The real reason for stripping animations out of the game
![[Deleted User]](
The sIcK jUk3 montages have already begun. So kewl d00d. Totally makes the game look worthwhile to prospective buyers.
For comparison here is Super Mario 64. This game is almost 25 years old. It has better turning animation for the character than DBD does 25 years later.
Your game is a joke.
Those are the new and improved 360s you're so upset about?
If they weren't going so fast the game can't even properly visualize it, i'd say those are the clunkiest and most obvious spins in the world.
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I think it's kind of a stacked argument he's making. Like, the original 360s, and these new ones are silly because survivor movement definitely does not adhere to any realistic physical laws - but it is a video game in a fantasy realm. But, I think you're right, because all those killers would have to do is track the survivor a bit before swinging.
Post edited by Rizzo on3 -
Dang bruv.
You seem so mad over the fact that you're missing hits even with the new animations that you're making pathetic excuses for the fact that you can't get a hit from point blank in a game that has auto-aim.
I'm sure these youtube vids of other people playing better than you are doing a lot to soothe your raging ego though.
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The new 360s are definitely way bigger than the old ones. Survivors go in a pretty massive circle now
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this is why console killer sucks.
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tbf bringing realism into a game where you dont instantly die after being cut up with a chainsaw, where broken limbs are healed with a back rub, where youre sacrificed to a malevolent spider god on a meat hook, where michael myers and pyramid head and the demogorgon co-exist, where nancy wheeler knows how to repair a generator and has since d1, where people are stuck in an eternal hellscape cycle of death and rebirth and dying again all so this damn spider can eat its fill of emotions doesn't seem like such a great idea. like you said, fantasy game, so i dont see why non-realistic movement is such an issue to op.
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You should have read like, that hyphenated part of the sentence in my response.
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It’s hilarious how survivors are resorting to the “mad cus bad” excuse, remember these are the people who stomped their feet, screamed and cried at the developers to remove months of animation work so that they could make 360 montages against rank 20 killers again.
Name another game where constantly 360’ing players is a thing? Its only a thing in DBD because the animations are horrendous and out of date. The rest of us normal people need to put up with 20+ year old animations all because you feel entitled to more second chances.
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oh no, i know what you were saying! that was my bad i shouldve specified; i meant just as a general principle to the entire thread!! im sorry!!
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Oh derp, I was wondering, my bad. I'm dumb. No way, like, I totally knew after I posted that. hahah
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20+ year old animations
4.69589 < 20
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Agreed. this OP has been whining all day about how the new animations look more realistic because survivors couldn't 360 anymore until the latest hotfix. Even though the new survivor animations look like everyone's crapped their pants and are hotfooting it to the toilet before it starts leaking down their pants legs.
But apparently fixing punctured lungs with a hearty backrub is perfectly realistic because it doesn't involve wounding this guy's fragile ego with a cheap and easily-counterable gimmick.
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I'm pretty upset they had to remove some of those transitional animations. They never took control away in the first place
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Oh well.
The changes are here, locomotion has been partially addressed, and you will apparently be the only person who can't hit these slow-ass spins.
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On the contrary I have been hitting them.
Survivor mains still haven’t answered the question: If 360’s “never work” as you claim then why did you scream and cry so hard to have them back? If 360’s are useless then why couldn’t we keep that nice locomotion? Why do we need horrendous character model turning once again?
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Ah another with poor reading comprehension.
Notice how I showed a game from over 20 years ago with better locomotion than DBD. DBD 4.5.2 is not even on par with PS3 games, let alone PS4.
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Because of Huntress and Deathslinger. Not only did the desync make facing these killers atrocious but it also made dodging significantly harder because you moved from side to side incredibly sluggishly, allowing those killers very easy shots. In a way also Pyramid Head.
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Imagine not being able to hit people doing pirouettes in a game that has auto-aim.
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Not really poor reading comprehension, you said and I quote,
The rest of us normal people need to put up with 20+ year old animations all because you feel entitled to more second chances.
The animations in dbd are not 20+ years old.
If you think that those Ps3 an Ps4 games have better animations, play those games.
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Mimimi Oh no the survivor 360did me!! *Cry* Devs pls Nerf? And too many secound chances?
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Lmao never get a job in game development. I can imagine you behind the next Call of Duty, where players need to wiggle side to side with no animation just for the chance of avoiding shots.
Oh and you’re basically saying there that cheesing the lack of animation DOES work. Thanks for playing ;)
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You ever play Dark Souls?
The jump from 1 to 2 was wild for a lot of reasons. 2 felt a lot clunkier and weightier, your turning radius in general was way reduced. You had to take a wide berth to run in circles in 2, whilst in 1 your movement isn't restricted at all. I could run in every direction at once whilst being in the same spot.
That was the main problem here. 360s being dead was just a symptom.
I don't know why you're zeroing in so hard on spins unless you just really want a bludgeon.
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I wasn't planning to get a job in game development, don't worry.
And no, I admitted that the killers balanced around old animations didn't compute with the newer ones combined with the desync.
Thanks for shooting your shot, no pun intended, but it would appear that you missed the mark by about 30 meters. Better luck next time honey 😘
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If be willing to meet half way. Bring back the old locomotion and tighten it up a bit rather than what we have now.
I saw one survivor and i could tell he was using a keyboard because he only ran in 8 directions, all angles.
It reminded me of Duke Nukem 3D. You know when the sprites turn around and they can only face certain directions because of how they’re drawn?
I just think survivors should have SOME animation when turning. Its sad to see a game that was brought up to date throw it all away for what feels like the 360 montage crew. I played survivor and I had no issues. Then again I play survivor on PC with a controller cus comfort so perhaps being used to 3D platformers that was why. If you use a keyboard or only play pc games maybe it was jarring having fluid movement
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Sure. New animations, old movement. Everyone(?) wins.
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Don't know if I see wrong here but this vid shows that side to side turning is exact the same speed.
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Exactly this, this was the number one complaint I saw - that survivors couldn't dodge like before. There was like a stutter between the movements as well which felt awful, the current animations updated yesterday feel a lot smoother to play with.
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All i see is killers with really bad aim. Thanks for the video tho, gonna subscribe right now :)
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why are you crying? cause you are a killer main getting juked all day? then l2p
DBD without 360's would not be DBD, mate
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It never hurt the game with prospective buyers before so why should it now?
You are complaining about movement which has been in the game some 2016.
The 4.5.0 changes were never designed to change the movement in anyway as stated by the devs so in reality this is actually a fix to something they never intended to happen.
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I just wish the animations didn't look even worse then the orginal ones. Now when you're crouched and want to move your camera angle, your character's head teleports to the direction you want to look instead of them actually turning their head like a normal person.
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Complaining about 360s is like complaining about moonwalking
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You gonna love me as survivor. Because I'm one of the (majority) survivor who can't 360. But I hated the animations since it made survivors move so sluggish and difficult to turn or dodge or mind games. In many other survivors chases that I've seen--the killer simply M1 while turning in place to hit those 360. I don't understand how that made sense either. Oh wait, OP wouldn't be able to explain that, because he couldn't figure out to hit survivors.
This is just another case of killer unable to hit survivors with the help of already massive hitboxes (plus desync).
You got used to getting 10m away hits real fast there buddy.
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What stutter? The movements were exactly the same speed, just with added frames so they didn't look so ridiculous. The current animations are the worst yet visually and feel like you're on roller skates rather than running with friction. Having played 100 hours on the 4.5.0 movement, the only thing I had any problem with was spins, but that isn't worth completely scrapping all the transitions imo.
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i noticed a issue when turning and getting off gens where slow because it had to go through the animations which kinda sucked when a stealth killer suddenly turned up and i had to wait for my character to turn around before they decided to run
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360ing only works on bad killers. Meanwhile, rank 1 killers are slaughtering.
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lmao those are beginner level survivors can spin at least twice that speed.
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It’s funny how some Survivors are getting so defensive over 360s now. Like what’s really going to happen on the Survivor side if they get removed? Are Survivors just that obsessed with their existence and 4.5.0 was that scary to them? They hurt last gen console frames anyways so it’d be a good thing if they were removed. It’s not like the devs are going to suddenly optimize them.
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This game is supposed to have full speed movement as soon as the button pressed down like many old school 2D games (Contra for example). To give survivors option to do zigzac movement like a Deer does against a Cheetah.
Mario is one of the rare game have acceleration since the beginning. So they have slowed down / turn animation when you turn the direction
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I couldn't 360 for the life of me. Yall make such a big deal out of survivors able to do it, but that's just the minority. As per the other comment said, high ranking killers are slaughtering. The animations makes movements slow, difficult to try to dodge or turn or mind game etc. Go try survivor. Don't even need to do 360, just try to survive like most of us. Go against not low ranking killers, and where more than half of the matches did either camp or tunnel or both.
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Yes, we're upset about 360s. Before the update, nobody tried to 360. After, everybody is 360ing because they can't loop and have to use bad animation exploits. Especially with killers like Legion, Hag, Demogorgon, they get aim dressed more than usual.
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You're right about that! We here in DBD like to preserve as many skilless perks and mechanics as possible, most of all 360s. Why be skillful and loop when you can just spin and get i-frames?
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It's not hard to back up and watch the survivor spin a circle. Do you need to be spoon fed every hit now?
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I hope they do bring back locomotion to some degree - but tweaked to feel more responsive. It did make animations look better.
I could care less about 360s. I use plain old jukes and they succeed about the same rate.
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Well, I take it back.
OP apparently isn't the only person who can't hit spins.
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Apparently I do, which is fair since survivors also get spoonfed on hits in general. This isn't like CoD where you can melee attack without someone even being on your screen and you hit them. You must have perfect aim at point blank, and even then aim dressing will rob you. I keep having seasons where I think I've outgrown 360s, but then I get 360d. They're very unhealthy for the game since they only work on "bad" killers and killers who get aim dressed more often like Demogorgon and Legion.
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The problem with 360s, is that they only actually work because of auto aim not because of any actual skill the survivor did that the killer couldn't counter. They don't work most of the time, but sometimes the autoaim kicks in and says "nope, you are going to hit this rock over here instead"
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Well I'm sorry but I play on controller. Very high sensitivity is too much but let's me hit 360s, and less sensitivity ensures that the 360s will work. Even without the controls issue, the devs have to introduce aim dressing into the mix! So keep on thinking people getting 360d is a skill problem and not what it is: an unreactable, unrealistically fast survivor turn rate problem.
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I agree with this. I think a couple of the animations look alright, but the walking animation specifically looks much worse. Also, crouch walking looks like something out of a Scooby Doo cartoon.