Unpopular Opinion: Tunneling



  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    I'm responsible for MY fun, nobody else's. If you play in a matter that is foolish and run an injured and previously hooked survivor in front of me without protecting them, I am going to ruthlessly hunt down that prey

    don't like it? Get good and stop me

    It's that simple. The moment people stop worrying about how other people play their game and focus on their own, the better this community will get.

  • DeVTO
    DeVTO Member Posts: 12

    The problem I have is tunnel vision. I get that tunneling is an effective strat, but if I'm getting Tunneled, someone takes a hit, and the killer keeps coming for me anyway, That's a bit more annoying

  • dwight4life
    dwight4life Member Posts: 1

    Completely agree. I don't care about how the other players are feeling and whether or not I'm providing them with a good game experience. Hell, if anything, knowing I just completely wreaked survivors with a 4k is a great feeling! If I can't get a 4k, I'll still enjoy tunneling a survivor and knowing I ######### up at least one of them. Killers are there to kill survivors by any means the game has provided for. Anybody that thinks there is a way the game is "supposed" to be played can ######### off. Devs provide functionality, and players decide how to use the functionality.

  • Mysterynovus
    Mysterynovus Member Posts: 318

    My biggest issue comes from when teammates set me up to get tunnelled with horrible saves. Like, don't unhook someone when the Killer is close enough to smell your farts, they're going to get downed again.

  • SpookyPumpkinPiez
    SpookyPumpkinPiez Member Posts: 278

    I was tunneled so hard I only got around 400 bp. Yes killers are allowed to do whatever the heck they want, but sometimes it's just too overboard.

  • DwightFairfield
    DwightFairfield Member Posts: 1,246

    As a survivor main, I dislike tunneling because it feels cheap, even with the meta perks you'll feel powerless as the killer can just barrel you down and take you out while your teammates escape.

    On the same note, when a killer is tunneling someone he's not actively searching for other survivors, so it's generator repair simulator.

    However I absolutely see why killers need to tunnel to win, I just approve of it more when it's out of necessity and not out of toxicity

  • FrenziedRoach
    FrenziedRoach Member Posts: 2,600

    There is a definate difference between doing it to be a dick and doing it because the opportunity was presented on a silver platter complete with side dishes and a garnish.

    The latter is where I fall. I don't seek out to tunnel anybody because it's best to slow the game down by spreading out the pain. But if somebody hook farms or surivvors give me no reason to leave, you I'm going to be cold and ruthless about punishing that bad gameplay.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    Keys, DS + Unbreakable are also tactics.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,367

    gr8 b8 m8

  • ukenicky
    ukenicky Member Posts: 1,352

    By the very same logic, gen rushing should be a viable tactic for Survivors, no?

    Oh, right Killers will complain and cry about Survivors who do that. See that? It can go both ways.

  • TheBigBingus
    TheBigBingus Member Posts: 97

    you know that's like 90% of dbd right? sitting still on gens, or sitting still on hook, that's the whole objective. maybe if they don't like that then they shouldn't be playing dbd.

  • NVerde
    NVerde Member Posts: 264

    I don't like being tunnelled or camped as a survivor, but what annoys me even more is when I AM being tunnelled or camped, the rest of my team not making the most of the opportunity to work on objectives. Seems like the best way to put killers off from this behaviour is to punish them for it by taking advantage of the free time.

    Not played much killer but the only time I will tunnel someone is if they are toxic, sure I'll lose the game but it's satisfying to get them out of it asap.

  • GamerGirlFeng
    GamerGirlFeng Member Posts: 277

    My personal opinion is killers can tunnel and camp all they want. Make the game as unfun for everyone else as they so desire.

    Just don't throw a tantrum when survivors decide to play stealthy and/or genrush to avoid such things.

    I swear killers want survivors to throw themselves on hooks for the ez wins, but they'll somehow find a way to complain and call survivors entitled for that, too.

  • Aquamarine
    Aquamarine Member Posts: 207

    If there's a good tactic that completely ruins the fun for an individual player, the game is not designed very well, and with DBD, that's exactly the case. Of course tunneling is a tactic (aggressive use of DS and 4XBNP are tactics as well), but that doesn't mean those tactics are healthy.

  • BenZ0
    BenZ0 Member Posts: 4,125

    You use the word inmature and in the second sentence you talk about "sad killer player taking the game way too seriously"... xD Sry but I cant take you sirious. Well I guess you dont play killer so there is no point to discuss about that.

  • ExalyThor
    ExalyThor Member Posts: 67

    Tunneling Claudettes is a viable counter to them turning into tall grass. Leave them alone one second and they're gone forever.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Well, I'm just doing what survivors want. After a match they tell me to "tunnel harder". So that's what I do.

    So far the survivors don't seem satisfied with my performance. As they keep telling me to tunnel even harder.

    Trying to satisfy the wishes of survivors is really hard. I wonder when it will be enough.

    Signed: Bubba

  • Alphasoul05
    Alphasoul05 Member Posts: 601
    edited February 2021

    Most of the time when I get tunneled I get really annoyed, but then I generally understand why they're doing it, so it makes me less annoyed. It's really easy for you to lose a game if you're not a really knowledgeable or skilled killer if the survivors are even halfway competent, so I can't blame them for it.

    But if you go out of your way to do it even when you don't really have to, then you're still a bad player making excuse for your bad play. You're better off proxy camping and watching nearby gens and doing everything you can to force your first hooked survivor to shift health states so you can kill them off later when you really need pressure.