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My trophies won’t transfer for dead by daylight

lastkings438 Member Posts: 2
edited November 2020 in General Discussions


  • TrialByFire476
    TrialByFire476 Member Posts: 100
    edited November 2020

    4 of my trophies carried over, but not the rest.

    Edit: All of my trophies carried over.

    Edit 2: I meant to update this earlier, but couldn't find the thread. My trophies had carried over but then they suddenly disappeared. They were there even after I upgraded to the PS5 version, but then they were removed.

    Keep in mind, this is BHVR's doing, not Sony's.

    Post edited by TrialByFire476 on
  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2020

    What?! All of your trophies carried over to the PS5 version? Can you please share how you did it? Only the prestige 1 and 2 trophies carried over to the PS5 version for me.

    EDIT: Here’s what mine look like.

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,887

    I'm going to curl up into a ball and and sob if mine don't transfer over when I get a PS5. I have every trophy in the game. Three years of hard work. I don't want to have to do it all again!

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467
    edited November 2020

    I only have most of them but feel the same way. 155 trophies is a lot for one game (it’s only 149 now because Freddy and Quentin still need to be added). Adept Nurse is going to be hell to get with the new requirements. Not sure if I’m going to simply make a thread about it or wait until the next Q&A to bring this up to the devs though.

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    This is normal. It’s seen as an entirely separate game

  • Kev19915
    Kev19915 Member Posts: 117

    I feel your pain...I hope they can do something about this. Skilled huntress was not fun...

  • TheClownIsKing
    TheClownIsKing Member Posts: 6,278

    The devs can’t do anything about this because it has nothing to do with them. As far as the console is concerned it’s an entirely separate game. This was no different when there were cross gen games on PS3 and PS4. The Last of Us & Shadow of The Colossus come to mind.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,707

    I'd find it stranger if they did transfer. PS3 to PS4 didn't and you could even have multiple of the same game as trophy sets if you got different versions.

  • TrialByFire476
    TrialByFire476 Member Posts: 100

    Thank you for replying to me. I couldn't find the thread. So, I made a mistake. At first, all of my trophies did carry over, but then they disappeared.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951
    edited November 2020

    You both couldn't be more wrong. The transition from PS3 to PS4 and now from PS4 to PS5 was similar but dependent on the game. Your trophies don't "transfer," they are tied to your PSN account. They come along with you but will remain as PS3 or PS4 trophies. The confusion comes when the game introduces a secondary trophy list exclusive to that console. PS3 to PS4 saw various approaches, some games simply updated the existing trophy set to reflect both PS3 and PS4. Other games introduced a entirely new (and identical) trophy set on PS4, separately from its PS3 counterpart. Some games that introduced a new PS4 trophy set auto-popped every trophy you earned on the PS3 version as soon as you loaded up the PS4 version. Others required you to completely start over, however some titles in this category allowed you to import your save file from the PS3 version and thus make re-earning the trophies on PS4 much easier. The final approach involved recognizing your PS3 progress but requiring you to earn an additional incementation to trigger the new PS4 trophy. Basically if a game required you to defeat 1000 enemies, all you would need to do is kill 1 enemy on your PS4 game to trigger the trophy that required 1000 kills. This is because the game honored your progress.

    Everything above is the same for PS5 except Sony has decided to introduce a new trophy set for the PS5 version of every game to date. However the way trophy progress is handled varies yet again. Destiny 2, No Man's Sky and Fortnite will auto-pop every trophy you have earned on the PS4 set by just logging in. Other games like Cold War require one incrementation or action to trigger the new trophy. And games like Sackboy and Miles Morales require a fresh play, unless you import your save from the PS4 version to make unlocking the same trophies much easier.

    So DBD, imo should do the auto-pop or incrementation version of honoring our PS4 progress. Instead it is a complete reset (except for the prestige trophies which auto-pop), so if you were at 999/1000 Hatchets on PS4, you will need just one on PS4 to get that trophy but still need 1000 for the new PS5 trophy.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,707

    Huh, well the more you know. I've had a few PS3 games that I've re-bought on PS4 and they all had separate trophies and I needed to play through them again to get so I had assumed all the games were like that. I had no idea there were so many variations on them.

  • SnakeSound222
    SnakeSound222 Member Posts: 4,467

    I didn’t know that PS3, PS4, and PS5 had an incrementation version for trophies. That would be a great idea if the devs or Sony can’t/won’t allow the auto-pop upon login.

    What about trophies like the Adepts, From the void she kills, Evil Incarnate, Where did they go, and other trophies that require you to do something in a single game? I’d rather keep those than the grindy ones. The grindy ones will take some time but aren’t that bad. Those other ones are so luck reliant that they can easily be a nightmare.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    yeah, in fact I never realized it until I saw this thread and thought about all the different variations and situations regarding the trophy generation transition. I actually almost didn't post because I knew it would be so difficult to explain lol a good tip is if the game has a way to export the save to the next generation version, I create multiple saves at different checkpoints such as right before a boss kill so that I can transfer the save to the next gen version and kill the boss and pop the trophy. That way it's much easier to get the platinum a second time if that's something you're interested in.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I think it's up to the developers to decide. That's a good point. Imo all of the trophies should auto pop that you've already earned on the PS4 version. That seems like the best solution, what exactly is accomplished by requiring everyone to earn the same trophies again? Especially as you point out some of the more difficult or tedious ones. I'm sure if they wanted to, they can update the game to honor PS4 progress in the PS5 version of the game. Hopefully they do something because unlocking all of these trophies again is a super chore.

  • Kev19915
    Kev19915 Member Posts: 117
    edited November 2020

    I was sent this link by Clyde, I don’t recall reading anything about trophies not being transferred when this post was originally made. However now it says:

    Will my trophies be transferred?

    Due to technical limitations, we are unfortunately unable to transfer your trophies at this time.”

    The at this time, gives me some hope I guess.


    ps. Sorry about the caps, when I copied the text it changed the font size.

  • AshitakaNago
    AshitakaNago Member Posts: 2

    It actually is up to the developers for whether or not trophies transfer. Ubisoft did it with R6, they fixed the transferral of trophies for Valhalla. They are looking into a fix for For Honor. It works with Fortnite, Destiny 2, No Man’s Sky, and others. If DBD wanted people to receive trophies that they had already gotten before on last gen, it would have been done. It’s up to the developers.

  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    I can definitely confirm that the information about trophies was added way after the launch. Sackboy just got an update last week, all of the trophies auto pop assuming you import your save file from the PS4 version. It's really weird that this is how it's being done for dead by daylight, because all of the progress is stored on the servers so why does it reset the progress.

  • Wild_Cloud
    Wild_Cloud Member Posts: 7
    edited February 2021

    Does anyone know if this has been changed? I won't have access to my PS5 in a few days so I was thinking about playing the game on my PS4. However, if trophies don't share between versions, there is no way I would do that.