Playing killer seems to be a chore and the fun has gone

I feel as tho anything killer mains suggest fall on deaf ears. This game needs to balance everything out.
Old DS was a 3/4/5 second stun usable from the moment you're picked up.
It was then nerfed to 3/3.5/4 seconds.
Then the Obsession requirement was added. The Obsession could use the perk immidiately, non-Obsessions would need to wiggle to 33% before being able to use the perk.
From here it stayed until the release of the Plague, which I believe was 2.6.0. Here DS got the major overhaul, now being used during the pickup animation however the stun duration was a flat 3 seconds. In addition the perk was only usable for 40/50/60 seconds after an unhook. Patch 2.6.1 made this a 5 second stun to counteract the negative effects Enduring had on the perk. Patch 2.7.0 iirc changed Enduring to only affect part stuns however was more effective in doing so.
This takes us to current day DS.
Patch 4.6.0 will include the future changes to DS, having the perk deactivate when doing anything to progress the game (which I'm a fan of, tbh).
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OoO change is actually a buff. the only people the change is a nerf for is swf that abuse it.
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It absolutely is significant to remove pallets.
Map reworks (other than The Game) have always been Survivor nerfs.
A few seconds really matters. Would you rather have a gen take 28 seconds with 4 people or 36?
Toolbox nerf was fairly recent. Less than a year ago and it was a huge deal. Brown toolboxes could last most of a gen.
Keys, DS and OoO have all had their nerfs confirmed. We even got to see what DS will look like (probably).
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map reworks are absolutely a general nerf to survivors and a buff to killers. deadzones and unsafe pallets galore. (the game excluded)
"we're talking seconds" ???? every second matters in this game.
toolboxes were nerfed. medkits & their add ons were nerfed. balanced landing was nerfed. bt was nerfed recently (4.5.0), ds nerf is coming, OoO rework is coming, key nerf/rework is coming, mettle of man was nerfed, etc. etc. etc.
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I am a fan of the new DS.
Still scratching my head as to why the buff to make it 5 seconds (which was specifically for Enduring) wasn't reverted when Enduring was nerfed.
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Like I said, I'm sure ur right. But I'm not talking about the dinosaur days.
I'm talking about the last 12-15 months. I can only talk about the game since I been playing. Which was when the pandemic started.
My argument has some ignorance behind it as I can only look back to the moment I started the game.
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You know it’s funny. I posted a response on a thread similar to the OP and it was removed and I was warned any further ‘attacks’ or trying to organize a ‘strike’ would be in violation of rules and punished. I was ‘warned’. How peculiar.
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Maybe they thought it was better at preventing tunneling this way, who knows?
All I know is I could and gladly will live happily never seeing old DS again. I still have flashbacks to those times.
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No I have not. I only started dbd when the pandemic started. And it's been killer nerfs.
But I hear it's been heavily survivor nerf prior to that.
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Yes A lot things are coming. But it hasn't arrived. That's the point I'm making.
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I was a new Killer back, right before Clown dropped. It's weird to see people who don't know what juggling is lmao
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well your point is stupid.
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I Got warned too. U have to be careful what u say about survivors. It's OK to bash killers though.
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Oh My bad.
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I rember joining just after Freddy and before Pig so I think that would've been November/December 2017 haha.
Old Freddy main here, hated it & myself. God old DS still sends me into a nervous breakdown. 1 gen left, you need pressure then bam someone you haven't hooked yet wiggles to 33% and you perish and cry in a corner
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One of my buddies mained Old Freddy. Wasn't sure if he was a masochist or enjoyed the challenge.
He also DESPISED old DS. Like, I hated it, but this man took it to a whole new level.
At that point, I would've been maining Wraith and Doctor....but then Legion dropped and I played him instead lol
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It actually does matter. @OniWantsYourMacaroni posted a list in this thread of what the devs have nerfed on the survivor side and those nerfs are the result of killers quitting the game or switching to survivor. If they didn't nerf those things, survivor queue times out be 30 minutes and the game would have died.
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Ic. But I don't think that was the point I was arguing about.
I was told to not buy killer dlc until the devs nerf it first.
I'm saying how can I forecast that?
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actually DS is going to be three times soon
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Toolbox nerf happened with deathslinger i think. WIth the whole sabo rework, and that was a big nerf.
Ive definetly noticed less pallets and especially a lot gone since the "dinosaur age".
The key and DS nerf is not a "maybe" those are confirmed and coming in like less than a month.
OoO is getting a rework that confirmed just not what itll be
and 4 man gen speed was nerfed by 12seconds which is pretty significant,
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Again, I played after the deaths linger dlc. I assume so as I remember the intro was the desert map w deaths linger chewing on something.
Idk what happened before than.
I dont notice any difference in pallets. If u do, u probably has thousands of hours where u know all the pallet placements. Majority of ppl don't even know how many pallets are in a map.
If the key is being nerfed and it's confirmed, than what exactly is the nerf? DS nerf is less than a month away? I hope it doesn't get nerfed. I think it's fine as it is.
OoO? Who uses that? Bully squads? Nobody I know ever uses OoO. This nerf is insignificant and pertains to a few minority.
4 man gen speed is a option. All 4 don't have to be on one gen. That's really a stretch. It's really insignificant in the grand scheme of things.
I am talking out of ignorance as well as I can only see the game for what it is since I've been playing.
I do acknowledge that survivors were nerfed before I started playing. And I joined dbd and they started nerfing killers.
But since the time I've known the game, killer nerfs were heavy compare to survivors.
'It will get nerfed in the future' doesn't count as it hasn't happened yet.
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LOL OK Karen. I have no issues as killer. You win some - ya lose some - same goes for Survivors.
FYI a "win" as killer doesn't mean 4k - if that is your barometer - that is a YOU issue.
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But If 1 survivor escapes, didn't he 'win'? Did the escaping survivor lose?
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The amount of nerfs on either side doesn't matter. The state of balance does. Killers should be strong enough to be a valid threat while fun enough to make the game enjoyable. Survivors should be strong enough to be a valid threat while not becoming overbearing to the Killer. It's a fine line, and mistakes are going to happen. New strats will need to be monitored and assessed for whether or not they need to be adjusted for the health of the game.
I only ever really have issues when people blindly defend overpowered/bad mechanics or make non-arguments (read: whataboutism, "You don't like {insert problematic mechanic} because you're bad", FNAF request threads, etc...)
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Wouldn't mind if they changed their attitude and instead buffed the crap out of both sides but meh...suppose nerfs are easier to do so that's why there are more nerfs than buffs.
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Also going to bring this up for funsies, but I DO think there is some argument to be had over the amount of nerfs in this game overall. GENERALLY SPEAKING, it's better to buff some aspects of a game than nerf others, so long as you can proper level the playing field. Nerfs are a thing that will always happen. However, I DO feel that buffing some of the less viable options for both Killer and Survivor would really help make those nerfs feel like they are more acceptable and warranted. There are many Perks on both sides that see almost no use because they are particularly weak. I won't say USELESS, because they DO have a use, but they tend to be marginal at best or have absurd pre-requisites that make them situational to the point of nearly impossible to use. The devs should REALLY look those over and buff them to make them more generally applicable to a match and to provide a more notable impact.
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Pretty much all these changes were absolutely needed.
To add a few to his list:
Insta heal.
Insta blind.
No entity blocker.
Hooks used to be gone for the entire game if sabotaged.
Gen speeds. They used to be 70 seconds.
I'm probably missing some, and honestly these were needed changes. This is why most survivors get annoyed when people like OP complain. They have no idea how much easier the game is for them.
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#########? Going on strike over a videogame, really? Also after the announcement of the ds and OoO nerfs I'm confident to say that they do hear killers
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They do fall on deaf ears. I've been playing this game since LF was new and it's the same problems. If you make any reports, they ignore you. However, if you're too loud they'll strike you. They only care about streamers, which is sad because tons more people love this game for what it is, rather than boring streamers.
InB4 Luzi strikes me again and deletes my comments 🙄
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Because 1,3 seconds of the stun are used for the animation alone. Even without Enduring a Killer catched up basically immediatly after getting hit with 3 second-DS. 1,7 seconds are only 7 meter of distance, this is not much.
As long as you are not able to use your DS right at the Exit Gates it was useless back then. And it was also not used with 3 second-Stun.
Glad we are through this strike, they are indeed listening to Killers. Man, what hard time this strike was!
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I seem to remember it being used a lot.
I think 4 seconds would've been fair, but it's getting nerfed in a healthy way, so I'll take what I can get.
Also, why did the entire first page of this thread get deleted?
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It got nerfed in the Plague-Chapter (I think, or somewhat around that) and if you look up games from like two weeks after the Chapter, you will not see many DS.
I only used it shortly after the Plague-Release (did not use old DS, thought it was unfair, would certainly not limit myself again these days, lol), but stopped using it until they buffed it, because it was basically pointless.
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I think I still have some screenshots saved from back then, so I'll take a look.
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The only bad thing the devs did against killer mains is to nerf Billy! Thats it.
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The game rework was a survivor nerf too. It was previously one of the best stealth maps for survivors, you could juke the killer in the lower levels till chrismas if thats your playstyle (its mine for sure). With the rework, a lot of the line-of-sight blockers are gone, the stairs are see-through. They made that up with some pallets, but i do belive the map rework was a survivor nerf too.
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It has 25+ pallets and there are 6 god pallets that will ALWAYS spawn.
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Then why did clown, doctor, bubba and Freddy all get reworks?
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'playing killer seems to be a chore and the fun is gone'
welcome to playing killer on DBD. either you play meta and get called toxic, or you play who you want and depip every game.
if you want to continue playing the side that is often times screwed over by survivor main devs, removing the link between winning and having fun helps. (AKA you dont need to win to have fun)
or just run the meta perks and leave no man standing. revel in the tears and flames of survivors.
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This just isn't true. Stairs are the only "nerf" for survivors but even that hardly qualifies as a nerf when there aren't a ton of stairs anyways. Id much rather have a little more visibility given to killer as survivor (which survivor also technically benefits since they can see killer too) than be a killer with dozens of pallets. The game map is just not fun as killer and only a handful of killers can overcome the pallets (outside of playing against bad survivors)
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Bruh sometimes it seems like they only listen to killers, what are you talking about? They gave you animations for when we let go of a generator, slow down when a surviver drops while killer stays the same, and basically god like perks like bbq and chilli, and hex: undying, while we get some extra items out of a chest I guess. I say this just because I'm kinda done hearing that survivers have it better. While I'm well aware we definitely don't, I'm still gonna play cause it's fun and so should you. But maybe with a little less of a victim mindset.
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Playing killer is really unfun,and alot of killers will stop playing due to the unfairness. The survivor waiting times will be affected alot,so if the devs want to see their game last and not die they should balance their game
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I've been enjoying myself with killer. My worst game of last night was a 2K on Mother's Dwelling as Ghostface against what I suspect was a SWF group.
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Oh yes please nerf BBQ. Killers don´t camp enough.
Btw. Undying was nerfed so hard, i really wonder if anyone takes it anymore.
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I don't understand the point of constantly trying to compare whether Survivors or Killers have been nerfed more over the years.
It doesn't matter who got nerfed more often, or harder.
All that matters is what the state of the game is now, and what it needs.
Anything else is a distractionary tactic at best, and pointlessly whining at worst.