

New Chapter Idea: MAGNUM OPUS?

Member Posts: 9
edited October 2019 in Creations


I don't know if a similar idea has been posted, but i would like to describe to you my idea for a killer and a survivor.

The killer would be art themed, which is why i think the name for the chapter should be something like "Magnum Opus", or maybe something like theater of ( shadows, pain, tragedy, there would be many words very fitting here).

The backstory for the killer:

This would be a woman, and her name should revolve around darkness ( like melanie, or maybe adriana). She would have been raised in a household with abusive parents, that mistreated her (one of the things they did would be to cut her hair for "being too pretty" or throwing her down the basement stairs and locking her there, starving her for days), where her only pasttime was drawing on old discarded paper there, which made her a formidable artist ( there are artist survivors, but no killer yet, and i think that art and killer could be wonderfully combined), i would make the father alcoholic that basically always passed out and the mother the main abuser, and one night the mother smoked and fell asleep while doing so, and set the whole house on fire, killing the father and herself in the process and the killer only escaped because she was locked into the basement ( through a tiny window in the basement, that cut her while climbing through). I would then have her being placed in psychiatric care, where she gets assigned a social worker ( who is the survivor), who treats her kindly, and helps her get back on her feet, although she has relapses of depression and her trauma haunts her. One day they have an appointment in a mental hospital which i would place in the black forest in germany, where she has a fallout with the doctor treating her, which triggers her badly, and on the way back through the steep cliffs and forests ( hence the black forest) she hears the entity's whispers and the road becomes foggy, and the entity promises her salvation from her suffering, and a place where she is loved, and since she has this really bad phase, she urges her worker to stop the car, which he does, she gets out into the fog, and towards the cliff, where she wants to jump, and does so, but the survivor holds onto her, and they both fall, which by definition of the entity makes her a killer, because she pulled the other one to their death, although not by her choice. The road could be in any country where there are roads on steep cliffs, but as far as i know there really isn't anyone in the entity's realm that comes from germany, and i know the black forest would be fitting quite well.

The backstory for the survivor:

I would make this one a man with a name referring to light ( like maybe lucille, or dawn), he should also look pale with slightly longer, ruffled, light blonde hair, and grey eyes. He would have grown up in a loving family where he was a "colorful" character, not really fitting in with what society wanted him to do ( a victim of bulling outside of his family), and overcoming the stereotypes imposed on him with the help of his parents. And he should have studied at an university, and he is highly empathatic, which is why he later chose a profession that might seem unsusual for men. I think his parents died ( maybe in a car crash) and for a new start he goes to another country. Originally, as my first name suggestion implies, i would make him french, but he could come from other countries, too. He is a person who believes that by helping others, he helps himself. And he gets a job as a social worker, where he is introduced to the killer, and they become friends, and for example celebrate her birthday together, which her parents wouldn't have done. They would be very close. And then, on the fateful day, he also sees the fog coming, and her frantic behaviour, making him stop the car and he watches her step closer towards the edge, tries to hold her and keep her from jumping, which he actually manages to do, but then he feels a push, and falls with her and ends up in the entities realm, his car still lost on that mountain road.

I think the killer should be called either the puppet, the doll, or marionette, like someone who is controlled by strings by another person. She would have dark greyish skin, have a dress, which would maybe be torn, long, dark wavy hair. Her face would either look like a wooden doll, where that sqaure on her chin can move ( kinda a bit like a nutcracker, she could have scratches on her torso), in which case she should make cracking sounds while walking, or she should be a doll made of fabric with stitches all over. I think her eyes should be hollow and black, even the whites of the eyes; her face is made out of something solid, it could be cracking around her eyes, maybe even leaving a huge black hole where her eyes should be. I think she should also have something on her head, maybe a flower wreath ( in this case flowers that represent death would be fitting, like white lilies or maybe white crysathems) or a hat or bow of sorts( playing into many people's fear of dolls), i think her generall clothing designs should be inspired by gothic lolita dresses, and i think she should also be barefoot ( as a reminder of her basement time). For a weapon i would give her either a pair of scissors, or a dip pen/quill, maybe even a long one which you could wield two handed. Maybe, if she indeed comes from germany, she could have something german in her design, too, like antlers on her head, or maybe there are corsett parts of her dress which could be made from leather. Maybe an eagle placed on her chest, like the wraith has this little figure on his phantom of the opera outfit. She might also be from somewhere else, depending on where that cliff would be. She could have a gaping hole in her chest( representative of a torn out heart) She could also wear a hood, but i think she should not wear a mask, it is important that her face is seen, but it is also important that it is rigid, and maybe broken, and hollow.

Her power should revolve either around cutting things, or ink, although i am not too sure what it could be that isn't already in the game, or too similar to what is already existing. I thought for the ink maybe something that can shoot from afar and block windows and pallets maybe, or she can draw things into life and copy other killers ( like drawing herself a chainsaw, or fake pallets, and which killer she copies could be determined by addons, so even if you know the killers early, you might not know his second ability until much later, which would be exciting i think). If it would be the scissors, it would be something that cuts long distances. That would actually work with the ink idea as well. I had thought of something that looks like in the game okami, there you can open a drawing screen and draw a line, and it cuts the ingame monster, so maybe something where the killer swings her weapon and it only hits a certain distance away, maybe with a charge mechanic, determining where the hit lands. Or like in Zelda, you hold a button to charge and then slice in an arc, and you charge the distance you wish to cut, and then only a line in the distance you charged up slices. Maybe one could make the ink rain, which could be an area effect, and you'd have to find shelter beneath something, or get out of the rain, or get hurt ( or get another status effect), it could also be kinda like a trap, that has a timer effect before something happens, like a rune on the ground, although this is pretty similar to what already exists.

As is said, i would make the survivor a young, 25ish looking man, with pale blond hair, pale skin and grey eyes, so light that it would almost seem he glows. He should wear something informal, maybe a hoodie and jeans, or he could also wear something "stylish", which really depends on what social dress code he breaks, he could break the one where you always have to look fancy, in which case he should wear a hoodie, or he might break the rules of what men should conventionally wear. He could probably be both, if he would get more outfits.

For killer perks i suggest something that revolves around something artsy, her knowledge of her corresponding survivor, and her traumatic experiences.

The first perk could be something like this: Years of evading punishment taught you well. When you hook a survivor you gain a token, use one token to hide your terror radius for ()seconds.

Maybe for the second perk something like: You are obsessed with a survivor, if you kill the obsession last you gain extra bloodpoint , or maybe even double them(because wanting to spare the loved one which would also give the obsession more oppurtunity to get through the hatch, thus sparing the loved one completely, also it would be another perk other than barbecue and chili to help get bloodpoints kinda like we're gonna live forever)

Maybe for the third perk something like this: The killer can't stand groups of people, so when more than one survivor is close to the killer ( like maybe 12 meters or something) the killer gains something that makes him faster, maybe faster attack speed, or faster walking ( since it would represent fight or flight reaction and maybe even the speed, since the killer didn't fight back much when still alive)

For survivor perks i would suggest something that revolves around the survivor "knowing the killer", their great urge to help others and maybe their intelligence.

Maybe the first perk could be something like this: if you start as an obsession and the first time the killer gets in chase with you, he is stunned for () seconds, but sees your aura for () seconds ( Because of the shock of seeing a loved one)

Maybe the second perk could be something like this: You know people depend on you. If everyone is injured or downed for () seconds, you get a rush of energy to get up and help, and heal one health state (or since this has harsh conditions maybe heal completely)

Maybe the third perk could be something like this: Escape is close, but you know the killer might even be closer, you need to trick him. When you open one of the exit gates, the other one looks as if it is opened in the same way( or is opened as well) in the same speed. <- that might be awesome with wake up

I think this would be a good idea, the contrast between the two sides, clashing together in the entities realm, light and darkness becoming pawns, or toys. For the entity to trick the killer into supposedly killing the survivor ( all while it more than helped out), who was their best and only friend, would bring unfathomable anguish over the killer (which the entity feeds on), but she would be forced to do the entities bidding anyway, having her freedom and will taken away once again, a puppet whose strings the entity pulls, forcing her to basically relive her trauma again and again and again. She never chose to kill anyone but herself, and now has to be the executioner. And maybe even use her only escape, her art, for it .

The entity also took the survivor's will to help and to be different and turned it into his doom, by pushing him off that cliff, the memento of his parents who supported him in finding his own way among the pressure of others for naught, it didn't matter how much he struggled to break free of his role, he now got a new one forced onto him, endlessly trying to save other, only for him to constantly fail.

I think the best -or in their case worst- part is that killer and survivor were very close, and both of them get their free will taken away despite fighting hard to gain it in adverse circumstances, and both are forced into roles the entity has chosen for them. Once they happily celebrated togther, now he has to run and she has to hunt. They looked really different, and were in fact very different people with different stories, but they still were so similar, and now they are forced to be enemies. Kinda like staring in a mirror and seeing the opposite stare back.

Also since it is confirmed that killers to get involved with each other, i would put this killer together with the hillbilly. It is not clear if the hillbilly can properly communicate, but she can draw pictures, which would make it easier for him to understand. She could also leave drawings for him to find ( so she could avoid him chasing her with his chainsaw, which he would probably do), and i think it would be a cute idea to become friends or even more by sharing their similar expieriences in their lifes before the entity ( also this would open the possibility for a hillbilly outfit with cat ears since he's already purring).

I would love to see someone for the hillbilly, and even though i have to admit that he has probably not the mind of an adult and couldn't consent to things, i think it would still be awesome for him to get a friend. Since that didn't happen already i thought this killer, or the idea of this killer, might be good.

For a map i would suggest a multi-story doll house, maybe even with three stories. Each room could have different features, like there could be one with canvases, or one with broken tvs. I think it should be in cube form, 3x3x3 rooms, and one of the lowest rooms spawns the basement. On the lowest floor there might be grass peeking through the ground. I am still working on every single room.

I might edit this with a picture sometime, or if i get more ideas for this. I also hope people who read this and have maybe better perk ideas comment and tell me. And i hope whoever reads this likes this and maybe the developers see this and think this idea is good ( or parts of it, and hopefully the backstory, because i really like it and spent a lot of time on it) and maybe some of this gets implemented into the game. I would certainly hope so. Dolls are something many people fear, and there isn't a doll yet.

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