My sanity is fading

46 More games today where fourth survivor got bullshit hatch win. ######### 46. The hatch is broken and I have no idea how much longer I have to endure these stupid defeats. I know when I lose but this is ######### unfair and downright mean spirited.


  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068


    I've got so many different things that come to mind but none of them would do this justice. Perhaps a killer main would like to respond about 46 straight 3k matches.

  • MrZapp
    MrZapp Member Posts: 102

    This Doc would be stoked to get 46 3k games in a row
    Zaps Myers

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @MrZapp said:
    This Doc would be stoked to get 46 3k games in a row
    Zaps Myers

    But it's son satisfying when the 4rth gets a free escape

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    Run whispers

  • AmorePrincess
    AmorePrincess Member Posts: 220
    edited November 2018
    3 kills is still a win. 

    Maybe you should lower your satisfaction level. In your post, I see no reason why the devs would even consider changing the hatch. Clearly you are doing fine, and the survivors are damn good at finding it before you. Maybe this is 46 matches where you camped the hook instead of looking for the last one? See no other chance that the hatch could be found so many times in a day and you didnt. 
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @AmorePrincess said:
    3 kills is still a win. 

    Maybe you should lower your satisfaction level. In your post, I see no reason why the devs would even consider changing the hatch. Clearly you are doing fine, and the survivors are damn good at finding it before you. Maybe this is 46 matches where you camped the hook instead of looking for the last one? See no other chance that the hatch could be found so many times in a day and you didnt. 

    the fact is though i do mostly find it first but then i have no tools to take out the survivor

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    46 rounds in a day, that's like a week of rounds for me lol. Also, slug #3 duh.

  • Rebel_Raven
    Rebel_Raven Member Posts: 1,775
    The killer is essentially the one responsible for allowing hatch plays. 
    Slug the last 2. 

    Barring that, find the hatch, preferably before it opens, and stand on it, or camp it. Most times survivors get as tunnel vision as killers do in a chase, and will only try a hatch eacape.
  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @WhateverIGuess said:
    I really hope you are not one of those killer mains who complain survivors are OP yet you got 46 matches with 3k.

    Cause if you are, you just ate your own ....

    no im not the 46 matches that were foiled by the hatch were not all in a row. yes they were in 1 sitting but with my play style i clean up survivors extremely fast my strategy is never engage a chase you hit one then find the second who will usually be quite close and you keep sneaking in hits but you never let them drop a pallet or engage a loop as that wastes time if a loop trys to happen i immediately head off to find another survivor because looping is too risky when gens are done too fast .i usually get at least 2 or 3 hooks before first gen is done. unfortunately it only takes two gens for the hatch so it usually is spawned when i finish sacrificing the second survivor then i quickly sweep up the rest yet that last one always hatch camps instead of rescuing their hooked freind and the freind suicides so the hatch opens faster.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @AgentTalon said:
    46 rounds in a day, that's like a week of rounds for me lol. Also, slug #3 duh.

    my playstyle would be greatly hindered if i slug i am all about fast hooks and map prescence i do not chase simply because it wastes too much time the only times i chase are when i have evil within 3 ready to go and certailn addons

  • AgentTalon
    AgentTalon Member Posts: 331

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @AgentTalon said:
    46 rounds in a day, that's like a week of rounds for me lol. Also, slug #3 duh.

    my playstyle would be greatly hindered if i slug i am all about fast hooks and map prescence i do not chase simply because it wastes too much time the only times i chase are when i have evil within 3 ready to go and certailn addons

    Fair enough still 3k isn't bad at all. You have to be making decent BP at the very least.

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @AgentTalon said:

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @AgentTalon said:
    46 rounds in a day, that's like a week of rounds for me lol. Also, slug #3 duh.

    my playstyle would be greatly hindered if i slug i am all about fast hooks and map prescence i do not chase simply because it wastes too much time the only times i chase are when i have evil within 3 ready to go and certailn addons

    Fair enough still 3k isn't bad at all. You have to be making decent BP at the very least.

    yeah i guess i know its a petty problem but sometimes i really just want a nice satisfying win a hatch escape leaves me feeling empty id much rather the survivor attempt an exit gate. of course my play style is very unique it mostly works but occasionally i will have the most embarrassing loss but it doesnt make me feel empty yet the hatch when you do so well and fall so short it is just not very fun. also i still wonder why no one else plays my style of no chases you wont believe how effective it is you keep an eye on the most clumped generators and run sloppy butcher or any other perk that makes healing harder then you get off hits but never loop and eventually the survivors will be caught in your loop and one by one they fall

  • OakLestat
    OakLestat Member Posts: 125

    LOL, your name is Friendly Killer main but you are whining about losing a survivor. This is a definite Troll post. I am a Killer main and no true killer main would post this crap.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @friendlykillermain said:
    46 More games today where fourth survivor got bullshit hatch win. [BAD WORD] 46. The hatch is broken and I have no idea how much longer I have to endure these stupid defeats. I know when I lose but this is [BAD WORD] unfair and downright mean spirited.


    Trust me

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @OakLestat said:
    LOL, your name is Friendly Killer main but you are whining about losing a survivor. This is a definite Troll post. I am a Killer main and no true killer main would post this crap.

    Every killer main knows that the hatch mechanic is straight up ridiculous

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    When I get down to the last two survivors I make an assessment of who is the weaker player and try and make sure the other guy is sacrificed first.

  • Attackfrog
    Attackfrog Member Posts: 1,134

    If it was 46 straight games of someone escaping via hatch, then something is clearly broken (3ks aside).

    If ANYTHING happens 46 games in a row, in random matchups, there is something that needs to be adjusted.

  • Animalheadskull
    Animalheadskull Member Posts: 478
    I'd love 46 straight 3 kills, I would feel unstoppable 
    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    let killers close the hatch like in that beta test patch we did, or at least do a hard skillcheck for killer or taking 30 secs to close it etc

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    @friendlykillermain said:
    46 More games today where fourth survivor got bullshit hatch win. [BAD WORD] 46. The hatch is broken and I have no idea how much longer I have to endure these stupid defeats. I know when I lose but this is [BAD WORD] unfair and downright mean spirited.

    Have you ever tried just slugging the 3rd survivor then spend more time finding the 4th survivor with whispers?

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    If you want 4K, make a 4K build.

    I build my killers for reliable 3Ks, since 4K is just overachieving. Sometimes I find the fourth, sometimes I don't. (I play Pig/Hag, so it's a bit easier for me to control locations of the map without tracking perks.)

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Attackfrog said:
    If it was 46 straight games of someone escaping via hatch, then something is clearly broken (3ks aside).

    If ANYTHING happens 46 games in a row, in random matchups, there is something that needs to be adjusted.

    tell me bout it some of my 3ks should have been 2ks but because they want to taunt at exit gate im able to mori them or insta down them

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @Scgamecock86 said:
    I'd love 46 straight 3 kills, I would feel unstoppable 

    heres a tip then dont engage in loops as soon as a survivor attempts a loop ######### off and go find another eventually evry survivor will be hooked enough times and then you do one clean sweep

  • friendlykillermain
    friendlykillermain Member Posts: 3,162

    @akbays35 said:

    @friendlykillermain said:
    46 More games today where fourth survivor got bullshit hatch win. [BAD WORD] 46. The hatch is broken and I have no idea how much longer I have to endure these stupid defeats. I know when I lose but this is [BAD WORD] unfair and downright mean spirited.

    Have you ever tried just slugging the 3rd survivor then spend more time finding the 4th survivor with whispers?

    yes its not my build though i get many sacrifices immediately and make sure survivors cant do anything any killer i play i always make them with a really high map presence build and play style

  • akbays35
    akbays35 Member Posts: 1,123

    @friendlykillermain said:

    @akbays35 said:

    @friendlykillermain said:
    46 More games today where fourth survivor got bullshit hatch win. [BAD WORD] 46. The hatch is broken and I have no idea how much longer I have to endure these stupid defeats. I know when I lose but this is [BAD WORD] unfair and downright mean spirited.

    Have you ever tried just slugging the 3rd survivor then spend more time finding the 4th survivor with whispers?

    yes its not my build though i get many sacrifices immediately and make sure survivors cant do anything any killer i play i always make them with a really high map presence build and play style

    I do that if I want to get a 4k, otherwise I'm good with whatever (I just let the last survivor get the hatch unless I catch him in a locker or something). I try to change up my style and sometimes just do silly stuff so I don't go full tryhard. But you're doing good man, if you're getting 3k about every match.