How to win against Freddy purple to red ranks

A- spawn in notice the sleep time ticking away.
B- find closest pallet/window, proceed to fast vault repeated to get the killers attention.
C- get hit by Freddy which causes mangled, exhausted, broken, hindered, into the dream world, ruin, thanatophobia, a fake pallet spawns on top of you and your now inside a snare.
D- get hooked, try to Kobe off the hook. Proceed to die.
congratulations , you just escaped a 45 min trial in under 3 mins! Now you can queue up for an actual match.
Instructions unclear, I'm stuck in the ceiling fan.
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This is literally what survivors do and they try to call killers entitled babies. Absolutely pathetic, and of course BHVR just caves in to them everytime they stomp their feet and they give these kinds of players exactly what they want.
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Finally a counter and it works on all the B O R I N G killers.
Brb, gonna write a post about how killers are op and spam "look at the kill rate!"
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Tbh it is the best counter to forever Freddy and Freddy in general!
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Play safe and slam gens beats freddy, his early game is weak.
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Press ESC key, click on leave match.
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Step One: Open Menu, click Leave Match.
Step Two: Rant online about Freddy to wait out that DC timer
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You can blow up gens you don't care about to wake yourself up giga quick. Being awake stymies all of Freddy's power. It brings back his terror radius so BT even works.
Thanatophobia doesn't stop healing speed anymore, so medkits end up ruining a lot of Freddy's momentum.
Red Herring can massively waste Frebby's time. We'll make it really messes with his momentum. Kindred helps let your team know what gen he turns toward after unhook. Distortion lets you avoid common BBQnC on Freddy and commit to gens.
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Lol it’s not throwing the game due to presence in killer. If 90% of people absolutely despise playing against that one killer then I think the killer is the problem. And I’m assuming the devs agree other wise why would he be getting reworked. :D
nice try tho.
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How to screw your teammates.
Do what op suggests.
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at least 3 of 4 survivors do this, either at the start or on first hook against Freddy. 3/4 is the same as 75%.
I think the feeling is unanimous
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Lol. According to you no one ever wins against Freddy which is untrue.
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Just run object of obsession
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If 90% of killers think there’s a problem with gen speed....oh wait
Git gud. Freddy isnt even the strongest killer
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I've had three Freddy's in a row tonight and honestly by the 2nd one I was ready to locker spam to get him to hook me so i could die. He's by far the most un fun killer.
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And here I thought Spirit was the super duper anti fun ultra unfair ggezbabyKiller.
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The Freddy changes can't come fast enough.
I genuinely don't know what you're supposed to do against a full on ruthless Forever Freddy build.
I tried to play against it earlier with a friend and we were only able to get 1 gen done. It's literally oppressive like I don't see how you can beat it unless you have a perfect team of 4 players who all do everything perfectly
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But as we know that's every single team at Red ranks. Anyone you lose to is a perfectly coordinated 4man swf no matter what, anyone you beat are a solo team no matter what.
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”forever freddy” op......Now I see who the game is balanced towards. These kind of survivors who want their hand held.
I’m assuming some popular streamer said something which has caused people to rage quit and give up like this. Because forever freddy was a thing a year ago and people didnt consider it hopeless they just played on. Not saying its the most fun build to go against but people played on and people won. Now you’re all acting like it’s literally impossible.
Thats how it was with spirit. Nobody has an issue, popular streamer makes salty exagerrated statement and suddenly everyone disconnects against her because “Mr Strimmer said this killer is OP therefore it’s fact”
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I would rather play against Freddy maxed out on slow-downs than a Distressing Doctor on The Game.
Both are annoying AF and can be massive time sinks if you're team plays horribly (or DCs because they are whiny little bitches), but at least Freddy doesn't make your screen fizz, cause random screaming, and that damn backwards skillcheck.
I won't DC against them, but ffs they can both ######### right off.