Clues on the Chapter 19

Okay here are my thoughts.
1: The survivor might be some kind of pop star, more specifically a K-Pop singer. People have said there's Korean text. Also, Magnum Opus is when something reaches its peak art and creativity which also enforces it.
2: The killer might have a strong emphasis on surveillance systems or has a strong correlation to them.
3: It might not be a licenced chapter. I really don't know what other character has that outfit and hairstyle. From most of the horror movies and horror games I've seen, this might be a unique chapter.
Feel free to add more to this.
Edit 1: The Korean text says “Fighting” but not in a physical sense, more of an encouraging kind of way.
Edit 2: There’s also a possibility that the survivor is a hacker and the killer is an artist serial killer from what I’ve been reading.
Edit 3: They just sent another post, it's a blue exotic dress and they mentioned coffee in Seoul. Again might reinforce that the person is a Korean pop star?
Edit 4: This could be the Twitter "Pre-Tragedy" story before the survivor gets taken by the entity.
Edit 5: People have said the one in the PFP is wearing a tie, interesting...
Edit 6: They released a music player that rewinds, okay this totally has to be pop star-related. But also... what if it's hinting what the killer could do? Could they rewind time? Just a hunch.
Edit 7: They released another teaser, something about an interview being cancelled and a mention of a fire incident that happened before. "That's the day, that Saturday is the anniversary of the fire."
I think the killer is a hacker or something along those lines.
The survivor is likely some k-pop singer or something like you have said, and the killer is some hacker who stalks media celebrities and kills them or some weird thing like that.
II1 could mean a hyperfinite type II factor where as "M" is a II1 factor. So I've been guessing that is either tied to the Magnum Opus name, and less being used as a term for a literal meaning, and more as an alias of some hacker or such who is pretty high up there and possibly owns the company that said K-pop star is working for, what better way to achieve their ultimate end goal?
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It could be like the "Perfect Blue" like trope where a pop star gets stalked by an increasingly violent fan that eventually tries to kill them.
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Maybe, but obsessed with only one person might not make for an interesting killer, it would be someone who has a tendency of being obsessed with one person, that could be made to fit the game much better. There are plenty of other survivors after all so there needs to be more motivation.
That would also open the door for a new obsession based perk or two that might be fun....or entirely useless more likely knowing bhvr haha.
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Magnum Opus.
Mightee One.
Clearly, this all points to Ricardo Milos.
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Maybe, but obsessed with only one person might not make for an interesting killer,
Via Reddit
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Dam, I think you hit the nail on the head. Really seems plausible judging by all the evidence.
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Personally feel that the girl from the pic is the killer she's the "hacker" maybe she controls a robot? Like, Charlotte and Victor, but again we never know there is so much possibilities. OR Dead By Daylight is just trolling us and we made have a whole different type of Killer (and survivor) considering almost everyone thought "Blight" was a werewolf.
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Originally I thought he was going to be some kind of alchemist who was basically a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde inspired character, with a Victorian era theme; who used his own substances to allow him to transform into something monstrous to attack survivors.
I wasn't too awfully far off tbh I was pretty proud of how close I was on that one haha.
However with the twins I had no ****ing clue but everything I hoped for was better than what we got. I was like, sure a Wendigo or Canadian monster/killer would be cool but that was about it- tbh that still interests me more than the twins do.
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Except the killer in that show was her manager who didn’t want her to go into acting vs being a pop idol.
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Would be kind of cool if the killer is a robot, and for the creator (person in the image), it's their "magnum opus" creation. Having the creator as a survivor in the same chapter would be kind of interesting
Anyways... there's not much to go on. Could be a ######### space viking for all we know. Teaser trailer might narrow things down a bit more but it seems like right now, seems like it could be virtually anything art or technology centered
Edit: pictured - the new killer. Possibly
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Kpop idol survivor and a saesang killer lol
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Where are these clues from?
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From reading other people, the Korean text on one of the twitter posts, and for the monitors it’s just really using my hunch. The popstar kind of vibe with the neon colors. But the survivor could also be a hacker, who knows.
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In a way, she was the ultimate fan in the end. Imitation is often the greatest form of flattery.
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I think if the twins was instead named the mother, it would've been better, but then again it would've been problematic and caused some issues.
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Michael would like to know your location.
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Yeah it's still apparent if you look at all their add ons haha.
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Yeah just because they made them twins doesn't remove the fact it was supposed to be a mother like killer, hell I would've been fine if the twins/ Charrlote was an oversized human teddy/mama bear, but nope, gotta make them siblings.
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Maybe siren game
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why you gotta quote me 3 time lmao
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3 times is the charm 🌠
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Tbh it's weird too, your brother just lives in your boob cavity lol.
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basically, but what's done is done sadly
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New Update: They showed what seems to be a music player that rewinds. Is this related to the survivor? Or is it hinting what the killer could do?
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New Teaser: Something about cancelling an interview? There was something about a fire that happened a while ago.