to quit playing this game. They were streaming and on mics together. They said they weren’t being toxic and just playing the game. For some reason my PS4 didn’t record the match at all, now I don’t even have proof of their toxicity. I’ve never felt so ashamed and humiliated. I just wanted to play the game and have fun. How do people deal with this? I’ve dealt with toxic people before but this was on a whole another level. I’m not going to lie, I was close to have a rage crying at this. I tried to be nice and asked them why they had to act that way and all I got was ridicule and harassment


  • Canas
    Canas Member Posts: 1,021

    I fear there's nothing that can be done, this is why most killers want a way to detect SWF/premade groups just so they can dodge those lobbies. These sweat squads can be completely ruthless and are the biggest issue this game has in terms of balance and overall fun. All you can do is either go afk or outright dc.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Play better, that’s it. Wraith isn’t the best to take into SWFs although with a solid build you can definitely give them a run for their money.

    As bad as it sounds, with NOED you can basically have 5 gens to tunnel someone out and still get a 2k. Though a 2k is a loss to me.

    What is your wraith build?

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    They wouldn’t let me. And if I DC’d I would get penalized for it

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516
    edited February 2021

    I’ve only played Wraith three times. So I’m new. Deerstalker, Unrelenting, Shadowborn, and Predator. And I didn’t know they were SWF. They revealed that after.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    That is very good advice. Thank you. Means a lot to me.

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    Oh. Well as a new killer you are going to get dunked on for a while. Just turn the chat off and ignore it for now.

    I’ve been playing killer for years now and I still get death threats in the endgame chat. I think it’s hilarious; but I also don’t really get bullied anymore so it’s usually salt instead of smug.

    Id recommend getting sloppy butcher and NOED in your build. Both are fine at level 1 and are better than anything you have.

    Long term id really recommend trying to get corrupt intervention, pop goes the weasel, and enduring. You can use bamboozle instead of enduring too but enduring works at more loops.

    If there is no obsession wraith is really good at farming survivors straight off the hook. Like, really really good at it.

  • savevatznick
    savevatznick Member Posts: 651

    Keep your cool and kill them. Really, just kill them.

  • No problem.

    DBD is inherently unfair and has just as much luck to it as it does skill most of the time, so try not to take too much stock in success in this game.

    Genuine bully squads honest to god are very very rare though, so try not to stop playing out of fear of them. I would say it's like, mostly people who say/do nothing toxic, a large batch that is just salty and mean because they lost or nearly lost or something, a decent amount of nice folks who are pleasant if you are pleasant to them, and then a very tiny amount of people that are really out there just trying to spoil it for everyone.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Grab your Enduring and Inner Strength perks and Knock Out their Overwhelming Presence to achieve a Calm Spirit of Iron Will ❤️😜

    Now.. Dbd poety aside, if you ever find the typical douchebag just ignore him and go find another survivor, they don't like to be ignored and will make mistakes than you can take advantage of it to even kill them all. But if you are just chilling around ignoring and finding an easier target is the best choice.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    If one is being toxic usually I do. But this time is was a whole 4 man squad of them.

  • Dragonshensi
    Dragonshensi Member Posts: 1,516

    That’s good advice too. I’m planning on eventually getting the dlc so I can get all these perks but it sucks I have to start right off the bat buying dlc and such

  • SilentPill
    SilentPill Member Posts: 1,302

    That’s just the way killer is unfortunately. You need Bubba for BBQ otherwise the grind will be outrageous. You need corrupt pop on most killers unless you want 5-6 minute games. You want enduring or bamboozle on weaker killers unless you like running in a circle with nothing to do about it.

  • Irisora
    Irisora Member Posts: 1,442

    Well in that case if they put it really hard just remember that this is a game and not getting kills for just one match or two its not the end of the world, and the best you can do its to chill and play normally instead of burning yourself to secure a kill. Sometimes matches like that happen, even to people who have thousands of hours and streamers.

    Sometimes you manage to kill them all and laugh the last, sometimes you don't. In any case don't even bother about the chat, survivors are either silent when you kill them or toxic if its a team like that, so its the usual thing to ignore it.

  • Killing_Time
    Killing_Time Member Posts: 894

    AFK or NOED. I'd personally chase the most toxic survivor and ensure he dies. I'll throw the entire game just to kill that one person. My steam comments prove that.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I'm sorry you had to deal with that, but there's nothing that can be done. None of that was against the rules, however that is an example of extreme toxicity.

    Some people just want to bully. They WANT to make someone miserable. And there's really nothing that will ever be done about it. The best you can do is remember that these are ######### disgusting people who get their kicks by harassing others - clearly, their lives are messed the ######### up be ausw they have to try and make people feel worse than them. That, or they were raised by bullies, which is almost as bad.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    It's just a game, guy. Why not just turn and hit them, tho?

  • As a killer thats your job. You’re literally only there for survivors amusement since its them who buy the cosmetics.

    It might help if you switched to a better killer. Wraith can be bullied hard. Play Spirit or Nurse or Pyramid, you want a killer who can get hits at loops. Or play Freddy since survivors hate him.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 5,229
    edited February 2021

    Bully squads generally fish for a failure of the matchmaker and for a killer that is an easy target.

    They generally play like normal till they get one.

    Once they do, the killer can't just "hit them" because they always stay just out of his range, 360 him over and over and over again because again there is a huge skill difference. They coordinate so that if he ever downs anyone they will always be saved because they are like all there, if the killer chases one of them they will run him for days while the other recovers and not do gens just milk the killer for as much as possible.

    If it was just as easy as hitting them then obviously it wouldn't be a problem, but it's not, it's that they literally can't do that most of the time.

  • FellowKillerMain
    FellowKillerMain Member Posts: 858

    Ah... plot twist, the survivors are actually the scariest killer in DBD. But in all srsly, no idea why people do this stuff.

  • StreetRat115
    StreetRat115 Member Posts: 54

    I used to be like you once as well, but believe me when I say that the whole following you around thing is actually beneficial for you once you become a good killer because they're not doing any gens and you can take advantage of that. I'll also always advice that you should go for as many hooks as you can every game because if you slug and one hook everyone you don't gain as much skill. If they are playing like d*cks tho then have no shame in using dirty tactics. Lastly I really recommend that you watch scott jund video on how to deal with "bully" squads, it teaches a lot of useful stuff for beginner killers on how to deal with those teams

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568

    Bully squads is actually my favorite type of swf. They don't do gens, so it means they gonna die. They often do stupid mistakes, because loop with friends always end up with unintended bodyblocking. They are overaltruistic and swarming around you so it's easy to bait them for free hits.

    Take every free hit they give you. Bait flashlight saves and don't fall for CJ tech. Eventually you will be ready to any stupid ######### they know and you will kill them before all pallets wasted. Don't be upset and have fun killing them.

    If they not doing gens, it means they have chosen death.

  • VonCrow
    VonCrow Member Posts: 389

    Use Noed, its a pretty good perk to catch down school bullies which in my experience there is at least one in every match.

  • Chchchcheryl
    Chchchcheryl Member Posts: 1,531

    Don't listen to everyone saying run NOED, it creates more issues than it solves (yes I play survivor but I'm becoming a killer main, I absolutely despise NOED, being against it and using it).

    It gives you this buffer which makes you think you don't need to worry about playing well. It's called a noob trap for a reason and it can really detrimental to furthering your skills as killer!

    I went through a period where I faced a lot of bully squads and it was very stressful for me as a rank 12 killer at the time. I ended just taking the time to practice, collected a large amount of salt along the way for playing like a dick back (its the best thing to do, they're clearly asking for it) and improved.

    The best thing to do is just laugh it off, its easier said than done but just imagine how annoyed that pimply 12 year old clicking their flashlight at you will be when you don't rise to their bait and tunnel their friend off hook.

    for flashlights, remember walls and the sky are your best friends (until you get lightborne).

    Also for SWFs as Wraith (coming from a wraith main), if you suspect a SWF throw on All Seeing Spirit (Iri once you get it, but the blood one is strong as well) and the strongest windstorm you have. Drop chases as randomly as possible and do hit and run, it creates a lot of confusion and they only have clarity on your location for as long as in chase until a couple of seconds before you cloak and drop chase. Cloaking a lot in chase and getting hits with the speed boost adds to this, plus some people are wraith blind and crouch in a corner hoping you go past them and leave because they can't see you cloaked, it's funny asf.

    Otherwise, yeah just have fun. Idk if this was helpful I have a way of overcomplicating when I explain things so lmk if it was (or wasn't) and I hope you start smashing bully squads asap, remember we've all been there at some point playing killer.

  • BioX
    BioX Member Posts: 1,378

    crying in the shower does it for me